Show I w PRISONER i WORKS lit ll JUTE JUIE MILL San Rafael Sept X B R Bradbury Brad Bradbury bury the Corte Madera millionaire who began yesterday a years yeas incarceration In Inthe Inthe Inthe the penitentiary at San Quentin for tor per perjury perjury jury commenced work today in the tha Jute mill at the Institution after arter an attempt to escape this occupation on the pl plea pitta v of II line He slept last night in a cell oell room mom with MIl other convicts including mur murderers murderers murderers and other desperate criminals When Nheu assigned the task of hung filling cans cam with waste Ute Jute at the mill today toda Brad Bradbury Br Bradbury d bury complained that he was not able to do the work because he could not BOt stoop even long enough to tie his Ills shoes but as this is one of ot the lightest employ employments employments ments in the factory the authorities re refused ref refused fused f to rescind the order |