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Show Beware of Counterfeits. The public should warily scrutinize all legal tender bills which may come into their hands, as there are a great many counterfeit coun-terfeit notes in circulation. One reached us yesterday from Cedar city, by mail, a counterfeit on the Marine national bank of New York, of the $10 denomination. People in the settlements settle-ments should be particularly careful, as j operators in counterfeits will be more likely to try and pass them off in localities local-ities where persons receiving money are not likely to bo so suspicious as they are in cities. Tho gcntlemap from who wo yesterday received the bill, undoubtedly believed it genuine, and took the precaution needless under un-der the circumstauccs of sending kin a registered letter. Tho jollowing is the description of tho bill as given by the Bank Note Reporter. There arc counterfeit two's on the same bank: 10's, imitation. The engraving is well done, and printing very good. The title of bank 'rcds, "Marine .NaT tional liank of New York." In the genuine it is, "Marine National Bank of the City of New York." The period is omitted after tho figure 5 in tho date, and the lip of tho eagle's wing is on a line with the figure 1 in tho date; in the genuine it is on a lino with tho ligure 5. Letter A. July 1st, 1S05. |