Show BLAME THE ENGINEER always blame the engineer if YOU elite enter 11 into a business agreement with your asao alj 1 chates and then get to thinking it over fod the wee smal sma hours of the nig night 11 t arid and vol that you lack the nerve to back up no DO cooj promises that you have absolutely aba dence in your own judgment nor in j of others just shift the blame to so conj L and nd illus i else if you are naturally a piker 0 crawfish to avoid risking a few douar dollars admit looks kIt P must a venture which you ising why blame the engineer enta 1 att ate A case in point came to our sever S 4 in salt lake a short time ago anje business men secured an action on ared and prep rw 4 coal land in southern utah to incorporate a company for its apell d i i to tn sr usual ment it was necessary as alses elpe eap exp a small amount on preliminary ellece to including sending out an engineer gea up on a report turned in by another the total promised by each in li iiri vidual dual was about thirty dollars the syndicate employed one of the most capable afable geologists in the state for this pur ose lose and his report fully corroborated that f the first engineer who by the way as a national reputation for ability and hen en appeared the work of the crawfish rhose hose name might be cohn but is not he lad ad had several days in which to think of hat at thirty dollars and its size increased very time his mind reverted to the sub act it was entirely too much to risk on ne venture engineers sometimes make li stakes anyway and the worry and contant strain under which he was laboring ged him rapidly in the weeks time which lapsed before the syndicate members held heir next meeting at that time he withdrew from the corn com any by letter breaking his agreement nd hanging onto his thirty dollars as ough it meant the preservation of his life bated briefly his letter gave as his rea on n you tou promised to send out an engi eer but the man you sent is not an en ineer the statement was an untruth nd d he knew it at the time but he saved is thirty dollars the moral is plain do not risk your airty dollars on a mining venture put it in tie e savings bank at three per cent and get ich ch but if you should be talked into venture by an enthusiastic friend the ethod of the crawfish always is open to 1 ou 1 u blame the engineer and save your airty dollars in passing it is interesting to note that lie e syndicate plans to go ahead with the development eloP ment of its coal holdings with the ances about ten to one that it will be a ag 9 producer within a few years |