Show HIGH SCORES ARE ARf I II I MA Blue Rock Shoot Sees Records Hung Up in Squad Events i Denver Colo Cob Sept 3 Two worlds world records wore broken at the big gun club tournament which closed today at th Fred Stone Gun club Squad No 1 scored out of iO thereby setting settin up a new squad record in competition The squad was composed of Fred t red Bills J JH Hughes H hea Kd Ed OBrien P Adams and H IL Dixon The former squad record was The other record was a double squad record In competition made by Nos 1 and andIn 2 In which they scored 9 out of 1009 1500 Squad No 2 was WS composed of Fred Ellett 0 O N No Ford F E FL Foltz Folta J Garrett and W v Henderson The Colorado handicap the blue bm ribbon event of the shoot was WAil won by W v Hen derson of Lexington Ky Henderson de do tented K IC in the third 30 to 19 The tournament closed tonight with an elaborate banquet t at which a movement was inaugurated to bring the Grand American handicap to Denver Demer In 1910 I |