Show AMERICAN ASSOCIATION At Indianapolis 6 C To 10 Toledo Toledo ledo 0 At Milwaukee Kansas City 5 Milwaukee Milwaukee MIlwaukee kee S SAt SAt 2 At Columbus game postponed rain FOREIGN WRESTLERS HERE Chicago Sept 3 Giovanni and E R B lh the champion champton wrestlers of Italy and Jourdan d de Uses Usell who claims to be the champion of France arrived here bent yesterday to meet any wrestlers wre in the world Ra la is pat par particularly anxious to meet Champion Frank Gotch All are monsters and nd are said saki to be tit welt well en versed in all aU the holds holda of wrestling Is X 26 years yean old and weighs wet i pounds Ruggero R ero is ia M 38 years yean old and weighs pounds De Do Uses U weighs 84 24 I pounds and andIs Is n 11 years III old NOTHING DOING FOR AD Sept Sent 3 The 1 Ath Athletic letic lotte l tic club of refused the re request request quest of 0 Harlem Tommy Murphy that he hebe hebe hebe be given another chance at Ad Wolgast Volga t tin In The dub club promoters say that Wolgast fought unfairly that he tried to foul Murphy after seeing he was B outclassed ed and that he will never lter nes be per permitted permitted permitted to fight In tn their club again ORVILLE WILL NOT FLY Berlin t 4 rv HP Wright will WIt not f n in ili r m Ili us nr 1 iY th T pa rj gr TJ rl tM tc i J i fd td on at a acI oj cI j j Lt Jt t J V l a t i 50 mas |