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Show MEDICAL. NEW MEDICAL WORK! "The Philosophy of Marriage." Kor the De bil Hated Wenrous System. 7 vll JQ-.DAK.of the Anawtnlcal MnaMini, 8T8 I ) V,.v:a-ry iimt, (W Califi.ri.iaj 6 AS IKASCI.-CO, OaM'.roia. li peLlnhed W of hi tri'-l .ru.rlnm ml luitrncui Lecture, net Ti,lnnif f..r IL..4 l.ocAiiuc.t IVi.d Ibo Locturw I Hip Mnini. Erery nanurrif and marnJ fumi "li'fil.l ri-ad and itii'Jy incae important Leo-turns Leo-turns for Hi- of hinmrlf aui off.nn. Itj jvMr-iNti the sKretarj of Uio i a atomic! M i- uu, 6u fiwaw. ""1 eneloettg Twentr-Kitp Twentr-Kitp O'iU "h f-We ti"l" H lJ IlAg. the B--.k will Le forwarded U u part ot the fl tales or Terrlturlw. Vt. Jotdan can U eoonit1 by letter. JO HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LKADISG HOTEL OF UTAH. JAMES T-OWNBEND PROPRIETOR. This Qou ii oeotralty and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well farnUhod. and hu MCQmiioi-iioni MCQmiioi-iioni for 0 meets. THE PROPRIETOftli now preparin 0 build large additions to his Hotel, whUh when Qniflhod, will reader It the Mott Complete EitalOskment In tilt ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil WALKER HOUSE, East Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Open for (lie ltetcptlon of Guests Monday, Sept. 2d, 1872. II. S. GEEELEY & CO., 1'ROrnlKTOBS. a TAYLOR'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. Free Coach from the Depot. Taylor & Cutler, PROPRIETORS. myll AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OJVK JIL.OOK EABT OF THKA.TRJC, SALT LAKE O I T Y . Tamil t3. 00 par day Board without with-out rooms fia.OV par week. Bathe frtilo gueele. J. C. LITTLE, tnnM Froprlelo. Washington House - airtt Nouth Htreet, HVJL.'i L. AKK CITY llonril ami Lodging, per Week T 00 Uay Hoard 00 Krcuch 8rlifC Bed! 3 00 Beili, per NlftUt - - SO dteala - ... US ' ' 1U New Commercial Mm Rooms, 45, Commercial St., Suit Luke City. 0. W. TA rPAN. Proprloter. i) I' V, N A 1 . I, NKJHT. Bprlnff Utile, as. 3T' and 50 cte. per NlKt to S'j.OO per Weak. SI it Kir lino me, SOsnil Iflo.imr Nlht fj.00 to (I.5U per Weak. loiiiile Itooma, tl.UO to SI. SO per N ik in, ol5 IjlllEATWESTERMOTEL, UN TDK KUHOPKAN PLAN. Situ ted in busincf part of the olty, with aoooiuiuodalion for UUJ guests. IMKST-CLASP nceoramodntioii for Families 1 and Travelers. Etouine, l)c, 75c, 91.00 and M.5U Din in a IfnM and Ustaurunt under the mnnnuciuont of M . II. Hoards ley, lata of the Murnsun House. Urn lha. and Tiuhnor Uotino, Liiioo I ii. Nob. Board per weolc, 97 flleale, 50c. KKKfc. tM MU US TO HOTEL. HUk-oti Icnro dlly for the mine. LauQiirj ooanooted with the hotel. SMITH A. UIOAZE, mrl7 Proprietor. J OS K. I'll 4JltI.I'NliI, OIVIL li N O I N li K U i U. S. MIN V-H A 1. AND pKIH-TV SlU-Vb"VuH SlU-Vb"VuH FUR UTAH, Ollli o: V'irt S.mtli Slroot, nearly oi'r""ito til. Murk's Cluiroh. KXM HENRY WACENER, Nnlt Litkc City, Vlali, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, I.Adl.lt ltF.i:it, Al.K AND l'OHTHll, B'lim.Vflll.K A JIP RKTAII.. Sl'i'tiNPSOrTU STKb'KT, throo dwn iiwt Kli'i'li'tiU Kro. ooW WOOD: WOOD!! W K kooi1 wnstently on bund MoncJ. c'rd mi itovo ffovd, HKL IMNf, M A1M.K, QVAKEXASl, AND COTTONWOOD, Vt -nlrt rhciu-or tb.n lb" clifaixvt. Olli.-o ninl m-id Vitrd nortr I'. C U- K. d.- M. ju-t w.r ni' wiiiiidiim wurW. Spo.'i1 mtw ti imr-rli.-.r-.'t' v-.ir l"t'. V iHitl dptlfottxl to any .,tufi,.,-,tvt..i..!...rt n-iu-LV W o mil rout part wl oux ollico on hboral l SKWHAN CO.. Uox714. COAL ATSANDY"; GORDON & MURRAY ro in nv-irt of eoverel car-loads of Kind tVrtl tr.Mii (be now Toin .'f l!u ROCK V Jim LAIN Ct'AL O'Ml'ANY. and offor tlia jjudo to tlio oiUiod) of Snuily, nitlnt. Little Cottonwood and xltlnlty, In iii:irii'ia! to suit, at low figures. Semi in jour onU'iv. Alw f.r s-ilo n now and wolI-selcctM stock of iri)rrrli'R mid rrovltlniH. Ilame, Bacon. Com. Ont, Hnrlcy.Ac. At buttOUl LTICW. (10UD0X & .MI UItAV. o21 Sandy .Sutton. W. B. CLAPP & CO., Manufacturing Jewelers, wit ivrmiTKBH or Wntche, am Fancy iondn, U' WASHlNTdN SIREKT. i'lUCAOO, NOTARIES PUBLIC. WM. V. OILLEPIE. W. W. WOODS GILLESPIE A.VD WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS. ArssowLiroriKii tvrs taken for tho several Statks akd TsaKiTyaiEa. Office hoor. 9 a, m., to 9 p. if. Roo-n N. 5 ever First National bank, tall Lake City, L'uh Territory. b5 Jas. Vf. Stain Dura. Cbas. A. Gould. STAIXBURN & GOULD, NOTARIES PUBLIC, Searchers of Records, O O rW "V" U Y A XV O U 3EC a9 , ASD COMMISSIONERS OP DEEDS FOR New York, Mipachuaetts, Penn'ylTaiiia, Ohio. Illinois, Iowa, N'obraalta, Wyoming, Wyom-ing, Montana, Nevada. California, Orejton. Texaa, Colorado. District oi Columbia and other Stale and Territories-47- Applications for Patents, Mining Deeds, Agreements and Bonds fir Deeds, Mortages. Povrer of Attorney. Leases. Contracts and other instruments of WTitint d'Dwn with auraov and dispatch. AEInlnfr and other Companies la-aorporatad la-aorporatad ndr the Liwi of Utah. Abstracts of Titles to Mining- and other prnnerty made in ibo moat complete form. AIlnlnK property examined and re- 'o'fIri'It REID'3 BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE ST., SALT LAKE CITY, U.T. A Notary Public always in the Office from 9 a.ra. to 9 p.m. Transcripts furnished from the first Mlnlng Records in the County of Salt Lake, to wit; those of the Mounlain Lake Mining District (now Rig and Littio Cottonwood DistnrUs), and from thote of tho Bis Cottonwood Mining Min-ing District. my21 CJ1I AS. W. 8TAYNKR, NOTARY PUBLIC, Daly iulinod and commissioned by the Qov-rnor. OlTieo 1st door south of Savage's Photograph Oallory. Salt Lake City. m NEW YORK TRADE-BENEDICT, TRADE-BENEDICT, HALL & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in BOOTS AND SHOES 134 and 130 Grand St., New York, Oomar Crosby, one block east of Broadwa dU JEHIAL READ & Co., Manufacturers and W holesale Dealer! in. FUU AND WOOL. HATS, Straw Goods, UmbreHoMt tfcc, Mo 468, Broadway, NKW YORK. Jo. Jim II an. Jr. jfl THOS. M. ARGALL & Co., Men's, Youths' Boys' and Children's CLOT HINQ, AT WHOLESALE, 313 311 Uruadway, New York. J. C0WL1B. Q7 CocUrmif McLean & Co. Import nd Jobbers of DRY GOODS, While Goods, Hosiery, Notions, Woolons, Linens, Einbroidorios and 4G2. iM and MW BROADWAY, K. B. C. WH1UI1T. SEW lOltlf. juy20 RICE, QOCDWIN, WALKER & CO., Iurirortora and Jobbors of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, ilili, I7ti and Broadway NKW YORK. W. a. BAK.NKY. jai L. M. BATES & CO., Ill M. 41 Broadway, NEW YOU1&, iMrciTana abb joBssas in Fancy Dry Goods, aosiKiiy, WHiTJs aooua, WOOLENS, SHAWLS, YANKEE NOUONS, 4c. J. II. UULQEtl. Jul HOWLAND & ASPINWALL, 54 South Street, NEW YORK. EDMUND WILKES, Agent, KIMBALL'S BLOCK, Salt Lake City. WtltadvKUr.. liber. lly on con.lB.-m.nt. con.lB.-m.nt. of Or. and Uullloa. Dnlllon uitrcliaaed at lilgta.t market rale. a77 LEGAL NOTICE. NOTICF. IS UKKKIiV OIVKN, that we, Ueorce llrarnt, Jaonb Hcs, Cyrus U. Uitwlor wid Hubert C. Chnmbprii, do olaim twenty-twn hunJrod loot ia louglti. by two h untied foct in width, nn the HomoiHond Mminii Claim (being asilvcr bearing vein of ro'k in place.) and tho land and premise ariertaininK to stid mine. :ill situated in the Ohio Mining District, County of I'iule. Territory ol lrtah. Hie loca.i.t-i and eitont themol being more fnily desortbod as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point south seventy four dogrco' and thirty minutes oa.it. tn thousand thous-and I'-'tir hundred and oisbty I'J.l fpet from U i. Minora! Monument No. I. Thence nrth twntytwo huniro.1 iiKiJ foot. Thence cast two hundred (3't feet. Thco.-e Muth twenty-tw'1 hundred fJ.JH feet. Thonee not two hundred Li'1) feet to the pUoo of bcemnimr. Cmiaining ten and ten hun-dtedths hun-dtedths 110.1(1)1 a-res a net lorth in the diagram dia-gram and we do hereby cive further notico. IhaU hiving occupied and im-pro im-pro red tae ''d lede and rrmises, according to the local cuftonjs and rules of miners in said Mining District, and having esrended in m-tu'l labor anil im-proretnont im-proretnont lliorcon, an :iiii.uiit not att than Ono Thousand Dollars, and having at this time actual pea.-w.Me posccion ol said mining proprrty. we have applied Tor a patent for the said premises, under the Act of Cnnuress entitled "An Act granting tho Rishl of Way to Ditch and Canal Owners over tho Publla Lands, and for other For-post"." For-post"." arrroved July 1'. and the amondaloty Act. approved Juy 9, IsTO, au Act of Congrwi. arrroved M.y 10. ls,l entitled "An Act to promote the development develop-ment of the Mineral roiourco of ibe Cm ted Stales." Wnness our harjL and . eali this twanty-fottrth twanty-fottrth day of August: IaTJ, tUrtKl.v HKXHiT, J UOK II by R. C, Chamber, his tfr in fao'F. CVHI S U. H IHTIUV. by H. 0. Chamber, his oti y m fact, U- C. CUAl.3f.K3. Attest: ii.v.ciementf. VT. S l.nnd OS.-e, s:,tt i Vec tj. ruh, a ik-. :i iri I certiiv l !. . t :'.ie al"' ve notice ar.l a j:agrm Of the s.xid MiupR Claim was I h i- d.iy uled in this office, tccther with a notice oi inten lion to apply tor .v pa'ont therefor from the Government of tho I'nied :ate. as provided pro-vided in .in Act of Cii-erc-... on tit lei "An Act graniing the Risht rf Vy tti Ditch and Canal Owner over the P;iblic I..ind. rt ii J i'nr other I'urp'mv," approvc.l July Jr !'-:. and ,vi amendrd by Act of Coalite's approve.! July i"'1- an A.-t'f Corvrers, approved My 10,172, entitled "An Act to promote the i-nvo!ormeiit of tho Mining rodourcas el the I nitca St.itcf." I dirrct faid tioii.-o to ho printed in the Sail l.ako "Herald. " a now.'pii'cr rublishod ntaxost the location of the claim. KU QEO. U UAw&LL, RcgUtar. 1 LEGAL. C. E. WHITNEY, ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, OfEce over Dunford & Sons' Store, MAIN STREKT, MALT LIKE CITY. Warner Karll. . M. Smith. EARLL &. SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, ALT UII CITT. First South StreeL Room U and 12. No 106, Kimbadl Block. JAMES M. CARTER, ATTORXEY -AT- LAW, Office over M XaL Rank, oct-S EAST TEMPLE STREET. r. TILI ORD. 3. A. TILFORD & MANN, ATTOBSEYS - A T L A , No. 30 First South Street. oO J. B. Roa borough, S. A. Mcrritt Rosborough & Marritt, ATTORNEYS AT A W , Salt Lake City, Utah. Office, lt South Street, first buildins cost of Do&cret Bank corner. uti wu. hatdos. c, k. QiLcuaiar. HAY DON & GILCHRIST, ATTORNEYS -AT-LAW, SALT LAKE CITY. Qffieo over 1st National Bonk of Utah. a'i2 QEUKGK C. BATES, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. C. MVRO.1 HAWLEV, Attornoy-at-Law, Clerk of the Supremo Court and Territorial Librarian. j J. W. HA.SKINS. flffin- ir, H-imhnll'B hlnntt n.iF II ! Mop. jll snal'soffice. 0. H. Hempstead, M.Kirkpatrick, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorneyi-at-Lavv, Main Street, opposite Yrollj, Fargo Jc Co., SALT LAKK CITV. alO r, L. WILLIAMS, L1GHAKB TOBXO WILLIAMS & YOUNG, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Office, half-a-blook south of Theatre. Hu.lt Lake City. jl2 Zi snow. - d. noax. SNOW A. HOGE, &.ttorneya and Gonxueiora at Law Bait Lake Olty, Utah. Office at Snow'i corner, 1st Xut Street. Jot PITTSBURGH TRADE. ESTABLISHED 1630. J Wiu. McCuUy & Co., Manufaotorers of tho Standard Brands f WINDOW CLASS A5D DRUGGISTS GLASSWARE. Make a spocialty f largo sirofl of Window Gloss, and all odd sixos out toordor. OOlce IB nndaoWood atreet, Plttshnrgh. Pcnn. P. 8. IT living tho most eitonslvo faqtorios in this country, and making a laigor lino of goods, doalors will find it to their interost to got our uuotatiotu boforo purchnsing, i J-5 BALTIMORE TRADE. WM. LANAHAN & SON, DISTILLEhS AND JOBBERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, Warehouse Ho. UO Light Street, BALTIMORE. mrai Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Jljr For tho roliel j tho stomach, Sfafc X '9 'Id iijSv' 10111 l,UJBative, Being jj,put'y ssir onry or minoral whatovor. Much serious sickness and sai-foring sai-foring is provontod by thoir timely uso: and ovory family should havu thorn on hand for thoir protection and relief, when roquirod. Long oxiiorionoo has proved thorn to bo the aafcsu surest, and best of all tho 1 Ui with whioh tho murket abounds. By their occasional occa-sional ueo. tho blood is purified, tbo corruptions corrup-tions of the system expelled, obstructions removed, and the wholo machinory of life restored to ita healthy activity. Internal organs which becorao aloncod and sluitgiah are cleansed by Aue-r'a IMls, and stunula-tod stunula-tod into action. Thus Incipient disease is changed into health, the value of which ehuriKO, whon reckoned on tho vast multitudes multi-tudes who enjoy it, can hardly bo computed Thoir sugar-coating make thorn pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired fur any length of timo, so that they are ever frosh, and perfectly reliable. Altbounh searching, thoy are mild, and operate without with-out disturbance to the constitution, or diet, or ecoupation. Full directions are given on tho wrapper to OHoh box, how to uso them as a laiuily I Physio, and for tho following oomptaiuLg, 1 which those rapidly cure:- For Uyapepata or ludlReatlcul, Llat-le.ineia, Llat-le.ineia, Laugiior and l-o of Appe-;tlte, Appe-;tlte, thoy should be taken moderately to stimulate the stomach. and restore iu healthy tonoand anion. ... ... Kor Liver Complaint and its various symptoms, Ullloue lleadarht, Mt-.k Headache, Jaundice or lr,, Slrk-nruH, Slrk-nruH, Ullloua Colic and Ulllous Ke-vtn, Ke-vtn, thoy should bo judiciously takon lorl each case, to correct tho diseased action or remove tho obdlructions which cause it. for Uyaeiitery or Ularrl.oca, but one mild dose is generally reouired. i For Hlieumatlim, tiout, Gravel, Plnilatloi of the Heart, Pain In the lite, Back, and LoImn, they should be continually taken, as renulrcd. to chanee the diseased action of the svstem, ith such chiUise those complaints disappear. i For Ltvopay and Dropsical SwfUlngs, ! they should bo takon In large and frequent, doto to produce thefieot ol adrasttc purge, i For auppreaalon, a large dose should1 bo taken, as it produuaj tho dired effect by As'a Dinner PUt, Uko one or two I'M I to promote digestion, and relieve the (torn-, aoh. v ! An occasional doso cttmiilatoa the stomach stom-ach and bowols, restores tho appetite, and invigorates tbo system. Ilenco il it is often I advantagenui wttcre no serious derangement ciiets. One who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these makes him , feel decidedly better, from their cleansing, and renovating effect on the digestive ap- , par at us. j PREPARED BY Dr. J.C AVIEH. , Cq., Praoilcai Chaualata, LOWELL MASS., U. .. A. For ile at Z. C M. L Dntg Dcpt, AND ALL DRUGGISTS SrgKYWDBRF. FENCIXG ACADEMY AND GYMXASUM, Richards' Buildings, 2d South St. Open for the Winter Season. MONDAY. iVrnNrkfDAY. A FlUDAY ;VKNlNi:S. fro-.n 7 to U j Ladies 01 as for Calisthenics lY"in 1 Tm. 1'rn ate I..-.'n if desirel. i'or torm? ai-i It toS. P. lu..-h:ml', at T.. lor A ("'itler's m-re, i?r t tbo Academy. 1111 to Kent. ovls H. -A.. REED, Auction & Commission Morcliant M.fT MOUTH SaTKKKT, W(t of Kimball &. Lawrence "a, SALT LAKE CITY. l.bral cash advances made on c-n-u-n-QICmU. - '1 1IU a. COAL. !" '.:!' ROCKS OF SATION'A!. WTALTII. 1 Ir-n ar.i C'l. CapUAli.-L call on wo, I own it. 1 will divide Adilrcia, S. n. B LA t It. Si; P.O. IJoxlO.SaU Lake City. ii'. T.r, cau. vor Year. W til dida the Snt mir.ir. v iniorefi in I ta!i W-z the u-e i th m.-nov. i Addro.-?. S. il. BL.U1, Salt Laic Ciy, T-0. T-0. BA led. I INSURANCE. AGEITCT OF THE Home Mutual INSURANCE COMY, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL $650,000. JOHN II. ItKDI.;TOX, Pre.ld.nt.. CIlAKLi: K, STOlt V, Secretary. Principal OKce, 433 California St., SAA FRAKCISCO. H. R. MANN, Agent, Office: Banking Uouso, A. W. White Jt Co. THXUMPH FIRS IXSURAXCB CO.'S, CrXCISNATI. Capital - - $3,000,000 Reliable Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. We ask Fair Eates and Promise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah If. it. MAlViV, Apent, SALT LAKE CITY: Offlcei Bnnkluff Ilunae of A. W. White tt Co. P. 0. Box SM. 1 FIRE INSURANCE. HUME IXSU1UKCE CO., Columbus, OMo. M. A. DrtUOUERTT. JACOB PEETRY. President- Secretary. Cash Assets - - $S71,2.S1. By reason of a heavy cash capital and a large business, woll distributed, we offer to the public indemnity that is second to none. Our Chicago record ia a guarantee of prompt and equitable adjustment and payment pay-ment of losses. H. R. MANN, Agent. Office: Banking Home of A. W, White Sl Co. Post Office Box. No. SM. mylft mm mum co. J. R. BEXXETT - - President. B. I). JiST - - Kecrctary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSKTS, JCXE 30, lb73. Cash on hand, in bank, and in couro of tninsuiiiun- Si Lt.OS S7 JIortRsigiiS .' ikiuvi-lt) B7 Collatornl Loans I2.4S7 Ort Accrued Interest 20,1)13 53 Hills ltoceivabti 3i, 17 15 State Bonds and Miscellaneous 66,til7 tW Duo from Agon ta 3,us7 65 JfeSOOti 70 LIABILITII1S. Outstanding Losses and other Lia bilitios 77,711 (H H. R. MANN: Agent, OfHcot nmiklntr House at A. W. WhittAt u. 1', U. Box, 65-1. y28 ! - S u - " t s s H j h .;wi.S I " Ufa "t g J 1 U il , TRIUNE BAKERY; Cracker Manufactory, 'Poor htlnw Wnlkrr House, M nl n I Mrvvl, Sail l.nke Cllj. Yo have nuw received our, , CRACKER MACHINE Wirli all l.iic-l i:up:-e-iucnls. and nro makitiK I-'ll-TY Liri-l-.liliM Ki.M'cOr' L'ii ACKLlia-, GALLAGHER & SONS. tt Send K-r Trice Li;t. ! AM Address I. 0. EoxOU. ASSESSiV.ENT NOTICE. Fmrrnld II1II THiilim Compauj-. LwniMB of W..rk. l. iko iunty, I tab TrnH'-rv.- Noiuc is ',) r-hv piven iliat al a racotin.f tli i'v.trd 1 ni-loc? oi said Cur 1., cnt ,fi-,r: C-1H , -retire wailov.ed a I " 1 u c . . T " 'ir! "i ' m', -"1 : : ' k'-I " o n . p. tho StvriM.'ry. .it ;h- : the Luinpnv, H.-in No. 'd .Mt'rth.irte L' hu;u-e, California Califor-nia Mrcct. S.in I r.ii. 'i-o, Cjiii-rnia. Am ft'Vk ui n".. -!i -i.d asic.-f ii.r-.l -'mil rcmaui r.l .i'.d -ii rdnf,dn,. (he -i.Hh Inj- of A o vein Iter. i-7. jii.tll 1 deemed doiin'iuont, :md :11 l o dulj a iM-rtiiCvl lor '-i!o j' piilh' a.i.'t;Ln. n'-.d ur.l"-- pA'.-ai'Tit l-.ill be u:. I' "o. n ... -; i t uc8-day. uc8-day. theJJtli 'lay of liter in her, l-TJ, tn p .iv tlie d-'lm (i.or.t ;v-e-incn;, ifccthor wuli - .if ,io.t.ri-;i' a: 1 e e:;-cs vl .aic. By order o! tbo L. ird t Ir.-ree. i. M.Uuf- .-retarr-01-o -N'o- M. r-ii.-.r.:.-1 L.. .a: .-c. California Cali-fornia street. San r ia;ic..-L-, CiUviuia. ocJ (.OD1SE.& CO., EXCUIXGE BIILDI.G, CCic' lu B. W. ALLEN & CO., AGENTS r"i; Tin: CELEBRATED BOLD SEAL WHISKEY. I octi 1 BOOK-BINDLXG. f2T C'NNSCTT' .N WITH THE HERALD 1 OS.-eis a Bin i iTT, where all work is tbat line will be attended bo eiptdjtaoujlj 1 and ia food, nbiitauajitjle. LUMBERYARD. All Kinds of Lumber DOORS, iWLNDOWP, BLINDS, MOULDINGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, T. R. JONES Raif-hMak i..ath of D. O. Depot. C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron nd Steel, Stovss and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, a.SjrlCBltaraU Implimtati Ad MlalMf Toole, At Lowest Katee. OPPOSITE SALT LAKK IIOTJSK! o-o CD fi m 3 33 O " 1 PJ I (L 3 ! P ! Z so- f era ' E 0 m o s & m s o r- co ri W.J. HOOPER Sl CO. 7 roMMKKClAL. STRKKT n.1 HENDRIEBRO'S 33 MAIN STRKKT, SALT LAKK CITY, Manufacture. California and Eastern STAMP MILLS. Contracts taken for tho erection of STAMP ML1jL3 ANDSMKLt-LNG ANDSMKLt-LNG PUBNACKS COM PLtiTJS in any of the Mining Districts. no m mufacture the Varney A, Wheeler Pnm, PntetiL PrfiifdSlioei and Die, Patent Stem Guldca, and tlie Muchlnery complete for STAMP IVCILLS A I'D- REDUCTION WORKS. of whioh we make a sneoialty and Buaran tea satisfaction in all oases, Manufacture Bollhoff's Hall Pulverizer, FOR DRV CRUSHING, Will do tho work of 15 Sumps. Price, fl&W Manufacturers' Ajents for the Sale of Sturterant A. Root Dlnwera, Kurle Cninrrmi Mmm Pumiii, Hoisting, Portabl and Stationary Wire Unlet lnt Rope, (pat and Round.) Tunnel Kail iron, 10, 12 and 16 lbs. to the yard. Iron Pipe for Oaa and Water, Dndne Blake Ore Cruihtn, Mining Caraand Iron Buckets, Arfttlle Fire Urlck, and Btnlnsr nppllea. ESTIMATE and DRAWISQI furnished FUR ALL OUR WORK. alO IMPERIAL. Having concluded arrangement with the largest Bcfincry in the east to manufacture man-ufacture for us a special quality of CARBON OIL for our Lrado We hereby give notice that we now have for sale the D1PERUL CARBON OIL, Vf hich is far su)erior in qua'ity and safety to any ever offered in this market It is water while and stands 15u fire tesL We recommend it to those that want a Good Quality of Illuminating Oil. C A I, I. A i EXAMINE. E. REESE & CO., 87 FIRST SOUTH ST. MISCELLANEOUS, W.X.REYNOLDS 4 CO.. K-B. ZABRI5KLB, San Frucisco. Salt Lake Citj. WHOLESALE LIQUOR HOUSE. ZftBRISKIE & CO. HATS TOR BALX A PTNE UNI OpJ WINES AND LIQUORS, To whioh they call th attention of DEALERS. Orders Solicited and Satisfaction Satisfac-tion Guaranteed. SOLE AOENTS FOR "HOUSER'S" STRAIGHT WHISKIES. THE FINEST IB IR, IN THE CITY CONNECTED WITH THE HODSE. 64 MAIN STREET Two dean loulh of Wllet Fargo & Co'i Bank nub City Gas Works. The undersigned U now opening up he largest and most complete stock and aasortment of Gas fixingn tver brought to the western country. Store 42 Main street, third door north of Deaerel Hank. Gilt, Bronze, and all the latest styles of Chandeliers, Brackets and drop light of every pattern to suit the purchaser. Have now on hand and will centinue to Itoop tho largoat stock of Ga and Stnam pipes to be found in Utah or on tho Pacific Pa-cific Coast, and am now prepared to contract for the piping of houses, offices, buildings and dwelling generally at rates that will defy competition. Over 60,000 feet of gas piping now on hand and am receiving it daily. My O&s Fittings and Fixtures will bo supplied to the inhabitants of Salt Lake City at the lowest possible rates. I also keep on h,nd a full and complete com-plete assort me nl of tho latest improved pumps for mining and domestic use. The Celebrated Knowles Steam Pump with boiler connections corapleto always on hand. All work connected with Pu-mps and Plunabingof every description, and with Bas, Water and Steam Fittings will be lone with dispatch. B. LYONS, 12 Main Street, Tbrco Doors North ol Dosoret Bank, Office of Salt Lake City Gas Company, jn5 SCOTT, DU1VIIA3I & CO., -VHOLESAIiE and RETAIL DEALERS IN EON & STEEL, WRICHT'8 PICKS, IRON BAR ROWS, - AND ALi, KINDS OF MINING TOOLS, Wrought Tuyers, PIPE AAT.I. KINIM OF FfTTINUH FOR Fl'H.f ACEM HII.I.A. HARDWABE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, - AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, EON PIPE, PIPK FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, KUBBEK PACKING. AGENTS 70K Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, C. S. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOB CASH. To whom it may concern. UTH the un-larfirnel. claim and ti W twelve bandred -2t feet. iL:lndici Sm. two (2 and three (:. in the Tita Icoe, in LitUe Ottos wad canyon, ar,d hold tbe same by deed, fr'.na tbe orifinai l'.-at'rtt; and hare tsom riled with the laws of Ike district dis-trict In erery rreot. And we herrhy eentinn all pfTfoas no! to trade, buy er barter for said claims, witioat du oo men t- CH. BASSKTT.) AdrnlaiMraUim ol the I-IV lis, jstuuof Anthr.nj Iriiu deceased-ISRAKL deceased-ISRAKL IVIKi Salt LakrWltl. Jau 21ft. ISTa. W MISCELLANEOUS. Taylor & Cutler, Hare just rot in another bif stock of LIISTSEYS, And ererj' thins in the Dry Goods Line; also CHOICE JAPAN TEAS, ; BOOTS & SHOES, CLOCKS, &c , &c, Which they are determined to sell as low as any ono, CHEAPEST STOVES IN TOWN. Under Taylor's Hotel. EAST TEMPLE STREET. MUSIC! MUSIC! MSIC1L INSTRUMENTS, Of all kinds, including the BAUER IMPROVED ORGANS, . Choapor than ever1 J. DAYNES & SON, . First South Street, Two doors east of Uodbo'a Drug Sloro. I augU Farnaomcu, Atteution. A i Fixe Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. All 4UKMTB rOl TBI "LOJI CPV PIHB OlttCK, Whic are equal If not superior to the test If rlisb. Sfll ratw 1tbi) hj the ear load. ootlJ : nissnTOilflPAflTiiflSflif. ' p H K CO-1 A H T X K It S 1 1 1 1' H K R KT( I FOR E X oxi?iinjt bottreca David Day and F. ;. Culmor, under tbe firm nnnia of' Uy A ful-taer, ful-taer, is this day diasulvfd by tuutunl eun.'cnL Ibo busiDMi will bo coctinueii at the mine ftand by David Dny, by wh.ua all indebtedness indebted-ness ol tho firin will bo sottlod. All ..ergons knowinft thomsolvos indebtud to tho firm are rofiuostwl to settlo Uiosmno iiumndintuly. DAVID DAY, . , , F- G. Ct'LMKIL bait Lake City, UcL 12, IKTJ. ol.t The Bjst Stock of Candies AT 11. VV A I, LACK'S. Nuts, Raisins, Figs and Dates AT li. WALLACE'S. Canned Mackerel A Specialty AT Jl. WALLACE'S. GENUINE ANCHOVY SAUCE AT II. W ALI.Al Kf. ENCLISH BISCUITS AT II. H AIXAt L N. CRACKNEED'S BISCUITS AT. II. H ALI.ACE'N. CROSS IILAOKWKt.L'3 PICK L Kg AL II. tVn I luce's. All KlnHa ofjnnn, Jrllln, ind 1'ro-irTM, 1'ro-irTM, at II, HAI.I.AI Il'S, soi firm Ho nth Ntrecl. KICKER'S Little Was her, THE BE T AND CHEAPEST 15 IHK MARKET, lOnly S7.00. J. C. COLTRIN, Agent, Stiocimens, 13th Ward Co-operative Storo. j iib oigDoei .rtee in tj.mt pnin rr Hides and I'olU. J. U. 101.1'KlS V,, aM At P. Pjloy'f Tannory. lth Ward. Right About Face I YS Co-operative Store Keepers I AND OTDIIUl. Who with '.0 (n.uln thn.. br who,. I.bor f. liT.l BUY b'P THE WOOL! and have It tnanafanred at b"me, and j thereb save f'-ar-fif vbi of the rrxmey jr,a "ill hare lo ray for ironnl op bat, rati, eta., in the shape of Cloth, Iron, the east. ! UTS WILL PAY YOU TUB HTOHKST M ARK KI PRICB T'iU. WWL and lell ynrj Ooodt fir the L'.weet Cti Pn'. .nd ruaractee ererr artiele. as rtcreaeoteo by as. W will also EXCHANGE CLOTH roi pnovisioNs, Where we can make them available for ear hand, and receive li and the Wool al toot bLaroa, We are aakinc, asd hare oa haad. BEAJJY-MAUK CLOTHING, MINERS' SHIRTS, etc, PULLED CLOTH, of rrt--'aP style and ijoality; alto -' run; L.lnajra, b'.tb idaia aa1 fj-r: V nrla cf all filor"; t-Ldnid'i, t-Ldnid'i, Covera. Table Clolha ToH'ilng, Dokln, BttM-klniE Tarn, all w.n and part w.twn. iancy Wool Vara, lor f nittmr. Cot-ion Cot-ion Batllni, aod Carpet T am, etc, eWu eta. -Yon will please t oh-terre that we rnde t.wl' on Larms the best ooUtW ro-.ii in t r,r T-rTiLorj ad wort a en who cannot be eioeiled. JOSEPH BIRCH, Km eat of C. Rio Viriei Marjnfa!irlaj Oe Bb eecrca ud WaeaLarMB. BANKERS. WELLS, FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FORWARDERS, Bankers and Dealers in Eich&uyc Draiu on Europe, Karon" Coll actio as promptly attended to. Eut Temple Street, Seat Lake OUr. Bill Thio. J. TaaoT. AarenU First National Bank of Utahl SALT LAKE CITY. 0e Spfriai Adnrtiemi tm Third ivitf. nS A. W. WHITE A CO, BANKERS KAKX TEMPLE STRKKT, alt LakeCitj-. Dealers la GOLD DUST.COIN AND BULLION, Exchange on all t-e Prinrifwl ttt of ttit United States and Europe. Particular attention eiren to Collection! and proceeds remitted at Current rate of Kaohange on day of payment. GEO. S. WHITISKY, Attorney", CORRESPOND UN Tilt Bank erCalifomla - - - San Franciaee Lm A Waller - - Ne Yera Qoa C-'unty National Bank - Chicago Haikcll Hank St-LooU 6taU Bank ot Nebraska - - Oniabe BANKS DESERET Salt Lake City, Utah Ttti dank has orcaniied a SAVINGS DEPARTIYItN I", and will receive depestu of one dollar rnd upwards, on which interest will be allowed at the rate of eight per eent. per annum OO m pounded semi-annually, tIS L. N. HILLS Caihlsr. SALT LAKE CITY' NATIONAL BANE Walt Lttlio CitF Utah Xr. Authorized Capital - $500,000 BenJ. M. D 11 Hell, I'reaident. Hugh White, Oaihltr. BiktrsTiaD A KiaxrATaioa, Attorneys, CORRCSPONDCNTSl khfot vru ir J National Park Bank. NFw YORK Donnr".. Lawson A Co. SAN PAANOlHOO-Ca.lfnrnia Trust C0 LONDON-Jay Cooke. MoCulloob A O-tl O-tl T II TU VICTOR SEWINC MACHINE With all the latest Improvements Improve-ments is running (the MARKET EVERYWHERE. lay ? UKUAUSKil HAS tlm Boll' HKT T1NO STRAW HT NKLUL14. BLCAUSK trio r-huttlu rjrol to tbrondiog. BKCAUSK llo tension in tho ehut-tlo ehut-tlo " porl'oot, whellior tho bobbin bo full or not, HKCAUSK it ia noiwjltws. BrCCAU.iK it in th- kwkiH runninn macl.ine made. BKCAUiK it ciuloJio. all tbo latent imiiroYcniunti and .ttacbmeuU), indudin, tlio HKBNfJII TKIM.MKK and the celebrated erubroidcry attao.li-moot. attao.li-moot. BKCAUSB tho Blylen ara clcKant and serviceable HECAIJ.Sp; with all tbec advanli-gon, advanli-gon, it ia sold just as cheap as any other firat class machine in tbcIUniled States, Ladies please call and see them; examine all others, and then see rr ii m VICTOR Ciis, V. Stay.ner, atciw-ja-j,- Next lwr to 8st.-. G.llerr. M.io Sucel. SALT LAKK CITY. aau& |