OCR Text |
Show f'nwpiTg Stock of Lamp Chimneys at UarrtU'i. octl'J Waxtkd. Som POTATOES in "r-chna "r-chna f'-r somo firat cIm APPLKS. A.j.iv to W. C. JJunbr, HiaiLDoffice. out 10 T') ( f.ET SzTTsand Trav. at Barrtt'. (J mi. tires abe do lighted with Lyon's Tuiith Tablets. TuacQ them to brush llitiir teeth daily. ocll'J (Ji.'isif(oOifT Sali. To make room for nuvv good, at K. Martin's Stand, Main Street. Will fell by auction all my vanoiy of goods; sale commencing at 1 1 u'cl'ictc. on .Saturday, the 19th inst. TKUilBO A STKVENS, .octl'J Auctioneers. KyKRrTUiso in tho Dish line at Bar-ratt'a. Bar-ratt'a. octiy Stock Hie ld lens' Mebtisq. A geni-fil geni-fil ni-tfltine of tho Stockholders of the IVnnti-'th Ward Branch of Zion's Co-oji-nuivo Mftrcmiile Institution, will be h'lld hi tno Wurd Schoolbouae, on Monday, Mon-day, O -tobcr 2I-t. nt 7 p.m. (iEO. REYNOLDS, Secretary. octl'J i I (J H YkiD for liny; inquire of C. R. IlLirni'L, next to i'ostolfico. ocl6 (Si k .v kt ATTRACTioKt in Job Friat- j can ni tho Herald Otlico. I (Riorum Notice. Tho 17th Quorum of S-vtiiilies will moot on Sunday, 20lh instiint, at tho rosidonco of F rest. U. B-Uliiw-mn, immediately after tho close of tho nftornoon service in the Tabernacle. oc:8 ' "Nkw Goons just rocoivod to-day at K. (Jomujorcial street, oc2 Hills, Cahus, and Circular, in UtMt itj-los, printed at Lho Ukrald Otlico. ol6 Assignee's Sale. Liout. Firman will sell, by auction, this morning, a linu.se and part of a city lot in the Mill ward, the property of A. R, W rig lit. Sale will bo at 10 o'clock; and tho property is flituatcd threo .blocks west of tho bank of DesereL f'"TTiNO & Co's California Canned Frui'A Jo) lifts. Jams, etc., are far superior supe-rior to all other brands, for tale by all Qrsl-ciftss grocers. my 14 Maoazinks, Pamphlets, Periodicals Mucin Hooks, Kemp Books, etc., etc., In. mul in nil forms and rtylos at tho 11 khild Bindory. 6J KtMorAf,. I will remove my book ami ntw dojtnt this ovsning to Lyons' g c-Httintf storo, tw t doors north of ituni of D'orot, now 1'ostotHco, whilo iuv ihmv store ie beinjr tmtlt. win JAMES DWYER. PopriKR T-rinlod chnaplv and tnU-fully tnU-fully at tbo Ukrald Jub OtQco. f o-21 IVvll and po H. Dinwoodov'a auort-tmnt auort-tmnt of Mirrors. Ho ofiers them clti'itp. oc3 lATtvT Stti.m. fall goods, received vvi'ry svH-or.d woolt, at So. 3 Commer-fil Commer-fil strmU Jm. A, Stronjbors;, Merchant Mer-chant Tailor. Call and examine. alM IIkrv Dinwoodky is agent for Poat-d'a Patent School Desk. Call and oo tUo ample. oc3 for r Stylish Pair or PAjrra go to .No. 3 Conimercial ilreeU xV2 Jons S. Barnes, at No. 18 Second South street, will pav 'IASU for OATS, WHEAT, BAKLEY, BfJTTEK, EOUS and D1U E L Fli UIT. ocl IiiMESaE BrocK of -Furniture at Bur-ratt's Bur-ratt's v'Z "Thrbw Chkrus Tor Orueley and Grant." H. Dinwoodsy lias just r-ceivedtwocar r-ceivedtwocar loads of Chairs, and is prepared to furnish a gross at the drop of th hat. oc3 Goo, gpowa-L, Scavanger for the City. 02 Ask for the pure CURRANT JELLY manufactured by P. i). CDK & Co., San JjVancisco. a4 Barratt'3 Stock is next to Post Office. o2 Strkkt Cars. Thn public will ploa take not'co that the street cars are now runninji regularly between the railroad depot and Third South street. Tickets $7.00 per 100. Single faro 10 cents, i'2 For thk onet futt of Clot'-ec at lowest low-est price go to No- 3 Commercial strooL oc 1-2 Wat.i.iv & Co,, hsve jut received a fresh lot of ih'U lino Mulu Joweiry, and inrito tho attention of tho public jroa-erally. jroa-erally. HcRKAt's and Washstands at Br-ratl's. Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Mor-bufl, Mor-bufl, Cholera, ic, certain and immediate immedi-ate cure. Uegem fin's (formerly Val-pau's) Val-pau's) Diarrhea Remedy, mod with unfailing un-failing success sinco the Cholera of 1S32 Sold by drucEista generally. Prepared only by Hickman & Oo. New York. Ex a m ink Barratl's Parlor and Chamber Sots. o2 To outfit your ho'jse or'ofBce go to ParraU'B. 2 D, K Atxkn's famous XXX and XX FAMILY FLOUR for sale at Z. O.M.I. Produce Department, Urst door north of Bank of Doserot. njy&Z Travklino 1'dolic leaving SaltlLnkc City going eat, will and it to their advantage ad-vantage to take the evening train and come to Ogden. You will avoid getting up at i o'clock in tho morning. At Or-don Or-don city, hilf a mile from the depot, you will find one cozy, comfortable Hotel, tho Ogden House, where you will have plenty of time to rise at 7, Uke a 5ood breakfast, and you will always nd a carnage ready to convoy you to and from the di'pot, free of charge. 828 JOHN ilAtiON, Proprietor. Tourists and thk Travkung Trs-Lic Trs-Lic going ea-t are respectfully notiiii.'d' that the Utah Howl, at Oadeu City, if a tirst-elas house, and by coniinc to Ogden on tho previous evening, either bv Mail or Freight Train, th-v avoid tlio annoyance of riring at 4 o'clock to Like the" morning train at Sail Lnko l ple.vure lookers Oed"n promises much to interest m lis excellent Shotting Shott-ing and Trout tUhing, while the grandeur grand-eur of its canyons is unsurpassed by anything of the kind known in Uie United S:a;es. I The Hotel is provided with Lrher Shop and Bath Room, ar.d runs lis j coach free of exponrO to guc-:.-. ! The proprietors, Lhii:.fui for pAst favors, will spare no pain to p. case guests, and wiil provide guns and am-1 am-1 munition, with guides and carriages to the shooting or ti.-hirg grounds, by getting get-ting timely notice ihereof, Eltdky Williams, Propr's icl3 Job Paisrrsa all sizes and styles j lone promptly and , cheaply &t the I Herald Oihce. selo NERVOUS DkBILITY. With its gloomy attendants, low spirits, depression, involuntary emissions, emis-sions, loss of semen, spermatorrhea, loss of pwer, dizzy head, loss of memory, mem-ory, and threatened impotence and imbecility, im-becility, find a sovereign cure in Hom-phrky's Hom-phrky's Homeopathic Spkcifig Ho. Twenty-Kiqht. Oomposed of the most valuable mild and potent Curatives, Cura-tives, they strike at once at the root of the matter tone up the system, arreat the discharges, and impart vigor and energy, life and vitality to the entira man. They have cured thousands of cases. Price, 5 per package of five Doxps and a large S2 vial, which ib very important in obstinate or old cases, or $1 per single box. Sold by all Druggists, Drug-gists, and sent by mail on receipt of price. Address, Humphreys' Specific Homeopathic Medicine Co., 6G2 Broadway, Broad-way, Hew York. For Sale at . 0. M. 1. nd (iodbe's Drug Store. &9 ASSESSMENT NOTICE. The Itrrt Wtnjr Mining Compnnj-j I.ociU Ltu of V or Its, Tlntlc Mill tug IHstrlet, J 11 11b County, Utftli fer- Notitk is hereby (riven that at a mooUnfr of tho Hoard of Directors of said coniiiany, hold on tho 2Uh day of May, A. D. 1S72, an ssesa-iiiont ssesa-iiiont iv iw levied upon tho oftinta stock of said campany, payable to tho froaauror of tbo company, at ito otlieo in Suit Lnko city, on or boToro the -Din. day of October, 1S72. Any slock on which -Jaid u.-sossuient shall romnin unpaid on the above date, will bo advertised duiiU'iui'nt, '"i 'old t'i pay the delinquent &s-EC5?mcnt &s-EC5?mcnt and cost of advertising and axpensaa ol 'sale. GEO. E. BOURSE, Octll Secretary Red W ins Mining to- Pure Manilla Rope, WE HAVE boon appointed byTubbsACo oonts for tho sala oi'taoir rope. To miners it is particularly reco mm ended boinit all pure Manilla and not milod with Sisal or other inferior material, Special price given to tl) Trade STURTEVANT BLOWERS. Soveral siios od hand. Sizes not in Stock or? derod at lowest rates by tho &gonts. SCOTT, CO Golden City Fire Brick. A Stock of Arch and Squoro Brick now on hand, SCOTT, ICM1IAM CO, "Advorti'ing is tho Oil which wise mon pu' in then- Lamps. Mods ax Pkuvebb. LP. FISHER, ADVERTISI NG Rooms 20 &2 Merchants Excar.-, OALIFORSIA STREET, SAN FR ANCISO, ?olii'it Ad,vertiseincnU and Subscription! for iho Salt Lake Daily and Semi- Weekly Herald And for rmPers pnbli'hpd in California, Oro-p.n Oro-p.n and Nevada; Washinclon, L'luh. Idaho. loti!nj.i, Colorado, Anzuna and adiacont Torntonw: tfandiTich l-lands tho bn. h lVsc--ioi?. Moii:ui l'oru, Nicaragua, Pana-in Pana-in 11. Valparaiso. Japan and China; Sew Zealand Zea-land nnd the Australiaa colonios, ho Atlantic Ulos and Europe. ADVE11TISIXO u croated many a now biiMnett; liiLi uiilnrced maiiv (111 old business; Has revived mar.y a dull business; liiu rescued many a lost business; il;u saved many a failing business; I il-i preserved many a largo business; And insures success in any businou. "ttTUARP'5 SECRET. Stephen Girnrd used to ;y in his old ace: "1 have always considered advi-ru-ina liliurnlly and long to bo ibe jtreat medium .if succors in business, and too prcluda towi'alih. And 1 havo m.ido it an invariable rule to advertise in tho dullest timos as well as tho bu-ie-t. long experience having Uucbt me tli;tr money thus 'pent is well laid out. as by CvnnniiiiUy keeping my business before the public it has secured many sales thatl otherwise other-wise would haYekxt." BUY YOCR OFFICE DESKS a ; 1 . From MuiufMtnr.ra dirKt, A. H. ANDREWS fc Co.1 lltf A HI Wt HaahlngtonSlf (IIK AliO, Manoiacturers "f SOHoOt-. CHURCB H ard FINK OFFICE FtRMTFRE W,ll 'hip-1 S UOOX. Ptli.S AND SCATS. tTTTV.y i-T Lh-ir-liw, IUII or Hotels, 1 .-. UoVar.d Cr,:er Y"ir.z. frr.ni oar ; k rr 'e t.i irirr i I..C . -! eircant ; t. .r.n-r. PI kH'. T T'tfTSToy eM in L ;ah, I C. Ion L-. .ir -;tcT wr;rrn N.i:e! ai'i Terri-I Terri-I t,- -(... fc-ari- c rpri l-w-' ;"--ighta, and So l for ;;i j--;r;c i Ca:.i'. ;je. Sent free. A iress, A. U. ANDi;KW S A Co., ill and 121 "-U ffashiiistoa iumU CitlCAGO.: 1 ivi ton, Ay., and an intimate friend of Henry Clay. First National Bank OF UTAH, HALT LAKK CITY, DESIGNATED DEPOSITORY AND FINANCIAL AGENT OP THE UNITED STATES. WiutK HniiT. 0. L. DiBin. Free Id en u Vice Prwt. Axtmojtt Sobbi, Caskler. Aathorls Capital, - 900,000 PAID CP CAPITAL! - 180,OOO. BAXUflMOS, - 190,000. Dividend in 1871, 50 por cent Oldest Banking Jnttttutim m Utah. A. 0-aeral Banking BniineM 1 Trniictd. AOBNCIBI IK OOLOSADO AND MONTANA, COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, INTT.RKT ALLOWED ON TIMTI DR POSITS. fl BALTIMORE TRADE, WM. LaNAHAN & SON, DI3TTLLIU AND JOBBER OF RYE WHISKEYS, .Warahoiu Bo. 90 Light Street, BAliTUIOfLK ST. LOUIS TRADE. SEMPLE, BIRGE & Co.. StXT- IiOTJI0. Manufacturers and AxntJ AGRICULTURAL GOODS, Hardware Specialties, WHITEWATER WAGONS. Office a d Sampler 13 SOOTH MAIS STREET. Warehouse: myl8 114. 116. 11S KLM ST REFT. SAYTJEN, ffELSOHS & ALLEN Mannfmotarers and Dealers in Saddlery Hardware CARRIAGE TRIMMINGS, BENT STOCK, LEATHER, Etc., No. 5ia Horth aiUn atre.t, my 19 ST. LOUIS. MO. If yon want the best, bay Back's Brilliant It is the most Perfect Baker. It Is the most Durable. It bums the least Wood. It always ; (ivm Satisfaction. i More of Buck's Stoves hare bees sold and j are in use than any store ever made.' Every Stove is mmm. BUCK'S Guarantee, For CohI and Wood, Las only been in aie two years- It is now the leading Coal Coek Stove. Why. it is a Perfect Baker. It is a Fnel Saver, it is made with oar PATENT CHILLED IRON. Fire Lining whioh will lastlonirer than Five Sets of eotnmoa Linings. Lin-ings. It will draw in any rood flue, and is tbe only Coal Choking Stove that rives entire Satisfaction. BUCK a WRIGHT, 720 and Tat N. Main Street, Saint Louis, Manufacturers of all varieties of COOKING and II RATI SO STOVES, Sample Sam-ple Card and Price Lists furnished on application. myl8 TUB VICTOR SEWING MACHINE With all lha latest Improvements Improve-ments is running the MARKET EVERYWHERE. "W hy ? BECAUSE it HAS tbo self SETTING SET-TING STRAIGHT NEEDLE. BECAUSE tho thuttla needs no threading. BECAUSE the tension in the shuttle shut-tle is perfect, whether tho bobbin be full or not. BECAUSE it is noiseless. BECAUSE it is the easiest rnnniDg maohino made. BECAUSE it embodies all the latest improvements and attaohmenta, including the FRENCH TRIMMER and the oelcbrated embroidery attachment. attach-ment. BECAUSE the styles aro clerant and serviceable. BECAUSE with all these advantages, advanta-ges, it U sold just as cheap as aDy other first class machine in the United States. Ladies please call and see them; examine all others, and then see THE VICTOR Cns. W. Stayner, Next D'-T to tvn' nnllfTr. Main 5treet. SALT LAKE CITY. RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, October 2nd, 1872. Grand Fall and Winter O 2P IES W X IJ CS- . Seasonable and Fashionable Iress Goods, Shawls, Cloaks, Sacques, and other desirable WRAPS. FULL LINE OF COLLARS. CUFFS & LACE GOODS. SHOE DEPARTMENT WILL EE FULLY STOCKED. For more complete enumeration see our description circulars to be issued id a few days. m29 U. B. CLAWSON,- Su peri ntn den f. DUR!FOROESft!8. MAMMOTH BOOT, SHOE AND HAT STORE. WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Orders Solicited from Town nnrt Country, anil promptly utid cnrefnlly (1U-1 t the very smallest possible niui'siii over cost. mJ7 AHJRTHERN Trains are now Running1 Daily, BRIGHAM JUNCTIONwith C. P. R. R. HAMPTON'S 7or MONTANA. Dis. GOING SOUTIl a.m. p. . Varo IHs GOIXO SOHTII a.m. r. m. !Pnro. Ltrt Hampton's t 4:00 12:15 j Loavo Brigham at 8:15 7:1. 7 " DoiroyrilU" 4:35 1:20 50 4,'S " Box Elder " 8:: 7:.TO 2o Jl " JJonerville " 4f50 1:15 ; 75 llH " Calls Fort " 9:00 8:00 AO 13Jj " Calls Fort " 5:00 1:15, 90 14 " Ilonoyvillo " 0:10 8:10 1 73 20 " Box Elder " 5:30 2:15 I 1 25 IS " Dowoyvillo" B:25 8:25 J oO 25:Arrivo at Brigham 5:15 2:30 1 138 23 1 Arrive at Uampton'i 10:00 9:00 lM j !, 1 I t SPECIAL RATES TO KXCUHSION PARTIES. PasMnpora will please nurohapo their tiokets at the Company's Offioea, or 50 cents additional will bo oliarned when thn Fare is ooll- oted on the Lrain. Arranecmenta have been made with tho Central Pacific and Uiah Central Railroad Companies whereby pasongera o-n purchase Tickets at tho U. C. Office in Gait Lake City or O. P. Office at 0."len for Box Elder or Hampton's on the U. N. R. R., and from Hampton or Bji Eldor to Ogden or Salt Lake City at greatly reduocd rates. Through Connection as follows : GOING SOUTH A.M. P.M. GOING NOKTH. A. M. P. M. Leave Hampton's at 4:00 l'J:ii Loavo Salt Lake City, UCKR., at 5:00 2:43 Arrive at Brigham, U. N. R, R. 6:45 2:W Arrivo at Osdon, " 7:00 4:13 Leave Brigham. C. P. R. B. at 6:10 2:W Leave Ogdon, C. P. R. U, at 7:15 6:00 Arrive at Ogden, C. P. R. R. 7:00 3:50 Arrivo at Brigham, " " 8:15 7:00 Leave Ogden, U. 0. R. R, 8:00 5:30 Leave Brigham, U. N. 1L It., at 8:15 7:15 Arrive at Salt Lako City 10:00 7:30 Arrivo at Uampton'i " " J0:00 I':00 1 I ... I . TUB TIME TABLES ARK CALCULATED ON SALT LAKE TIME. FARES, Hampton's to Ofrdon. $2 SO I Bait Lako City to Tloi Kl.lnr. t 23 10 tiait Lake City, 4 3 " " " llami-iuii'i 4 :i) Box Elder to " " 3 2i 1 Ogden t ITumpt'in e. U V to Ogden 1 25 " " Box tldor 1 to II. G. Miller & Co's Express leaves Hampton's every morninn for Logan on arrival ot the 10 a.m. train, and tri-wekly, Monday, Wodnoday and Friday, for principal settlements in Cache county, returnirK daily from Logan to connect with the 12:45 p.m. train, and llowo's Express every Tuesday Tues-day morning from Franklin to Soda Springs, returning llii'rctrom every Friday Fri-day morning. S P E C I A- NOTIGE1 The 7iI5 p.m. 1rln from HI tKli nin on Hnmlny'a nurl 4 n.m. Irnln from lUmpton'i on Jlondk'! will be ilUccmt In 11 1 tl mil II furl lir r nollcc, m JOHN W. YOUNG, Gun'l Supt. GROCERY DEP'T, z. c. ni. x. W1101ESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, htoves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, Miners' Supplies. We do not throw out any Baits by Advertizing a few Leading Articles at Low Prices, ALL OUR QOODS AHE OHEAP' DKALEIW IS T'da a?;rTU:MEST3 AND ;IISISa TOWNS WILL roD IT TO TIIK1R ISTEKKST TO CALL AND EN'QUlilK PRICKS BEFORK PURCHASLSG. B. B. CLAWIOli iaprlmtad. FirsBrsi! FBreCaaJy! THK ESTATK of hi -lIARDiiOH'iUTLV lill carry OB li. bujmcs . . Sakers and Confectioners, At the old urd Tlio "GL O n 1 EAST TK-nri.K STlttKT, K 1 r 5 5;:" f," r r " ; : Ir'lir.e:i l.OM-.r.a h -v 0 M -mc Part Unmr-mftflr fu.llf. FH.'.t:i) W1TM PISl'ATCtl. c s n F O li BUTTER, EGGS, GRAIN, FLOUR, PEACHES, I" Wol'LH L1KK TO AUKA.ViK Willi I tlire or four i-nrti,- liw.n; iu vi uuaj' ihe Cit,v for a Miri-iy ut" CHOICE FRESH . Butter, AVll NEW LAID EG3S, Twioo a wook for my City CiiMonur, VILL ALSO PAY CSll Full ALL i kinds uf Graiu. Flour & Dried Peaches Wanted GEORGE II. RXOWLDEX. Oj'i'osito Willis, Fargo A On' iillke, West sido Main Strvct, SALT LARK O 1 T Y. N. n. l.nr:- niinntitio of ilmin, Mnur, Bran. ShorLs Uiituu'iil. Km', Ac, Au-, l:i'5 on hand. i. 11. K. ali; DT DLK T It. BTRKLf. B.M'l. K- JoM KBoK STKIXK & JOIINSOX, Wtiiilpnl- ilrnlcru Id Staple and Fancy GROCERIES, otr;, Council Bluffs, la. Sole Aitotn.' far tho OnnnUI and Pupont mjf28 l'nwilnr Cnintninicf. "THIS :ih KNOWN IMAM) -OF - JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT .a Grocery Department . H II. It. CLAUSnN.Supt. W-T-KKYNOLIiH A CO., E. It. XAHIllNK I K, tiaD FrauciMu. 6i.ll Luke Ciy. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZABRISKIE & CO. HAVE VOIl HALE A FINE LINK OK WINES AND LIQUORS, To which thuy call the attenticm of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLK AOKNTH FOK "IIOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WULSK1LS. THK K1NK8 T B Ji IN T II E C I T V OONNEOI'ED WITtl TUB IJMCSK. 64 MAIN STREET Two ilonrl anutli of W'tU, yrgo A to i Uink. ro,r, LUMBER TARE All KImiIh of J.iiiiilx.r DOOR3, WINDOWS, BLINDH, MOUI-DINOS, 6HLN0LI3, LATH 3, T. R. JOWES flalf-Wnrt nnth ofll. 0. Dtmoi. W.J. HOOPER & CO. ITCOnaillOlAL ITUKET, |