Show dips spurs and A angles agles the e silver lake mines in carroll county ty new hampshire produced lead and zinc concentrates during 1916 and were the only abines amines mines in the state reporting an output silver bearing copper ores were produced during 1916 at the new london and liberty bell mines in frederick county I 1 Al maryland aryland no gold output was reported froni nines mines in margand Ma though prospect dvork near great falls is still continued the T tropical oil company has opened an 1111 important oil field on its acre 1 concession in colombia south america the quality is said to be similar to pennsylvania 1 crude distance lack of transportation etc will probably prevent immediate development 11 suit for damages in the amount of 22 00 and the recovery of mining claims in the he lincoln district of beaver county utah has been filed by N II I 11 I jensen receiver for the crl creole ole mining company against th the e creole copper mines company isabelle binny enny underwriters trust company H S wooley and J M reynolds superintendent john H mcchrystal of the godiva mining company says that con sid erable high grade silver ore is coming from the lea lease leaskin sein in the companas comp anys property at eureka utah some of the ore assays essays up to ounces with an average of about 75 ounces these high grade streaks are not uncommon in the tintic gintic district the trout creek oil exploration company P has filed its articles of incorporation in salt lake there are shares R al holt is president A C greenhagen 6 vice president orrin jensen secretary and U S G todd consulting engineer and geologist the company plans to drill for oil at a point about forty miles south of gold hill utah secretary peter ballantine of the log cabin mining company has sent notices to stockholders calling a special meeting for june to be held in salt lake it is planned to vote upon the question of raising the par value of the shares from the present I 1 cent to 25 cents a share the property is located in the big cottonwood district of utah the rico argentine mining company of salt lake operating at rico colorado has shipped about 1000 tons of ore this month that brought from 12 to 1750 net per ton the mine is reported as being in fine physical condition with a large tonnage of shipping ore in sight R W griffin a well known and successful mining man is now company superintendent and is making a fine showing A shipment of silver bullion estimated to be worth over passed through ogden utah on may on a special train of fourteen steel express cars it was bound for the pacific coast each car was accompanied by two guards it is supposed that the government is sending the metal to the orient to pay off its obligations in india and china instead of sending gold as has been done in the past production of gasoline in 1917 showed an increase of 32 per cent over the figures for 1916 according to the government bureau of mines the daily increase was 1853 gallons with the last six in months of the year showing a good increase over the f first six total production was gallons or per day the total increase as compared with 1916 was 2058 gallons increase in the production of kerd kerosene sene was 7 per cent the year showing a total of gallons directors of the yellow pine mining company of goodsprings Good springs nevada have declared a dividend of 6 cents per share payable june to stock of record of the according to word from reno it calls for and brings the companas comp anys total for the year to the company subscribed to the third liberty loan fund giving it a total of worth 4 of liberty bonds and donated to the present red cross drive the mine is under the general management of fred A hale jr north and south carolina tin deposits may prove a new source of mineral wealth to the united states according to a report of the government geological survey the entire kings mountain region has been extensively ten prospected and there have been some attempts at mining at gaffney placer mining has been temporarily profitable but in the main working of the deposits has been conducted at a loss the conclusions of the report are that operations so far neither prove nor disprove the value of the deposits three groups of claims near morgan utah comprising the morgan crescent twenty eight 6 claims iron king six claims and the doston boston utah five claims have been consolidated under the name intermountain development company new machinery has been ordered and the ground is to be developed systematically A great deal of work has been done on the various groups in in the past and it is said that some important ore showings have been opened up the company is is under control of george T stenhouse of morgan and his associates the grand river placer company 0 of f salt lake city operating on the grand river near cisco utah is getting well started for aserson of continuous operation and is now employing a force of five men and two teams with scrapers after preliminary stripping the company has a six foot I 1 pay streak exposed on its bar and is treating from eighty to yards of gravel daily the pay dirt doing from 1 to 3 per yard in its gold content the company recently installed a 2 deck mitchell amalgamator amalgamate manufactured by W F mitchell of salt lake city the company holdings embrace 1000 acres 0 W kumrow is president and W H penner is secretary and treasurer |