Show MAYOR ROSE IS 18 COMING Arrangements have been perfected for on un address to be delivered by Mayor David Dald Rose Hose Ro e of ot Milwaukee at the Taber Tabernacle Tabernacle Tabernacle nacle next Tuesday evening He is likely to have havo a very large audience and he is certain to be listened to with profit Mayor Rose Is opposed to prohibition He is by no means the type some Im Impetuous impetuous gentlemen gentleman paint the advocate of his cause A successful lawyer a 0 successful stul business man a sound thinker and a strong debater he seeks to present the causa cause of the temperate man He does not believe that prohibition prohibition has been a successful solution of the tM liquor problem In the states Mates where it has been tried He feels very sure it has haliJ proved a mistake And his effort Is to convince his fellow countrymen not to extend the circle of or that mistake any farther Those who hear him will not be abused They will not ot hear any ny one else abused They will not be assailed with accusation but will be addressed in reason We believe that our Utah people as aR asgood aRgood asgood good people everywhere are simply seeking for the best and wisest solutions solutions solutions of th lr several problems Their decision must rest on facts and on rea reason reason reason son Because of that they will listen Usten to Mayor Rose and will give his arguments arguments arguments ments the weight their merit pos possesses posS S |