Show PEDRO MINE A W WINNER INNER tonopah To nev sun J W langley of the Langl Langley eYThl Thi company has returned from a five w absence during which time he was at pedro mine at battle mountain mount aln and at I 1 ous points in california mr langley langey I 1 j that the pedro is looking better than thai i it had before the ledge thirty feet which pans across has been opened uc a distance of one hundred feet and an all e tonnage is in sight mr langley that but recently several engineers of dional reputation have examined the T erty and that some flattering offers been made on the strength of these ex nations for control but have been tu down ten days ago when I 1 left the p i erty said mr langley the develops f were far beyond my expectations wi the past few weeks five properties h been sold in the immediate vicinity ol of pedro A smelter that will treat tons d is assured the site half way between pedro and battle mountain has been de d mined upon and operations operation swill will soon be b gun this will enable people to handle ore at a profit the haul will be four ini i and down hill before returning to tonopah mr I 1 ley was on the coast he says that et e thing is nevada with california people 11 true everything is quiet said mr la I 1 ley but there is an optimistic feell fee with the resumption of conditions any like normal there will be the bigg biggest ge st e of development that nevada has ever see si |