Show STORM RAGING I IN CALIFORNIA Greatest Flood in Years Threatened Between San J Joaquin nd Kings Rivers IMMENSE AREA INUNDATED PEOPLE OF LATON DESERTED TH THE TOWN Fresno CaL March storm of unprecedented severity has been raging for the past sixty hours and the region between the S San n and Kings 11 nv ers Is threatened with the greatest flood in years The fall of snow In the moun mountains moun alas all records and great dam damage age c may result to flumes and power plants Telephone advices from Pine Ridge which Is at the feet altItude say already alread over twelve feet of snow has fallen and at the summit the depth is said to be over feet At Mill Millwood Millwood wood the headquarters of the Big SRn Sanger er Lumber company there is over fifteen feet and it is still storming t Danger Mark Both lie Kings and the San Joaquin are arc areat at the tini danger mark in spite of the im immense masse mense amount of water that the ditches built of late years fars are diverting Big dry creek which fk ws north of Clois Chovis is higher than ever before and the country to the northeast of Clovis Chovis Is a asea sea of if The residents of the Gar Garfield Garfield field vine vineyard ld dIstrict northwest of In worked all night jn blinding rain buildIng levees but their work went or nothing when a huge hUJe 0 overflow v went sweeping through that district fh This morning Fancher creek flowing of Fresno canals of the Fresno IrrigAtion gAtion anal company is beyond ond and is laying Jayn wAste to valuable vineyards ar Already mills miles of land are covered with five feet of water witter i I Small Town Deserted After a night of terror the I of Laton on Kings this II moved in a body onto the grad of l the Santa Ff Fe railway The Jv levees hout t the I town which are six fet we Ie beginnIng to overflow an and ayl 1 the mountains were to the t that still greater floods flood were coming I A Already the river Is o ove its lanka near its Ib delta and areat flod are flowIng south toward and ebe Tulare J lake ke ba basin jn At noon water was n I to n mrs preach on both OJ I noth Pond and cu and nf fears p entertained o of a flood ld t the first sine 1 Nume Numerous rous rp P I Iut OUt ut in Ute time northern end and the water ter Is threatening the cemetery I Water Rising Rapidly I Fr Irni m all parts of the county t come T vi ports or of g great t damage and Still rap ra d rising water The o ore shipping lIe lIeo o the Mountain eo on W the P lask branch of t the he Southern are under water Those of the he Sante tc e 1 and Southern Pacific report numerous f and nJ t tc t t n senI IH m j I moralized At noon town of was reported two water witter and f twenty families had l ft their ft i A work train that started i this morning to the tracks on the t 1 Mr Merced d of Ibm f railroad was tr ink the he ditch three miles north et 91 En ner Wits i wd 1 fl till the cab and by steam The other four e or of th the train I were uninjured A relief party part sent nt Madera rescued cued tI the m in n the b across the M deM river In too unsafe un m safe sar a condition for the train to tte t ta a crossing rossi The eMt wa CAu caused ul b by the spread lug Ina of the rails raUs |