Show LIVESTOCK MARKETS MARKElS Kansas City S Sept pt 3 SatU Cattle Receipts 2000 0 market strong to 10 1 cents higher Native steers ster native cows cowa and heifers betters heiers O stockers and feeders eders f bulls buls 7 calves western steers 3 western wester cows UI Ho 80 market strong to 10 cents cent higher Bulk Buik of sales sale heavy hevy packers and butchers 7 11 light pigs 5 Z Receipts 2000 0 pg market steady Muttons 4 lambs tango range 40 range ewes 3 76 South Omaha Sept Sept 3 Cattle Receipts 3 market markt steady to stronger Native steers cows and heifers helfers 30 60 western steers Texas Texa steers cows and heifers helfers 2 42 can canners canners canners ners stockers stocker and feeders 3 calves 36 7 bulls buls and Ind stags 73 Hogs Receipts market 6 S cents cent higher r Heavy Hevy 7 7 5 mixed mired light 71 pigs bulk of sales ses 7 pg Sheep Receipts I market steady Yearlings ewes ewe lambs lbs eoll Chicago Sept Cattle Receipts esti estimated et estimated mated at 41 market marke steady Beeves 48 Texas Texa steers western weter steers steer ster stOckers str and feeders fees 35 33 30 cows and heifers calves 6 02 Hogs Ho Receipts estimated at 10 mar market ma market ket 5 I cents higher highe Light mixed 7 J heavy havy rough r h good to choice choc heavy hev 71 pigs C bulk of ot sales se Sheep Receipts estimated at market maket weak we Native western yearlings lambs lamb na native native tive i western 6 |