Show NEWS FROM HART special correspondence hart calif the richest strike ever made in the hart district occurred last friday when five feet of ore runn running int per ton was encountered in the bottom of the ten foot at the big chief lease on the oro the strike in the is undoubtedly the biggest ever made in this section of the golden state from a point of richness the big chief mining company which is operating this valuable property blew in its mill yesterday and today hart not four months old boasts of al ready turning out the yellow goods ore running as high as 1500 per ton is awaiting treatment the quartette mining company is prosecuting developments on the jumbo property and the hoist which was installed this week in yanking the ore from the shaft in record time three shifts are at work and the shaft is being sunk at the rate of three feet a day the foot level will be reached in about a week when more men will be put to work crosscutting the massive vein in all directions while the shaft will he be continued down to the foot level the strike made at the lease is proving to be a great thing in the crosscut where the ore was broken into the working has penetrated the shoot for a distance of twenty feet with but one wall appearing streaks of high grade running 0 per ton and better are scattered through the ore body while the whole will yield a golden circle in the pan the ore coming from the crosscut this week averages from 50 to 75 per ton and is being saved for shipment the bevere barret shaft on the rambler at a depth of fifty feet is in a good grade of mill ore the entire shaft averages 20 per ton developments at this property prove the continuity or of the great jumbo lode and considering the massive ledge of quartz which is being penetrated the rambler is making good and will be numbered among the big shippers of the district the tunnel on the maguire mahana leasehold has penetrated the mountain for a distance of feet twenty feet more of work will put the tunnel in the second vein where sensational values were found on the surface several weeks ago at a distance of feet the first vein was encountered in the hart hitt tunnel on the oro belle no 1 A depth of ninety feet has been attained and the values are improving with every round of shot the tunnel will have to be run feet further before it reaches the mammoth ore zone opened up in the upper workings the sloan lease is being equipped with a hoist and the shaft sent down the crosscutting on the fifty foot level has opened up an immense body of milling ore the ledge showing values for a width of fifty feet the funk miller mann lease on the clapper broke into good values and the rock horns exceptionally well averaging around 25 per ton while streaks of high grade are scattered through the ore body r the rhe hart mining leasing company have started operations in the district at present the holdings of the company consist of the andrews marsh lease on block 5 of piute diute belle no 1 and the woodward lease on block 2 of the oro belle the showing at these properties is among the best in that section of the district the population of hart is increasing daily an unexpected visitor arrived in camp last wednesday the new arrival was a son born to mr and mrs emory C peters this is the storks first visit to hart and the will receive a golden loving cup to be made from the rhe gold of the mines at hart as a token of honor already great things are predicted for this little son of a soldier of fortune |