Show ELY AND BINGHAM the allt last few years have brought about a great change in the copper world the be beginning inning of the copper age has caused the red metal to gain much prominence in the industrial field and its production has diverted much attention from the mining of the other metals A few years ago the mining world was copper crazy but the low level of the copper market has somewhat dampened this ardor however the industry has been given a new impetus during the past few months and C opper copper is s again becoming a favorite five years ago the lake superior butte and the arizona regions were the chief sources of supply for copper the mines from these sections were prodoc producing ng over pounds of the metal annually with the deeper mining however the production cost gradually increased and the necessity for cheaper copper began to be felt about this time the immense porphyry deposits of bingham utah began to receive attention and a few years later the possibilities of ely nevada were realized these vat vast deposits of low grade copper were new to the mining fraternity and were at first considered impossible modern science and low production costs e soon soo 11 demonstrated that they ware we re not only possible but presented even more attractive propositions than the older camps in the utah camp production is already on a large scale such properties as the tta 0 copper boston consolidated ohio conna 0 and others bid fair to place bingham at th jhb head of the copper camps the cost ok production is between four and five ce cent 4 less per pound than in the deep mines oi the older camps at ely over ool has been expended in preparation for g el I 1 gantic operations here also the cost will be reduced to a minimum an aal when the mines and mills are running t capacity an enormous amount of the re rel metal will be produced bingham and ely can operate on copper market that would be prohibitive prohibit ivet t butte and michigan at no distant date th two new camps will lead the world in thi th production of the copper metal |