Show montgomery SHOSHONE engineers ngi report said to be unsatisfactory boston financial news 13 the feature of the new york curb m maret are t yesterday was the stock of the mont omery mery shoshone consolidated mining b mcany which broke from 3 to around I 1 on heavy selling following the issuance I 1 an unfavorable report by the company this stock sold as high as 1450 last aar gar it is listed on the pittsburg stock and on the new york curb the mcany was formed in 1906 by charles chaab and associates the secretary of the company gave out ie e following facts the report is much less favorable than as hoped it shows that while there are rge irge ore reserves the developments of ie e last six months have been disappointing 1 I nd d that thai much of the ore is below commer al grade the future value of the mine 1 ill I largely depend upon the developments i the sulphide zone to which the company now sinking a shaft as rapidly as pos ible ble in addition charles M schwab wh who has personally erso nally ally advanced to the corni comi any made a statement in which he was doted as saying that the report by no leans eans meant that the property was worth ss but its future was a matter that ad dional development alone could determine montgomery shoshone represents a con oli li dation of a number of the large bullfrog properties roper oper ties and the stock when first listed as quoted at 23 a share the property nd d its developments represents another I 1 in that unfortunate mining chain that he e schwab interests have been connected ith in nevada during the past three years thile hile there still is lipe hope of good results the acome begins to convince many that ne ada pda da has not proved to schwab what his personal ers onal staff had held it out to him |