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Show A FASATIC SPEAKS. Oltl ltta W ml on IShj Suuilieru I'olifj'. I New York, f3. Tbe Times pub liihcs the following letter writteo by Ex-eeuutor Benjamin F. Wade: Jefferson, Ohio, April 9. Mr. U. 8, Painter, Wathington, D.G. My dear Sir, Your letter oT (lie 5th was duly received. You auk whether I remember what I auid in favor ol President Hayes in my endeavor en-deavor to procure hie uoruiuulian a! the Cincinnati convention. I do re member it, after what has since tun spired, with indiguation aud bitter-neas bitter-neas o( eoul, that I never felt before. You kutiw with what untiring zeul I labored for the emancipation of ih qlavea of the south aud to procure justice for them before and during the timo I waa in concrete, aud I aun- posed Governor Hayes was iu full accord with me on this subject, but I have been deceived, betrayed and even humiliated by the course he 1ib taken to a degree that I have not lautuago to express. Djriug the first month of his administration we find him closeted with two of the most malignant enemies of the colored col-ored race ttiat can bo found in all that slave cursed region, and there consulting with those malefactors, how beat he can put these colered people under the iron heel of their most bitter enemies and reduce them to a condition infinitely worse than before they were madt free. I feel that to have emancipated those people peo-ple and then to leave them unpro tected would be a crime aa infamous an to nave reduced them to slavery when they were free, and for Hayes to do this to men who had at the hazard of their lives given him votes without which he never could have had power to do this terrible injustice. injus-tice. No doubt he meditates the i destruction of tbe party that elected him. A contemplation of all this fills me with amazement and inex- pressiuie inuignation. iuy only con-Bolation con-Bolation is that history in forma me that better men than 1 ever pre'.erd to be have in like manner been deceived. de-ceived. Some have attempted to excuse him by saying that he means well, but hell is paved with just euch good intentions. Truly your?, B. F. Wade. |