Show J IF YOU HAVEN T GOJ WHAT WANT ADVERTISE HIRE FOR IT rD FLORIS S SALT LAKE HUDDART FLORAL CO E So phones 37 SpecialIst on funeral desIgns and every everything thinS floraL floraLE E A LAMBOURNE FLORAL CO S 8 S Main Maln wIth wh Drug Co Fu Funeral Funeral work and decorating our specialty W FIRST CLASS Japanese cook wants po position private family or mining camp Address G 8 He Herald d LADY wishes employment by the day 6 El E rear YOUNG man mall Si ge e 24 4 wants Work of some fome good bookkeeper b bost st of ret ref r furnished Address G 6 Herald HeraldA A MAN at 1 W So St would like to get work rep any ny kind of fur furniturE furniture or at chair wiring carpenter work a specialty Bell phone Z ZA ZA A 1 MAN at W So St would like tl t gt any kind of light work where there C c not much cleaning bricks cut wood or cleaning lawns and yards ards Hen Bell phone Z ZA A LADY wishes situation as s housekeep housekeeper Et er In small emaIl family po laundry work Call 66 E re rear r GIRL wIshes day work ot of any kind Bell phone 11 X GIRL wants work on Saturdays s A Adr Ad Address dr dress ss G U ii care Herald DRUGGIST ten years rs e experience perien e re hUstler country town referred preferred best of references Address G 0 Herald HARDWARE and sporting goOds man manE desires E s position as or book bookkeeper keeper r cIty or country good knowledge of if general hardware thoroughly famil r guns ammunition and photo supplies c experienced In general diS married 15 sober steady refer f Address C M 11 N Nth th St Boise Ida IdaA IdaA A GIRL would like a 8 place to assist in housework CalIt Call at S Fourth West JAPA JAPANESE SE honest boy every day at attending tending day school G 5 Herald man would like work of any kind Address 43 So E Bell phone 34 4 K KA KA A YOUNG girl would 11 like e work by the da day Bell phone 2211 Z ASHING ld Ironing to take home homes homeI s I E So rear WOMAN cook Wants ants position in hotel restaurant mining camp pre preferred jV rt r ss S Y 4 I Herald e L l DENTISTS A s 1 p rAN Dentist n s Scott 1 Phones BelL Y md Ind 2658 HOUSE CLEANING APLAN K House r 1 L Co n V Te clean every een Hl ng Office So rain Main Both phon phones phonesy s 66 Y EXPERT men for all branches house housecleaning cleaning ng National House Cleaning Co E First South Both phones APRIL CONFERENCE SANPETE V ATTENTION Watt Wait for tor announcement of Sanpete Valley traine The PIoneEr r line T H G I A Mantl Manti C Modern At moderate prIces George G Doyle It Co U 11 State street Phone 16 D D Vincent Barratt hall hail Mch 1119 I C KODAK KObAK FINISHING Not the cheapest but the best Harry CommercIal Oher Main St Both hol es WANTED tWO young ladles ladies to room and board at 25 So E Terms 4 per week L INFORMATION as tp to the address of ofT ofT T J Moss or his heirs it If he hots Is dead He at one time thre lived In New York but butIs butis Is supposed to have Ilave lived In Utah in 1890 Small recovery can probably be made Address s Harvey Spalding Sons bons Wash D C widower with boy 12 y years arS of age wishes a l aged lady V as housekeeper good hom Address 0 V N W V HORSES W WANTED Wanted to bu buy a carload or of range horses Address A H Kepley Lock Box b 15 Effingham Ill III IllA A RESPECTABLE young oung lady wishes a place tt to board and room with V V private family please state terms care of Herald ONE cigar case 42 E 1st So CHIl Y and furnace clean cleanIng cleanIng Ing l ave orders at Druehl Frank Frankens ens ans drug store Both phones TWO goo good horses weight about 1100 pounds Amor Amer Linen LUlon Sup Co W 1st So SoTO SoTO TO BUY modern house on N E bench or cast side Address E 25 Herald office ALL kinds stoves j jackets put In by Nealson O 0 K Jr Bell 1996 TO BUY gasoline engine lne with or without With Without out pump Address E 30 20 Herald HeraldA A lady Indy as housekeeper for widower Address E 20 Herald LACE curb curtains Ins 3 c pair and up 51 W First South room 4 W ANTE DI want a quantity of steel ran rail also locomotive State where seine same may he be InspectEd Address Railway care Herald HiGHEST held perd for Carpets turn furnI furnIture ture cook stoves O 0 K Furniture Co 3 State street WHEN brokE We loan the largest amounts on diamonds watches Jewelry clothing guns tools trunks bicycles fu furs musical Instruments etc at t half the charged by others We hold all goods the lon longest st and made large loans leans at banking rates ot of Interest Uncle S Sam m the Cut Rate 2 E 1st So corner Commercial Both phones HA HAVE VB your bpd bed stretched made good as new AU All kinds of furniture re repaired paired Wm Fairchild care S L I Stamp Co Phone GREAT WESTERN WESTER IRON TRON fETAL Co dealers In Iron metals rub berg mes etc te Carloads a ape pe to sO Ml South FIrst West Phones md t Z 7 W HELP ST i EMPLOYMENT AGENCY CY Waitresses cooks chambermaids House girls and all kinds of restaurant I help wanted for city and C 45 West d South Phones wanted for summer sew Ing Apply at H E St City GOOD girl for general housework small family 16 F St GIRL for housework Bell tele telephone phone X 1 1067 1st St FIVE PWE girls for pressIng Call Parisian Works Yorks So and E EBY EBY BY office of business firm u no woman of mature years Jeers for 5 afternoons each week Address G 10 Herald GOOD sewing girls in alteration de department Apply suit department Walk Walkers Walkers ers store RELIABLE woman for washing and ironing on Mondays and cleaning on Fri Fr days Apply E Brigham GOOD girl for general housework small family no washIng St corner and S 8 S SA A GIRL who has her o own n room to assist In general housework Apply W ar So V COMPETENT washwoman for Mondays and Tuesdays Apply E d So GIRL wanted for general housework E 1st So GIRL for general housework at street V GOOD nurse girl at 12 W So Ap Apply ply ph mornings A GOOD girl for general Jeneral housework small family So E FIFTEEN large girls apply at once J G McDonald Candy Co W So SoA SoA A GIRL for general housework Apply 40 W No Temple St COMPETENT girl for general house housework housework work no washing or ironing Apply 24 So State St t GIRL for general housework no wash lug ing small family good wages E ESt ESt St GIRL for g general nerl housework small family call between 9 and 1 K E So GIRL for general housework family of two iO 70 Brigham THOROUGHLY competent girl for light hou housework work So Main DINING ROOM girl and chambermaid tor K Keith ith Apartments 12 E Brigham GIRL to do cooking and general house housework housework work In small family no washing E Brigham A lady wishes R a position tion as housekeeper In small smaIl family no laundry work rk wages ages 6 per week Boll Bell phone K after 7 1 p m in mA inA A GOOD launderer for either M Monday or Tuesday l X E So COMPETENT girl for general house housework housework work Apply 41 North State St COMPETENT Dutch or German girl for general housework ork Apply SOl Park ave COOKS girls and general house girls at Mrs Emp Agency E So make 6 daily selling the and most perfect water filter ever Invented Retails at 2 Big profit territory Seneca Filter Co Ce Seneca Mo Io BRASS FOUNDERS E REEVES CO Briss Founders So West St Tel 1 SKIRTS STRICTLY tailored skIrts made to ord order r from O up All work guaranteed E M d So ACCORDION PLEATING a accordion and side pl pleating Mrs Jennens ThIrd East Bell phone phon V V HELP EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT AG AGENCY NCY Mechanic and IAb Labor r Office 4 43 W South Phones YOUNG man as assIstant window dresser and card writer one with omo experience preferred Walkers Store V J mth wheel to work after schol In the evening Where the ears Car Stop V wanted Burton Coal Lum ber berCo Co 66 W V So SoA SoA A traveling salesman can obtain a permanent and profitable salaried position with well V established eastern house Man having In InV Wyoming V oming and Montana preferred Dont apply unless experIenced and can fur furnish fish nish references Apply S D Wise Kenyon A BOY for stable work Apply E BrIgham A JAPANESE boy to assist with house housework housework work while attendIng school two In tam fain Ily wages aso per week Apply E Brigham A T man to thud furnace at foundry Apply So Main Maln V BARBER at So State Slate Basement YOUNG man to learn telegraphy and railway business salary or of operators 50 to per month Call or oddress West Western ern em Telegraph Institute Commercial building Salt Lake O Employment Agency R B RR BB R B mine contract labor Jabor OffIce 21 W So Ben Bell phone V KAHN employment a agency ency AU Alt kinds of help furnished 21 W Second South EXPERIENCED traveling agents want wanted to solicit for bad debts at once Apply between 9 and 10 a m in Merchants ProtectIve association FOR RENT THREE rooms closet water electrIc lights etc Apply 31 So K E OFFICES at 17 W M d So St best lo location location cation ui 10 the city LARGE unfurnished front room for light housekeeping Apply L S St V RM rued mod br mod br N mod br K E mod hr K E mod hr br I 1 mod br Ut So W mod hr br 6 K E So inn mod hr br K E cot K s k W Store rm rim W V So Store room Market Houstons The Phones 2 27 GROUND floor office room for rent 23 East First South St house bouse close In bath alec lIghts Enquire at 45 W 1st N NA NA A ROO I modern cottage at 29 H street Inquire at 23 H street V I cottage W 1st South St Tel 2581 X modern flat 36 E So MODERN cottage 5 rooms bath toilet alec elee light close In InquIre 71 West Vest South u 6 ROOMS bath lights K E I modern cottage No 5 Dubel avenue Apply tailor MaIn St ROO ROOMS IS sewer rear 29 23 East house in good condition So East house 63 So West Vest Temple V house 60 West So Apply So W T GROCERY store cor So and West WestA A MODERN brick house bath I Ipen pen pantry try ose olee olec light and water I After the Inquire at N W I ITel Tel Y I modern modem walking distance Ap Apply Apply ply Salt Lake Ice Co No 43 either phone A r brick cottage also an 8 room brick house modern on ea east rt sIde Jar Jas K Shaw Co over 1 So Main FINE store room close to Main East First South 75 per month V Houston Real Estate mv Co 20 HOUSES BOUSES all l kinds prices and lo 10 locations TutU Tuttle Bros MaIn st FOR RENT FURNISHED modern furnished cottage I street I furnished front rooms for light housekeeping So State NICELY furnished cottage on 1st St Phone 9 1 X Bell FURNISHED rooms with or without board close In on State St Phone X Boll HOUSEKEEPING rooms So W Temple flat furnished for housekeep Ing So W Temple ELEGANTLY furnished rooms Inquire S West Vest Temple ONE furnished room for tor one or two with bath Apply E So NEW brick pantry and closet well furnished rent cheap to party Darty owner going to California 61 K E S TWO front rooms In modern home ra Na B St FURNISHED rooms room aid board for two strictly prIvate modern home bome close Ir Independent phone 2619 TWO furnished modern rooms for housekeeping close in No 5 Kendall collaTe BOARD AND ROOMS board In family of adults reasonable S G St entrance e on St LARGE bri bright ht sunny rooms In newly furnished modern house with excellent home cooking So 3rd East St BOARD and room In prIvate familY modern lp cloa n Bell Si I K BUSINESS CHANCES A STOCK of drugs in one of tIle the best mIning camps In this state will InvoIce ab about the store Is doing a 5 profit profitable profitable able business Unless you mean busi business ness fleas and have the prIce dont notice this ad Address D 24 Herald YOUNG MEN wanted to take up the study of law at home an unusual op opportunity opportunity to secure a legal education and admission to the bar without loss of time or other For particulars The Sprague Correspondence School of Law Majestic BIg De Be Detroit troit MIch V VV V V c V FOR S SALE AT once hr br cot and summer kitchen rods rode GOt St I THREE good cows Inquire first house west of Brewery OR trade trado 6 acres of land with new home in coun country T for city property G 9 ONE l girls In good re ie repair pair Apply N Main St at ENTIRE furnishings of house used only g months Call CaIl at 43 St ChEAP for cash practically rn new N Na Cash Register if sold at once 46 So Main St StA A SURVEYING and course In the Scranton Correspondence school Apply G 0 7 1 Herald 2 ROOMING houses P 0 Box 45 three rooms and White sewing nearly new new 3rd St FURNITURE and household goods for tor Grooms K E South rear EGGS from the best pen pon or of s C Brown Leghorns in the state first prIze win winners winners ners per 13 F Ward Vard lObi 1061 Windsor Ave se So between and E OLDS In condition at a bargain owner leaving city Apply D F Walker Valker Building LIGHT team and harness cheap West North Temple St BARBER shop excellent location close tl to depot making good money best In city including living rooms street Ogden Utah meat market In Black foot fot Idaho well located and doing a good business owner wishes to l heave ve the state reason for selling seIling Address Box V Blackfoot Idaho GOOD sandstone building rock Bell phone 1949 1919 Y V BUCKS steel range heater stair car carpet carpet pet sideboard oak dining table chairs rockers Iron beds bedding matting dresser couch kitchen cabinet linoleum cooking utensils etc very ery cheap In Inquire Inquire quire Room over 38 SQUARE yards linOleum 2 28 dresses 14 new last fall Call this week E So St Tel Z ZON ZON ON small monthly payments good goodas as new typewrIter Apply K E 31 Herald I EGGS for hatchIng from S C WhIte Leghorns and SlIver Silver Spangled at the very low price of for 13 Birds 1 each Order quick from Bear Lake Poultry Farm OvId Ida GOOD flat top oak desk cheap Call a at Herald office wIth Bt horse horsepower power steam en engIne ne Great Western Iron Metal CG Ce So 1st West saloon for sale cheap good location Address D 19 Herald HOT pies and short order house Doing a ba phone A Murray OLD established billiard hall ball owner leaving heaving cIty 35 33 West 2nd So SoA A SNAP Apollo gran grand and of musIc f for r Payments If desired woth F Fost t V LOST LOSTA A PAUl PAm of nose glasses Return at once to Herald HeraldON HeraldON ON So between Main and State a black fur scarf art ward If re returned returned turned to 44 K E So ABOUT 6 Monday evening near drug store a white bull pup Black spot on hack back Ten old Re Return Return turn to Oscar L Cox Y 21 r c A and r reward wAr BUYING WILL pay highest prices for ladles ladies cast of off skirts waists dresses and even cven lag Ing gowns Lady will can call at your con convenIence Phone Bell Jr IC md Ind 2838 P O 0 box 9 LADIES APPAREL FOR SALE LK ALMOST new skIrts waIsts jackets dresses and an evening gowns at your our own price Give us a calL E SO HOTELS L LINCOLN ROUSE US 68 E F FIRST SO SOV V Paul Hem Prop OO Rates 2 c 3 and SOc SCAVENGERS SALT LAKE SCAVENGER O Office Atlas AUas Block Basement Tel KEEN SANITARY COMPANY Office Olce 67 61 v Pirat Fint South Tel V DAIRIES EMP EMPIRE RED DAIRY H N Standish man manager n ager er 1 U E South Hell Bell Ind 23 2355 Delinquent Notice CONSOLIDATED Mining company Principal place of bus busi business busness ness Salt Lake City Utah Notice There are delinquent upon the following described stock on account of assessment No 4 ot of two 2 cents per share levied on th the day o of January 1906 the sev several eral amounts Met ait opposite the names or of orthe the shareholders as follows No Cert Name Shares Amt 9 C N Loring soo 1000 10 C N Loring roo 1000 io oo n 11 C N Loring 1000 io 31 Thomas H Atkins 10 1000 00 C H Valentine 7 I Henry Henr Newell 5 1000 M 11 F CunnIngham sij 7 SO A H Adkinson 7 to tom m Harriet G Re Reynolds 41 82 S B Wood Tood 1000 J B L Bourassa part 9 18 H A 14 33 Dan Smith apart 52 j 1 4 Wm Lundo Lunde part 96 1 92 F ir r Curtis 3 5 7 59 W F MauldIn OO 10 00 W F MauldIn so 5 Of J B Greenwood 1360 53 Mrs Ira H Lewis 15 2500 00 SOS A D Wilbur Babco Babcock k ro 1500 is oo Ernest 5 22 Max part 6 32 S A E B 1500 E T Brown jg 1000 io 00 g W M Hunsberger 1000 Fred M May y 15 1500 00 E I 7 50 B K Block 1 50 H E Mona 3 75 Arthur G KIng ICing |