Show ess 0 COAL WEEK FROM JUNE 3 TO 8 cods y coal week the period from june 3 to af 8 00 s been en selected by united states fuel 1 0 illi illustrator ni garfield for an intensive and ree 10 drive on the early ordering of coal ae e tuel fuel organizations of the various states sl county chairmen of fuel committees throughout the nation coal dealers chambers of commerce mine operators and others are all called upon to do their utmost to make this weeks drive a big success from some states has come the objection that the trouble about the coal supply does not come from the consumers industrial or domestic but from the dealers who complain that they can not get sufficient coal to deliver in spite of this the fuel administration is very anxious that the early ordering campaign be vigorously pushed by accumulating a large volume of ordez ardeis s in the hands of the dealers it is expected that there will be demonstrated to every agency concerned in the distribution of coal the universality and urgency of the demand and this in turn will give rise to a steady and increasing pressure for rapid and equitable distribution this is particularly true as to the railroads and other transportation agencies every unfilled order for coal will at once become an active and pressing argument for increased distribution efficiency by keeping coal orders constantly accumulating the resulting pressure it is believed will have the effect of keeping production at the highest possible point during the summer months it is also felt that with the bulk of the years supply of coal ordered well in advance the various distribution agencies of the government will be in a position equitably and properly to adjust the demands as between different communities it will be possible accurately to gauge the increased demand and properly to divide the available supply trade publication no 3 U S fuel administration |