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Show Uriel Tclt'sruuis. Gene ral Tuhernayefl' has started for Kischentfl. Ex-president ami Mr.-". Grant arc in ashiiiglun, Tho United Statvs steamer Van-datm Van-datm Baikd for Cjustantinople on Saturday. It is believed that Roumania intends in-tends to consult the guaranteeing powers as to her eouise. The dispatch of the grand vizier to Prince Charles of Roumania has produced pro-duced a great impression. A LotnLn minor is to the effect lhat the. Engiitli government has resolved re-solved to Bend a fluet to the Suez canai, A boiler in a flour mill at Alexandria, Alexan-dria, England, exploded on Mouday. Sixteen persons wero killed aud many injured. Governor H irtranft gave a farewell dinner on Monday to ex-President Grant and wife, who hav left for I Washington. ' The Louisville plate glass manufacturing manu-facturing company went, into bankruptcy bank-ruptcy on Monday. Liabilities, , $13000; assets, $126,000. i Red Cloud and Spotted Tail agon- f cieu, which for some time have been in charge ot the military, will soon be luinedover to the civic authorities. Mu lea ny, returned Fenian convict, has been invited to contest the seat for Tipperary, made vacant by tht; ileath ot Hon. William O'CallaghaB. Hugh 8. Walsh, at one time secretary secre-tary and acting governor ol the territory terri-tory of. Kansas, died this morning amir Gr&nviile, in Jefferson couuty. Wall street wan raided again by hears on Mouday, but in the afternoon after-noon all the stockB rallied and the market closed with a cheerful feeling and higher prices. Becker.Elliot and Clement, charged rvith complicity in the forgery of the $0-4,000 check on the Union Trust company, have been held for trial. Bail, $10,000 each. |