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Show A Scliism in the King. For some time we have been aware of trouble in ihccamp of tho Federal carpet-baggers in this Territory, but we have refrained re-frained from announcing what we have heard relative to the brickcrings and jealousies of pensioners and would-be would-be pensioners, upon our reliable Uncle Samuel's bounty, until there thiogs woro made manifest from outside sources. Wo havo known that the flitting back and forth, of disciples of the Institute, between tho city and Washington, had a further significance than the settlement, as reported of tho "Mormon problem," A3 nearly as we can figure up tho situation, Gould, J. Rob, Walker, Strickland and Mc-Leod, Mc-Leod, are after the shoon of governor Woods and judge Haydon since the authoritative announcement that Grant would stand by McKcao, has changed his baso and is now moving on the works of his honor, judgo Hawley. Two or three parties are after the positions respectively of Messrs. Moore and Maxwcll,and rumor says that obese Pat Lannan wautsthe marshalship. fn fine, the faithful of the Institute ring aro at loggerhead?, and arc exhibiting exhi-biting in their individual persons the supremacy of selfishness over tho abstract ab-stract principle. Money makes tbo marc go, is a proverb that accounts for a great deal of the ostensibly disinterested disinter-ested regard for tho public weal, that has frothod ths oratory of tho leading anti-Mormon speakers of whom Gould and the "Rev." McLood aro the locomotive loco-motive head lights. |