Show BULLOCK PROPERTY STRIKES GOOD ORE Special to The Provo Sept 3 Manager B H I Bullock Bulock of the th Bullock Bulock mine returned from the property this moring morning with wih some nice samples of ore or taken from the new strike made In the north drift of the Bullock vein at a depth of 2 feet The character of the th ore or ii Ij i black and gray gry copper mixed with white iron ron and from the th nature of the camp this ore body promises to be of great get importance At present a car is being loaded with Bullock ore and will wi go to the Knight smelter for treatment The stockholders will wU be pleased please to learn lear that the Bullock Bulock Is again agin among the producers of the Bast East Tintic side and from developments made at the mine everything looks loks favorable for Cor a lively campaign I |