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Show A. W. WHITE CO. BUY AND SELL STOCKS ON COMMISSION SPECIAL ADVERTISEMENTS WASTED. yAITERj WANTED i ALSO BOY no3 ' WASHINGTON HOUSE. A SERVANT TO DO OENEUAL HOUSE -fx work, lit No. ti Clift jlr.co; wngos from tliroo to four dullarsa ,vook, according to capability. capa-bility. no2 WANTED TO KNOW THE WHERE-nbouu WHERE-nbouu of Charles Ncudorhoof. Address C. F. Stoffors. Salt Lako City, Utab. not FOR SALE. "PEN THOUSAND ADOBIES. notf Pioneer Art Gallery. ATIIIKD CL,ASS TICKET Full NEW York. Apply immediately to Cameron Jc Co., labor exchange, two doors north of Walker House, up staira. Ticket unlimited for time. ni3 FOB. ItEXT. A(;OODHOlSE WITH ElfiHT ROOMS and closets, two and a half blocks west of Main street, Apply to Ernest Young, office Z. C. M. 1. oc27 IVTANTED IMMEDIATELY ! SEVERAL V first-class Boot and Shoo makers. Apply Ap-ply to "Big Boot," yj East Teinplo street. OC27 ONE A No. 1 COOK; AND ONE GOOD practical Waiter. Apply to 1). (Jronig, East Temple street. oc2ti DR. GROVES, ' Office. Seoond Sooth Street. Three do on vest of Great Wwterm Hotel, half & block east of Elephant Store, Salt Lake City - I OS firm B-m. lo t p-M. ml 1 NOTICE. InEHEBY warn all persons not to buy or otherwise nopoliato tor tho Property known as the Miami Mine, situated on Snow frtorm Hill, Dry Canyon, Opair District, as thfv are noiv workiiiK on tho Cadftt Mineral without lii-onse ur les-al claim, and tho party that buys tho Miami Mine will buy a lawsuit, nui T. R- MILL Eli. SNOW! SN0W1 SNOW! FALL &WLNTER SEASON, 1872. Goods Suitable at Teasdel & Co's. Rubbers & Cioih Overshoes at Teasdel & Co's. Flannels, LirtseysX Blankets at Teasdel & Co's. Ladies & Children's Furs at Teasdel & Co's. BREAKFAST SHAWLS, NUBIAS AND HOODS AT Teasdel Co's. SHAWLS, DOUBL13 AND SINGLE, SIN-GLE, AND SCARFS AT, Teasdel & Co's. GENTS' OVERCOATS, OVER-SACKS OVER-SACKS AND TRAVELING SUAV.-LS, AT TEASDEL & CO S. A FULL AND COMl'LETE STOCK ' OF ALL CLASSES OF GENERAL GENE-RAL MERCHANDISE AT TEASDEL & CO S. AT TRICES TO ENSURE SATISFACTION. SAT-ISFACTION. THE BLEES Sewing Machine AT TEASDEL & CO S, liVG Lli: HOUSE, Wl'USITi; SALT LAlCt NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. HALT LAKE THEATRE MONDAYrNovenTberl, '72. FIKT APPEARANCE AT THIS TLIEATRE OK Miss Florence Kent, Will ho presented, tho rom-wnwl ipnational play, drainatiri-d from Charles Reado'd pupulnr novel of the sumo nnmo, by tho well-known American dramatist, dram-atist, AiiKustin Univ. Eiq., in & acts, entitled GRIFFITH GAUNT: on JEALOUSY. A DRAMA OF THE PASSIONS ! GRIFFITH UACXT. Mr. F. M. BATES. KATE PKYTOX. Miss JKAX CLARA WALTERS. In actlvo prQpnration, SUSPEGTED1 THE MORAL BRAND. MAUD' s"" PERIL. DFSERET National Bank OK SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. raid lip Capital. - S'00,000. Authoriicd Capital $1,000,000. BRIfill AM YOUNG, Vrosident,) II. S. KLDRKIHJK, Vice Pros' t, W. H. HOOI'KK, I Wi. JENNINlJS, Directors. JOHN SHARP. I FERAMOR. LITTLE, L. S. HILLS, Cashier, ) deal is UOI.D niST, OI?J, KXCHANOE, LAM) WARRANTS, COL-LKUE COL-LKUE SCRI1', etc. OoUcotions made and promptly rv-, rv-, mi t ted. FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. INTEREST PAID ON Savings IDoposits. BOILER MAKING AXD KEPAiBiisra. JOHN SLOAN, PRACTICAL BOILER MAKER. Will repair, on tho shortest notice, all kinds of portable, stationary ur upright boilers. Refcri. by permission, to Messrs. II. S-Jacobs S-Jacobs Sc Co. CB" Orders by telepraph or mail, addrejsed earo of "IIkbald" Ullico, will bo promptly attended at-tended to- cJl JOHNSLOAX JNO.'S. BARNES, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Flour.Grain&Feed, Ko. 18 SECOND SOUTH STREET. CASH PAID TOE WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY, FLOUft AND DRIED PEACEES. - . TAX NOTIGE. rj-'IlE TAXPAYERS OF SALT LAKE COUNTYwill take notice that.alter tho fourth day of November, 1572, all Territorial and Coaaty Taxes unpaid will bo collected with cost, in accordance! with tho provisions of law. R, J. GOLDI5G, Assessor and Collector, bait Lake County, U.T. Aasusor and Collector's OfEoo, Court llousa, Salt Lako Ciiy. Oct- 22, 1S72. o23 BUY YOUR OFFICE DESKS From Manufacturers direct, A. H. ANDREWS & Co. 110 A iai Weit Washington St., CHICAGO, Manufacturer! of SCHOOL, CHURCH HALL and FIXE OFFICE FVRNITURE Will ship SCHOOL DESKS AND SEATS, SKTTEE3 for Churches, Ilalli or HoteU, Office Desks and Counter Fittings, from our Stook, or made to order in the most elegant manner. DIRECT TO CUSTOM E1W in Ulan. Colorado, or other western States and Territories, Terri-tories, securing the very lowest freight!, and SAVING RETAILERS' PROFITS. Hcnd for illustrated Catalogue. Sent free. Address, A. H. ANDREWS A Ce.. 119 and 121 West Washington street. OU1CAGO.I luylfl g W IMMENSE SACRIFICE! CARL C. ASMUSSEN WILL Bl.LL U1S KMIRR SrtKK 01' VALUABLE JEWELRY Ladies' Diamond A.D orllER WATC IIJK 8 , French &. AniBrican Clocks, Etc., Etc., FOR TWO MONTHS ONLY. IstLA.XJSi' STREET, MiAHLY OIM'OSI'I E TIIK VOST OFKI0E. WALKER BRO'S. CUNN1NOTON 4 CO. Walker Bro's & Co., WHOLESALE AXD KETAIL DEALERS I-' WINES, LIQUORS & CIGARS. Havo a splendid stock of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WINES, BRANDIES, GINS &c, BEST KENTUCKY WHISKIES, And an immense quantity of CASE LIQUORS AND HITTERS, AND HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS Having opened an EXCLUSIVE LIQUOE HOUSE and keeping THE LARGEST STOCK EVER HELD IN UTAH we oiler SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. ooie Agents in utan lor 0. li. UUlTfttv ana cs. l. ouic k uou ccicDrawa Kentucky whiskies. WALKER BRO S Sc CO. au21 One door East of Elephant Store. STOVES! Z. C. M. I. Grocery and Hardware Department, MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK; Also a great variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, comprising com-prising tbo largest assortment to be found in any stock in Utah; prices very low, call and see. ., Q , ool20 II. B. CLAWSON, Supt. i W I rf a ! 6 5 . 1 i o u s I n i -a a. 2 s I e - . mm ' . c O "0 JJ o o Z s o c ii r ,i i o ? i I , d i o s tfl a V i Q I 2 -I X I PS "r I 1 o t t-i i- I $ (? H - ft I I 0 cd i S i S a H W U I J ; R y 1 i w s 5 fa ft 3 5 2 a g uj a uj s s fi , pq s 1 3 t 1 8 s 5 i - S w s ki -i ; C3 J V. W- O o I g co S s t S s d s Pure Manilla Rope. AVIS U AVE been m-i-otntod by Tubtu A Co T acentj for tho fnle ol thoir rvpe. To minor- it is Mirlioularty rccouimomloJ bointr nil puro nnullln and not miioJ with Sbal or utbor inferior matoriaJ. dpeoliU price given to the Trail c. STURTEVANT BLOWERS. Everl eiios on hand. Siio-notia Stuck ordered or-dered tt lowest rates by tbo agents. KI OIT, Dl .MlA.U Jt cu Golden City Fire Brick. A Stock of Arch and Squaro Brick now on hand. Ncorr, DIMIAJI o, STOVES! STOVES! TUB CHEAPEST STOVES OF THE- CREATEST VARIETY AT W. HARRISON'S I T I I I M -AND- STOVE STORE, oiwsitk uisitoi' iiuxriitca EAST TEMPLE STREET. JjrCalltalKiaml..; mm nn t b. A EXITED STATES OF AMERICA, DISTRICT OF NEVADA, n tli'e Office of tUe Cleric of the U S. District Court, To wltt V-Wr'.'.T- r- ' m em bo re d. fU -:;---J IfA That 00 the c5v--Si ' "W Seventeenth Si l'ArfS' " ?" r-""a daJ" of IJcto" i -j, 2-'--'-.' jarT"'; Anno t-''- r1 I- ' , a Domini. One K-"y-;ft;V-cr--' ' '-f thouiand Ir'-";-J eight huo- VV :x.yM S. Hammer Xg -jJr 1" tho aid District.bath tfxY'' deposited in this office a label entitled "II AJIMEB'S COLLAR GALL TJI-TMblTT," ...c,.f he daima as Proprietor, in conformity with an Aci (V,n-m-eas. entitled "An Act to amend the aereral AcU respecting copyrights." , W. P. RODOEHS. st,kj Clerk of said District, U. 8. District Conrt, byQEO. R.AitnoD, District of Kevada, 1 Deputy SjARGAlL OlHTjjjaj -.wnlin t.. c; o.r i', in itn.-rV- OINTMENT For Collar Galls. 1'ijequallcil for tbt (tn-crffful cure of Collar U.UI. Sore Back, Kni Blrmishea, Cracked I WK Grc.w. un.l all tr,uMc?v-n Sore-. Ai-Ibis Ointment Jw uot Mb ever, but dries and hrals n ore fom Iho bottom. rrouJ flesh cannot form where It is iise.l. Prtparol only by KING & CO., Proprietors, Carson City, Nevada, from the nvi pec f a ctletrnied EiilihVetTinrUii Bediiifftoii & Co., Wholesale Agents, S.in Vnuicoco. Oal. tStlul Ihf tuimf tf CUAS. S, II UMEJt it riiu.n ihilitWl In ri tegeniuii. -- J. D. LAMB & CO., GENERAL ACENTS. SALT LAKE OIT1". I a33 OjST LOW FOR CASH. 400 Bushels Choioo ONION'S. 600 POTATOES. 25,01X1 1'ounJa Uhoico 1SARLEY. 70,000 ,, OATS. iOO.000 ,, ,, CORN. 20,000 Corn MEAL. 22,000 Craclsod CORN. 300 Sacks Choice FLOUU. ALSO mux. syiiUTs. ilams. iouh ekun, Ere., i n'. WANTED, 2,000 BUSHELS WHEAT, Delivered at Allen's, Miller's, or City Creek Mills. HlKot ,.ri f.si,. DKIKD 1-KACUK3 WASTED. GEORGE II, RXOM'LDEN, Grain Dealer, West aido Main Street, Oppn-ito Wt'tls. l'arso A tVs OtHee, DUtLlT M. HTKKI.B. IaN'L . JdHKPP STKKLK & J0IIXS0X, Vrholeoah lMlxr It) Staple and Fancy GROCERIES HOUOHS, FLOUR N0 BACON, uiS."Ji,.,i. ) Council Bluffs, la. 8ol A font for the Oriental and Duion,l SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. KSTAMLISIIrTD Importers of Tens, East India, goods and general groceries, 2l3a'l5 Front Street, San Franciteo- o26 IIKCUT, BRO'S & Co. BOOTS, SIIOKS At LEATHER 104tt 106 Sanmom St., San A-anoto, And 6 A VZ 1'earl St Boston. BUCKrSOUA.JSf A JJKCHT, M'.infcturer of tb "EITIA )0 AL ITT" UUF0IHIA MOTS All IHftl. oil i Harness Saddlery l,eatlier. J, C. JOITNSON & CO., 10 A & 106 front Street. J SAN FHANCISCO, Rfffr ttf pti-miion to Mr. H. R CXmtr-non, CXmtr-non, Superintendent of the Z. CM. JL, ol5 S. L. Stanley, a C. Chapmaa, John Spruaooe. Spruance, Stanley &. Co., EJaooo-eora to H. Webster Jt Co. mud J. k J. Sprumco, Importers an I Dsalan ia WINES AND LIQUORS, ' 1P 410 FROXT STREET. Lindenberger & Bnrke. COMMISSION IMPORTING MERCHANTS, SOLE AGENTS OK TUB Willamette Woolen Miilsof Satem, Oregon, Kos. M8 A. 30 NAXSOME STREET, HAS FBAJit'ISfO, CAL. EMets, Flannels, Cassimeres, BLDUXD PRICE LIST. Wo are now prerarod to Tarnish to the trade at greatly reduced iricos all tha good mad by tho Willamette Mills, of Salem, Oregon. Bl.mketj, all gTados aud colon; Flannels, ail color, red. whito, gTtj; Caiuiorei, all graded and style; Heavy Waterproofs; Heavy red, ivhito and (rrey V. S. k Dratren: Toatnsteri' heavy i aid Flannel OrershirU" Teamsters' heavy grey Flannel OTnhins; Casimere Overshirj, etc, etc-, etc C5- Urders fur all kinds of Goodi Kliaitei, For ale nt Loir Hates by LIMt:XBLlUiKR k BURKE, No?, 26 and JO ionsouic Street-oil Street-oil FBAXCisr, Cii-- Cii-- - ..--j . i i CHICAGO TRADE. JOHN V. FARWELL & Co., WHOLESALE NOTIONS, DRY GOODS, AND "WOOLENS. Largest Stock West of New York. Monroe & Franklin Sts CHICAGO. mjl PAGE, BRO. & Co., porter and Dealers inl LEATHER AXD FINDIN8S; 35 4c 37 South C.ttl street. W. W. Pac, Boston, CHK'AOO OrnllcPase,) PM ILL. c. a. pce, lnioago. ja19 WHITE LEAD c 170 & 172 RANDOLPH STREET. Offer Special inducements to Urg tmjart tud tho Johhmc Xrado of Utah, Temtou. , iylfi Established 1S5&.) Williams, 5LUIer & Olmstead, (Formerly Fitch, Williams A CO Wholesale Doalen ia Hats, Caiis, Furs anrl Bict Goois, 125 and 127 MARKET STREET, augll C111CAUO. Damon, Temple & Co., Importers, Manufacturers and Jobbers of NEOKl-TIES And all Goods for GENT'S NECK WEAR, LINEN AND PATEK? collars amd CTrrs. LU and US W&buh At& CH10189, m. "The Old Salamander." REMOVAL, VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON REID I Whotuala DRUGGISTS and Paint Dealers, FTave remvrvi ,o (hir New Storw, S and V LAKK "I HEKT. corner Daarhoro Street, ten the old Fit" UUIU.0, where, with buil.lmes er'lcd eipressly for the bulaeJ, t'tr.m Klavntor. otc-. tha opened op an iratuaase Stock, nniarpaasea in the northwest. Srwlal attonUon ivcn ts Territorial buslnee. Sr M. D. WELLS L CO., Maoofaatarara ofand Vrholel DaaJart . lo Boots and Shoe 018 Watiaia An, ChlaHT M. P. Well", H.J. M?farUlA K. Banadieu 8. F. Mdain immi mm cutf FIliK and nl'RULtB P8r TM Hut ira in tit Wo- HERRING & CO., 6 Sito ntrvot, Bad oornor 14th ftr aud Indian Atptjuo, OHIO AGO, 'l |