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Show 1MvLIGS. Omaha rats cnt children. I Bulwer ia writing a now novel. The Ohio oat crop U immcnFe. , South Africa has a corner iu wives. Blind Tom ia pinyios in opposition to Rubinstein. A good many Missouriana aro emigrating emi-grating to Texas. Tho greatest nutmeg over known met with a grater. The French cooks of New York have formed a trade uniorj. lira. Abhy Richardson is giving roadinga in Colorado. Tho salo of French journals in Al-saoo Al-saoo and Loraino has been prohibited. New York belles complain that the young men of that city no lorjger make calls. You ono buy a full suit of paper clothing in Loudon for twenty-live cents. Donn Piatt's paper calls Dr. Holland the "Tupper of America" Appropriate. Appro-priate. , Kansas City is' operating a corner in murders nnd my&teriou-t di'uppear-ances. di'uppear-ances. A hitherto unknown Uand of 1.200 aores has just been dii-ouvered in Lske Superior. Kum-an-Semeo is what a Troy tobacconist to-bacconist cull the big Indian in front of his store. The oity of jiwrenco, Kansas, has six hundred aod fifteen affiliated master mas-ter Masons. Story, the sculptor, has sold two reduced re-duced copies of hia " Semiramia " at $$,UO0 each. Duluth is laying a foundation for naval pre-eminence in a birch bark oanoe i'aotory. Regular trains aro now ruoning on the new road just completed lrom St. I Paul to Sioux City. A disgusted Kansas pioneer says that Baroum'a njummy is "uotbin' but a jerked Injun." An old lady, writing to her snn out west; warns bim to beware of bilious saloons and bowel alleys. The ohief advantage of roasting ohestnuts is said to be tho rich and gamey flivor that it gives the worm. Terro Haute has a cat that is a re gular visitor at all the circuses. She is supposed to be after the aoro bats. The latest heiress to a foreign fortune for-tune is a scullion in Springheld, III., wwo has unexpectedly inherited 10,-000. 10,-000. Harry B. Clay, a nephew of the great Harry, is getting up a mammoth barbecue in the interests of Andy Johnson. Don't buy any more Ko'itaire diamonds dia-monds for the cngnceraent of your sweethearts. Three in a row is the latest anguish. Roxbury, Ct., rejoices in the possession posses-sion of a mine of pure steel. They are now boring in hopes of striking a lead of type-metal. An irritated North Carolinian an noyed by two men outside disputing about a calf, quietly got out of bed and shot both dead. An Illinois lady of Celtic descent lately blew down into tho chimney of a kerosine lamp and the lamp blew back asain, and Bridget Monabao is no more. |