Show yavapai silver leveir si and oil 01 1 BY P R prescott ariz may 25 that yavapai county is both patriotic and prosperous is indisputably evidenced by the fact that it more than doubled its quota to the third liberty loan in the mining communities notably at jerome where every man employed by the united verde copper company numbering 2144 bought one or more bonds thus earning per cent rating the response to the call of the government was more than generous at some of the camps a few failed to do their duty but they did not remain a part of the working force very long as the men took the matter into their own hands and made it evident to the bond sl ackers that they were considered unde si of a type tape not to be tolerated among real americans the countes coun tys quota was and it raised which goes to show that money is not only plentiful in a mining community but the people are always ready and willing to give it to a good cause mining is the backbone of yavapai county always has been and always will be the great opportunities offered are here for the successful investment of money are many and every day sees them being taken ad vantage of A year ago capital would look at nothing but copper and although the day of the red metal has not passed there has arisen in the past few months and particularly since the standardizing of the price of silver a demand for properties carrying as their main content the white metal con there has come a recrudescence 0 silver mining and many properties long since abandoned are being resurrected and profitably worked turkey creek and the bradshaws Brad shaws are the districts deriving the chief benefits in old mines being t brought to life again oil in chino valley in the meantime those who beere jeered d at the possibility of oil being found in this county particularly in tile the chino valley field are beginning to revise their opinions and watching the developments with eyes from which has bee been the taint of skepticism removed whether oil in commercial Q titles will ever be found is as yet an all un settled question but it has been demon beyond cavil that the oil has not been burned ou out by volcanic action as many contended this fact was recently established in i at one of the wells being drilled chino valley when a good showing of light oil was obtained when the well was bailed baided out the oil could be plainly seen in bubbles about the size of peas there was also a pronounced odor of gas and much excitement reigned in the camp when the discovery was made the shell formation was quickly passed through and a shale forma tion entered by the drill but the showing t though small was sufficiently encouraging to demonstrate that all that is needed is depth to bring in a real well chamber of oil and mines at a meeting held in this city during the week and attended by representatives of fourteen of the companies interested in the chino field an organization to be known as the chamber of oil and mines was formed A full set of officials was named and arrangements arran cements made for establishing permanent headquarters in prescott to be in charge as secretary among the many plans discussed and decided upon was the issuing of a monthly bulletin detailing the progress of drilling in the field the association limited its membership to such companies as it believes are acting in good faith with the public and really endeavoring to find oil deep down in the ground instead of dollars in the pocketbooks of people one important thing the association will look after is the question of conflict of title and will seek to protect all legitimate locations made by its members the companies which had representatives at the meeting were new york chino oil big bull oil chino standard oil chino valley oil mining arizona oklahoma gas oil arizona midway oil home oil chino central cil ichino amalgamated oil arizona del rio mining southwest oil refining arizona verde oil and united chino oil refining the international syndicate the international syndicate of mines smelters shelters Sm elters which recently entered copper basin district first purchasing the arizona portland group has enlarged its holding until it now controls one of the largest mineral domains under corporate ownership in the county the brown group was added then the martin group and this week the company acquired the rainy day holdings embracing sixteen claims in all the company now owns nearly cl claims ainis practically every one of which has been prospected and developed to an extent which warrants further work although h the main content of the ores of the basin is copper they carry values in molybdenum and also gold and silver to an extent sufficient it is claimed to defray all mining costs |