Show ALL QUIET AT OMAH OMAHA No Further Furth r Attempts to Lynch Mur Murderers Murderers in Jail Omaha March is quiet here to today today day and it is not thought likely that there will be further attempts at lynch lynching Ing the ithe men charged with murder Hold Holdup Holdups ups up have been ot of almost nightly occur ence for the past two or three months and several victims have been shot for tor resisting three of them being killed There is consequently a strong feeling against the men who have confessed I some seme of the crimes but the mob spirit does oes not generally prevail as an was shown by the temper of the crowd around the jail this morning when forty po policemen Uc men dispersed a mob with little The prisoners wanted it has been learned had been removed from the jail and it Is not y yet known where the they were taken by the sheriff Aside front from the breaking of the outer door the jail was not injured 5 |