Show GEORGE ENGLISH LEASE the george english lease on the badger hill holdings of the fine gold company is one of the important operations in the district on this lease the development consists principally of tunnel work the main tunnel was run in country rock for a distance of forty five feet when a crosscut of sixty feet was run to the vein at this point the ore body was five feet wide and averaged 2055 to the ton this vein has been followed into the mountain for a distance of feet at intervals along this shoot the general average was 30 to the ton with stringers of ore going up to and the hanging wall of the vein is almost perfect the fissure is in porphyry with a rhyolite hanging and an andesite foot in the face of the tunnel the ore body is from two to three feet wide and it is all of excellent milling grade seventy five feet further up the hill another tunnel has been run on a parallel vein for a distance of feet here the ore shoot is thirty feet wide the ore is free milling and averages from 12 to 16 to the ton this is really a quarrying proposition and on the dump and blocked out in the workings there are from to 0 tons of ore which will be handled as soon as the mazuma alazuma hills mill is in shape to do custom work on this lease there is a thirty three foot shaft in which a foot of ore is showing which will average 50 from top to bottom the fine gold cold company is not working at the present time but other leases have been given one of these is the owens and george lease owned by M R owens and J A george this company is sinking d a shaft on the ledge and a depth of between thirty and forty feet has been attained the shaft is being sunk to catch the ledge on which the george and english strike was made |