Show CHIEF CONS QUARTERLY the chief consolidated mining company operating at eureka utah has issued its report for the first quarter of 1918 showing cash on hand total dividends to date total assets receipts for ore sales in the quarter quarterly disbursements of and tons of ore mined and marketed the report shows work in the three months of 2250 feet in the main property and in an aggregate of feet the metal content of the ore was 1677 ounces gold ounces silver and 2346 pounds of lead the ore averaged of an ounce gold ounces silver and 1255 per cent lead in the silver lead ores the zinc lead ores showed pounds zinc and pounds of lead which averaged 1990 per cent zinc and 1412 per cent lead the average value per ton of all ores was with smelting smelling sm elting freight sampling etc 1605 leaving net a ton the net profit after paying all charges was there were tons of lead ore mined 6 dry ore and tons of zinc lead ore a total of tons in the quarter the disbursements included dividends mining costs to plu machinery and equipment and liberty bonds purchased the assets include on mining claims investment international smelter first liberty bond second liberty bonds the capital stock is surplus and profit and loss current liabilities amount to inclusive of accounts payable march pay and unclaimed wages compensation act 1048 the reserve for taxes is and 2335 for personal injuries dividend no I 1 was paid feb 3 1913 J 10 cents carrying on the 4 shares issued today shares are ij sue sued d two 10 cent dividends have bee been 11 pa gaii this year inclusive of one on may ath 1 |