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Show PACIFIC COAST SEWS. CALIFORNIA. Weather prophets arc predicting a wet winter. Bears and Democrats are numcroiu in Siskiyou county this year. A Chinese camp meeting will commence com-mence in Grass Valley on the 4th ol September. The beet sugar factoiy at Alvarndt will commence operations in a few days. The quinine tree, it is believed, wil grow as well in this State ;w in En si India or Peru. Politicians and hooping-cough ai t the present inflictions of Tiuckec. Numbers of horses in Inyo Vallcj are dying of a disease supposed to In a secondary result of epizootic. John Pasco was shot, at Grass Val ley, on Sunday, by a man unmet Powell, during a drunken quarrel. A lire on the ranch of C. S. Abbot . has destroyed about sixty acres o standing wheat. Loss, about $2,500 The lire is supposed to have originated originat-ed by fiomo person passing throng! " the field smoking, i Pedro, an Indian, has been arrestee I as the murderer of William Guy, win met his death in the Taehc count; pass some years ago. XEVADA. The Eureka Consolidated Com pany has shut down one of its fur naees. The Richmond mine, Eureka, i producing more bullion than an; other mine in the district. Nevadaians arc enquiring abou the State Lottery. Tho drawiiij should have come oil' some days ago The Carson mint coined 20,00" half-dollar pieces on Friday. Early Friday morning as Jame Stiles was ascending the shaft of th Savage mine, Gold Hill, owing to th jolting of tho cage, he fell ofl' th same and wits precipitated to the bol torn of tho shall, Gt0 feet, causing ii: slant death. A Chimtmau nnd a Piute squa1 hud a light in Gold Hill, on Friday.i whibh Mrs. Lo came oil' victorious. Bufflngloiij who was arrested i ' Gold HilTvu ft charge of iueeudiarisi and whom a mob attempted to hang while in prison, is aliont to bring suit against the town for damages. Washoe Valley was visited by a heavy frust on Wednesday, and all the tomatoes, water-melons, etc., were de-si de-si tn ived. The Pea vine mines continue to attract at-tract attention, and prospectors arc iloeking thither daily. The Cornucopia mines fail to pan out an well as was expected, uid many are leaving the district to seek lortunes and hash elsewhere. |