Show MARKET NARROW Ar AND O VERY DULL Did Not Extend te the Professional Lt Limits Marking te the Weeks FIRMNESS OF CALL MONEY SLIGHT ADVANCE IN INTEREST RATES New York York March stock mar market market ket showe showed no mark marks of extension yond the professional limits whIch have bounded it al all this week week The volume of trading w was about the same a as yester yesterday yesterday day but w was v very r largely congested in inthe Inthe the firt first hour showIng the continued ef effect feet of the weakness of spEcial stocks which developed yesterday Some s sym pathetic effect upon the generl general list was shown while this further weakness was manifested but price prices were disposed to recover ad and did so when the weak stocks rIe rallied wea The continued firmness of the cal call mon money money ey maket market ad and a an appreciative advance in Interest rates for time loans w were re dIs disappointing appointing t to the supposition tat that Wed dividend disbursements were alone responsible for the firmness of the money market ad and the effect of the te free distribution of dividend money should be felt in te the money market by thIs time The estimates of the weeks currency movement indicated a brn gain up on the balance from the Ul fro interIor by ex cx express press abut about sufficIent to offset te the loss on operations This Is In contrast with an estimated los loss of over a million dollars to the in tenor by the export movement of lat last week New York exchange at Chicago however fel fell back to a small mal discount today after havIng rule ruled at a premIum eJer earlier In the w k Foreign exchange ao also reacted slightly from yesterdays strength although foreign money ma mar were reported to be still tight The t ht foreign te trade statement for February showe showed the gratifying excess s of value of merchandise experts over imports of 37 compared with wih only 3 in February of lat last year rear This increase In value of total exports export comparing the same peros periods is more tan than greater than the Increase In agricultural exports thus IndI eating the expansion in m manufactured ar tides of export The weeks exports of grain howe however show gain r a falling off of over haf half a milon million bushels of whet wheat and andor or of a quarter of a milon million bushels of corn compared with last weEk week Stocks closed at smal small generl general gains but with the baly barely I Bond Bonds were re hevy heavy Total sales par value value 60 on Unie United cl call State States bonds were aU all unchanged |