Show BRITISH STEAMER ER HARD AND AD FAST ON TilE THE SHOALS With 13 Cabin Passengers and 25 2 in the Steerage Likely to Become a Total Savers Bring the Passengers Ashore Atlanta Cit City X N J March Brit British BritIsh ish New NewYork York struck on n the s near Tome roma river life Ufe saving station er today and tonight lies fast th in the sand The steam steamer er has thirteen passengers In the cabin list and In the tha steerage AU All of these p were brought safely ashore late illis afternoon in the life lifeboat boat of the Toms river life saving sta station tion Among the cabin passengerS was George GeorgeA A en of A heavy sea was When hen the vessel struck and the was r rigged ed up by the Ute life lifesaving saying saving crew Later in the da day however the lifeboats iCeboats were launched and the pus pas passengers brought to shore It Is not be believed believed that the fihe y vessel l can be floated Captain Mason Ison and crew of the remain on board II The had on board a large car cargo cargo go of rubber from Brazil anti and of sugar from Barbados |