Show MEMBERS N E A ATTENTION For the annual convention at Sn FranIco co July 9 to U 13 the popular Salt Lake Route will 11 announce low rates ratos to Los Angeles San Franch and Ore It is to your ad advantage vantage to aX at once write for inform lion to J L Moore lQ South Main street S Jt Lake J OWN YOUR nOME You owe a duty to your children chil dren to surround them with the I right sort of playmates and companions This is best done by getting a home in the right I location We would like to as ass s ft J I f Jf Salt Lake Security Trust t Co CoIN IN OUR OWN BUILDING 3 Mal Main Str Street t tJ J J A In Photographs at Today and tomorrow you can get the finest Cabinet Photo in the city for per dozen Call early Main street Card of Thanks Mr and Mrs Joseph T J Battey Batley and family desire to express their most sin sincere sincere cere thanks to their many friends for the kind courtesies extended during their late bereavement SAVINGS DEPOSITS Received at 4 per cent per annum jn in terest paid each three months THE HOME TRUST SAVINGS BANK 6 8 and 10 West FIrst South Dr Vincent Barratt hall hail 1719 J ii ii tn Coday w L L j OUR NEW Nt W L 0 TilING STAB S TA 1 AND WE INVITE 1 YOU All ML TO COME VISIT I is IN NEW flOME 4 I l 1 Main Street Main Street I RE J I ii 1 f TIME TI ME CLOCKS For registering make effi dent rient time clerks and save waste or of time by Agents for the Dey Automatic Regis Registers Registers The Bree en Office Supply Co CoCo Co 60 West VEst Second South WHAT IS CATARRH F C Schramm Guarantees a Cure by or Will Refund tl ti e Money very recent years it was thought that catarrh was a disease of the th blood but now modern science has proved that catarrh Is a germ dis rase fasE and can be cured only by a atrE trE treatment that will wUl kill kiU the germ and heal the mucous membrane of the nose and throat Therefore when you Jou have catarrh YOU can readily see that if YOU want 0 cure It t you should use which medicates the air you breathe hus killing the catarrh germs and hEaling the smarting and raw mem rane of the passages through the nose and throat In breathing Hyo mel you are really treating your ca catarrhal catarrhal troubles with the only nat natural natural ural method for it will make the air yoU breathe as pure healing and an as that found on the moun f ains where the pine forests give ot o otheir their fragrant and healing balsams If thYe is any doubt In your mind is to the power Dower ot of to cure the unusual way in which It Iti ItI i sold by F C Schramm should de detroy detroy troy aU all doubt as he offers to refund th the money should fall fail to ben fi t The complete outfit con consisting consisting of an inhaler a bottle of Hy oniel Imel and a medicine dropper costs only Duly n 1 while extra bottles can be obtained for 50 cents F C Schramm sold a great many outfits and anci the more he sells the more convinced he is that he is perfectly safe in guaranteeing t tb re refund fund the money i if does not cure For sale by P F C Schramm corner First South and Main streets Where the cars stop The 10 cents which you pay for a big pack package package age of Sweets Chocolate Puffs Is as good an investment as you can make for your st stomachs sak Any dealer knows CANDY ANY Makers w Dont Use a Public Drinking Cup Sometimes its hard to kepI keep from doing so after aftel youve I worked up a thirst but if Jou ou have the Kleen Kup The new invention which we are arc selling which is indispensable ble while traveling or outing you yon vill be In no danker from public drinking vessels The price is two for 5 cents SCRA Where the Cars Stop I The Great Prescription Store Drug 1 T INVEST IN SMELTER CITY If you are seeking a safe t for your idle cash buy a lot in Smelter City the new addition at Garfiel Price of lots 50 O to I SMELTER CITY TOWNSITE to Selling Agents 1 D F Walker Bell phone |