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Show TAYLOR'S HOTEL, OS 111 E EUROPEAN PLAN, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Wmt Side. Rooms mill or without board by ihe djy or week. R.-tta.tra.ii Opm at all hour. TAYLOR & CUTLER, Proprielors. B23 1 1 Utah Silver Mining Company, TO COAL BURNERS ! VTANTED IMMEDIATELY, fiO.OOO llus. Clmri'uiU, iHcan ari'l well burnt. To be delivered in uaruilicj of nut lejs linn li'i l buh c' at ! .iiidy Suiti.m. Apply to i.KWojU .t Cuum. sireni-Sj.wiy sireni-Sj.wiy fU.o:i or lu ' V ill Hi' A. I'.Aii LI, Ucft. sjeoroury. Smeltioi; Worki. Biosuam Caajfc-n. nl"'. CHEAP AUVEUTISIXG. AdvcrtUcmeubi under this heading not exceeding live lines, fifty cents for each and every insertion. Each additional ad-ditional line ten cents. WAX TED. VASTKD f MM KDIATELY, AI'PREX- I : i ljr t le.irn DrmaLiiv. Apply '-t Mrf. U ilWimon'i. N. . Main Street. riS . FOll REST. I -pLKnAXTI.Y FT t'.N APART- 1 Lj mtiiM.in-k-ur cii-iiiif. Desirable ig-culiiy. ig-culiiy. Apply at Iih ulik-e. nlit ! A UOTSK CONTAtNTNi! fOL R ROOMS ; aud Kilcben. wil!i Cojltii.u.v.WclI and u-.her couvL-Giercfj. ppo-ite J colm' crush-inr crush-inr iind sampling works, ljtb Ward. Apply od liio p rem lie. Dl-i I THEATRE. BENEFIT or tuj: Favui-lie tlmratttr actor, fllr. "W- T. HABRIS. Friday Ev'g, Nov. 24, 1871j Will bo prcenlpd tbeclnriou.' Trisb comedy ia - aau. byTyroao 1'owar, eolitleil, Born to Good Luck, on Tin; IRISHMAN'S FORTUNE, GRAND INTERLUDE To crincliiJo ivitli Iho hiugh"'i)c f;irop, P. 3P. OK TIIK Man and IIlg Tiger. Will shortly Is produced, the thiilliiii' mclo-drumti, cutitlcJ. ft HfiND OF CARDS. HEATH'S Wonderful Cow I.H KliW FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY, ON SECOND SOUTH STREET, Near Klt'inut Slow, I And ia worth a visit by all who wish to bcc n I LIVING WONDER. n!8 Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Vvt the rolioT j and euro of ull ( &f i Lho.0toinaoh, ; fjrx 1 i v or, and bow- W,t'3k C'S- 'i'hey are ' Lr'Sr YV,v a mlhl aperient J - Nbw-'ISA ALt?,N- un an usco1" ?P;X'v?SSs,l' " lnt purgative. Jwu'3t "v Being purely hZry vcgotablo, thoy "3 v contain no mer- s' enry or mineral ' whatever. Much serious sickness and suffering suf-fering is prevented by thoir tiuioly uaI and every fiimily should havo them on ban J for their prut action and relief, when required. Lorg experiencs bus proved thorn to bo tho Bafc.n. fiirfsE, and best of all tho with whish tho market abounds. By their occasional occa-sional use. tho blood ii purified, tho corruptions corrup-tions of tho system oxpollcd, obstruction removed, nnd tho whole machinery ol lilo restored to its healthy activity. Intornal ornana which bceoino clovced and sluggish aroeloinEcd by Ayr's iJ ('; nnd stimulated stimula-ted into aclion. Thus incii-ient disease is changed into health, tho valuo of wbica change, wlion reckoned on tho vast multi-' multi-' t.udos wbo enjoy it, cm hardly bo computed, i Their HURar-coatiiiE makes Lhom pleasant to take, nnd preserve! thoir virtues unimpaired ! foranylcnsth of Li in c, so that tlioy are ever fresh, nnd perfectly reliable. Althounh I searching, thoy aro mild, and operate with-ouL with-ouL disturbance to tho constitution, or diet. or occupation. Full directions aro given on the wrapper to each box. how to ueo thorn as a luuuly Physic, and for tho following complaints, whkb theso J'ff rapidly cure: For Ij'ficiisla or lnillgtl'o", I.U1-Icssiieas, I.U1-Icssiieas, ijauguui- and lo f Appetite, Appe-tite, thoy should bo taken moderately to stimulate the sLouiacb.and restore its healthy tone and notion. i'ori''VC1' Complaint and its various symptoms, Bilious Headache, Sick Ileodaelic, Jaundice or Green SLck-noBH, SLck-noBH, UUlous Colic and unions Fevers, Fe-vers, thor should be judiciously taken for each ease, to correct tho diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Uyscntcry or Dlarrliuea, but ono milddoso is generally required. Yar lUicmiiiiUiiiii, Gout, Gravel, Palpitation; if tlio Heart, Puia 1" tlie side, Back, and LioIum, they should be continually taken, as required, to change tho uisoasod action of tho system, With sucli chango thoso complaints disappear. FurUropsy and Dropsical Swell In gn, they should bo taken in largo and frequent doses to produco the effect of a drastic purge. For Suppression, a largo dose should bo taken, as it produces the desired cllcot by sympathy. As a Jthnie r Till, take ono or two -Piiih to promote digestion, and relioyo tho stomach. stom-ach. An occasional doao stimulates tho stomach stom-ach and biwela, restores the appetite, and invigorates tho system. Dcnco it it is often advanLagcous whci u no serious derangement exists. Uno who feels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these J'itfa makes him fe:l decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating cll'sct on Lho digestive apparatus, ap-paratus, I'UKl'ARKD BV l)r. J. C, AYER&Co., Prnclical ClLCIllltjlS, JMir nisi, MASS., V. A'. (. KOIlSAbl'IBVAJ.LlHtUflUlSTa EVlillVWllKIlB For sale at Z. C- M. I. Drug Dept. MORGAN TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, First SontU Sli et t, two blocks west of Main Street.. Instruction by ii PKACTIOAL Ol'KilATOlt. l or terms sc, apply in person or by letter let-ter to &. XV2IC5SlC3rA.3r, nl'J ?riiioii3a.l. : notice': Office of the Chicago Mining and Tunnel Co., Salt Luke Oily. Nov. 20. ISIL Tlie Stockholders of the C. SI. & T. Com pany aro requested to meet at tho office of lho company on Dccc-iubor 14th, 1M71, for tho olectiuu ol Trustees lor tho enduing year. ail (J. F. SMITH. Hcc'y. Ortlllt & (JAMP FLOYD. WINES & KIMBALL Arc running n daily slsigo from Ophir to Camp J'ioyd Mining Uisirict. I'anscnscrs I can book through Lo Camp Floyd at tho office i of U'clld, t'arso Co., iu this city, i Fare 5(1. ,10. nil EiyiTuA HILL TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY. 'pllli STOCK LOOKS of tho Emma Hill JL Tnnncland Mining Company are now open in Ucid'i Luilding, and a limited number num-ber of u nnse.3iM shares for . n lo. Tho Iviuma Hill Tunnol nnd Mining Com-i Com-i pan? was located April IS7U, incorporated ' AucU'L II, IsTl, and hns tlio mnit flattering ! prnspcct.f of any mine in Littlo Cot ton woo d. For particulars iuquiro of i V. a. WOODHULL. Vu:r. Pan?... I Hoid'f Building, Or J.. A. MUUI'IIY, Sf.i'rktary, aug l ltoid'a Building. ! Urrici; vy Vam.k.io Misivo A Tul'ski. Co.. t-all Lake City, November fill, 1S71. j The Stockholders of tho Vallcjo Mining 1 an'i Tunnel Cuierany, ore reijueste i to meet , at the oilii-e of tho mnip.my. on Deffinbcr -n-i. for tho clcc:iou of Trustees lor tho ctiFiiint year. jil C. F. Smitu, Secretary. rJ" JTIHONIAI S.m Francino, July. lbTO. We, the-undersigned, uiin great jiloa'aro in rc,:omminiii:,g I'n. A. W. CALDER to i all thoo who may nd'-d t!i eerviccs of a Penti.'t, as a thornughly competent and , fkilLnl oper.itur. and una in wuuui wc Llivc 1 implicit Cjs:'.di.ni;3, t'.h ai a Dentist and a gentleman. Dr. ii. AiTIS. DentisL Dr?. llir.t:iiTrt Jc Fi:r!:LANi). Dcnt'st.. it. H. McD.i.vALD L CcDrUKgiaii, OFFICE In Scrrnllri Ilnll Unlldln ! Fim iias l ijtrael, S.A LT LA K H CUV. MISCELLANEOUS. AXOTHElt SUPPLY . OF COOKING AND PARLOR STORES ! Cheapest in Town.! i I- I Also a big stock ot II.TER DRV GOODS ! ' ... 1, ceired U114 Ju;i. I j, jGROC E RI ES ! A HILL- SUPPLY. ! " All of wlilclt will bo Sold ; Lower than any other S House in Hie Trade : at i TAYLOR & CUTLER'S Opposite Sail Lake House. ug26 Revolution Extraordinary ! THE WILSON l ' SEWING ! MACHINE FOK SALE AT j. Daynes & Co.'s MUSIC STORE. i i rpUEYnrc nuw jtrararcd to furnish tUcse X coLcbratcd Macliinoj (or . j Foi'ly-eig!it Wollsirs nnd sivc a warrant from the coniiany FOR FIVE YEARS. Jfcj?" Any person doubting Lho superiority su-periority of these Machines over all others, can have one a month on trial. Wo invite all rersonR I, especially incchanlcB) tocall and oxamine them at J. DAYNES & CO'S, . Two doors cast ofPoit Olllcc, SALT LAKH CITY- CertlilcaU of VVananly of tUe Wll-oa Wll-oa New Underfeed Slmttlc Sewing Macliliic. Wo warrant lho natural wear and tear of lho Wilson New Underfeed Shuttle Sowing Machiac, maaufactiirod hy tho Company un-dcrsignod, un-dcrsignod, and hereby asreo to koop tho same in repair (roe of charge for tho term of FIVE YEAKS from tho date of tho original purchaso of said ilachino; oiouptiog only the wear and broakago of noodles, bobbins and ghultloSi Wilsox Skitixo MAcniSE Co., W. O. Wilson, Proa't. Cleveland, O., Jan. 1871. d 1STOTICE, 1X113 copartnership heretofore existing under tho name, stylo and firm of S. W. II0WL4ND A CO.. in tho UrushinB and Sampling of Ores, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persona knowing themselves them-selves indobtod to us will make payments without delay to L. B. Tlmrman, who ia hereby authorized to settle up tho business of tho lato firm. P. W. IjOWLAND. JOJLN W.TliUHMAN. S.L. City, Oct. 25. 1871. o2 HERALD Job Printing u OFFICE. CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BILL IIEAHS, STATEMENTS, CARDS. BOOKS, OKDEK BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS, BLANK BOOKS, CHECK BOOKS. HANDBILLS, POSTERS, DODGERS, SHOWCARDS. ALL KINDS OF JOB WORK i Done nji,'3t-clau style. MISCELLANEOUS. I JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., 'Merchant Tailors, COMJ1KUCUL ST11KKT, KEKP coa?l;int!y on hand a choice assortment assort-ment ol KKKSl'll, KNCiLlSll d A .11 fellUC A Ai ( Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etc., 1 Of the GntMt (jualilies and latest styles, wbieh ' we luute ui tu order ia lho uxvsi laahiouablo : and api'ru vtii ui.iuucr. ! r-irpATJiONAGS KOL.101TKD-iai " A Itt-jioillorj' of Fnalilon, PlrasMi o, nitil Just met lo." ! Harper's Eazar. j .w.tic.s of the. JWm. ; Ii ii reilly lho only illustrated chronicler ; ; ol" t ash ion iu llio country. Iln aujipleiufuls iilune aro vsi.rlb tho subacription prioo ol' I tlie paper. Whilo fully niaiuiaininK itn po- sitiou i$ a uiirrur of fashion, it also con- taitiE storiui, poems,. brilliant essays, bedides . general and purional KO.iaip "iJoilOu at-, at-, urday Kveniou l-iai.ette." There never was any paper published that i so duliKbled tlio heart of woman. Never i in i iid it it does coal you a nuw bonuot; it i vrLli savo yu lea times lho prico in tho ' household ec no my it luaches. 'Trovi deuce i Jo'jrn il." I The ji.uny lady who huyg a single num-bor num-bor of liAio'F a'a H,.it ia made a subicribor fur life. "Now Vork KvciiImk Post." Tho B.iZiH it oxccllcnt. Like all tho pori- J odical which tho llarpor's publish, it ia ul- ; iiiosl ideally well edilcd, and lho chisu of renders fur whom it is intended tho iuu- 1 thei.-t and daUKhters in uronieo families uan not Itut profit by iu good scusotind food 1 lane, whieh. wo havo no doubt, aro lo-day making very many homes happier than they way have been bo lore- the women bo-Kan bo-Kan takitiif lussous in personal and houso-nold houso-nold and social luauaifomeat from this eood-uuturod eood-uuturod luiutor. "Tho Nation. N. X. SIltSHHSl'TIO.XS. ISIi- UAHPKK'S BAZAR, onoyoar 51 An Kxtra Copy ofoither tho MAUAZINE. WliKlvLV, or BAZAR will bo MippliuU uralis for every Club of FIVE SUBSCHlli-Klty SUBSCHlli-Klty at t-1 OJ each, in ono remittance; or, Si Coiies for SJJ 00, without extra copy. Fuhscriptions to HARPER'S MAGAZINE, WEhKLY, and BAZAR, to ono address for i ono ycir. SID LKi; or. two of ilarpor'.j l'o riod-icala. riod-icala. to ono address for ono year, $7 00. Back Number cin bo supplied at any tinio. The four volumes of HARPER'S BAZAR, for tho years lStW, 'lil', '70, '71, elogantly bound in groon morocco cloth, will bo vent Tlio PostiRoon HARPER'S BAZAR it 20 cents a year, which must ho paid at tho subscriber'!? sub-scriber'!? post-oflii:o. Address HARPER k BROTHERS, Now York. n2i 1 2 PS I O M g 0 O h I TEASDEL & CO. No. 65, 67 & 69, East Temple St., SALT LAKE CITY. To accommodate our INCREASED BUSINESS BUS-INESS wo aro now moving our CLOTHING DEPARTMENT Ono door oast of the Euglc House. Teasdel SOo OwioK to tho rnpidly increasing sale ol tho celebrated Bices' Link Motion Lock Slilcli SEWING MACHINES, Wo arc now making a specialty for MORE room, with all conveniences for tho ealo of tho best Sewing Machine In tho world. Ilavo havo now moro room for DRIED PEACHES and are givin( tho advanced price. Teasdel Co. Aro yot keeping up tho STANDARD for low prlcos on first claws grooorica. Teasdel Go. Arc receiving now fruits of tho season. Teasdel tSXSo. Aro now oponing a now stock of Boots and Shoes, Rubbers Ac. Hides wanted for which a liberal price will bo paid. CALL BEFORE 1'URCJHASING. Goods delivered to all the railways, stages and any part of the city free of charge. TEASDEL & CO. lor" ' C3ENERY, SOUTHER & CO., Importers and Jobbers of FOIIKIUN AND UOS1K8T1C 1 BRANDIES, WINES, ! AND LIQUORS, 311 Clay Btrc.l. g.n Kraiicliro. I IjH MISCELLANEOUS. FOR Thanksgiving Day! AND Till: BALLS OF THE SEASON. Wc prericut to our lady friends the following choice articles: GKNU1XU ALEXANDRA KID GLOVES, in most approvod tints, ROMAN AND CAMERA SASHES, LACK HANDKERCHIEFS AND FANS, CLOAKS FANCV, CLOAKS USEFUL, SHAWLS IMI'EIUALE, CHEMISETTES, LACE COLLARS, BALliRKIGAN HOSE, MISSUS' FANCY STRIFE HOSE, A very rare novelty, WHITE MOLESKIN; W 1 1 ITE A NO OLA FR ING E . Our Perfumery is unexcelled in any City. As usual, uniform prices! Z. C. 3VE. I. Retail Dry Goods Department, II. Ii. CLAWSON, Supt. SCOTT, DUNHAM & (JO,, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S 1'IUKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AGENTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. 3. Lubricating Oil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASU. Attention Miners ! WANTED GOOD ARGENTIFEROUS GALENA OIIES itt SCOTER'S SMELTING FURNACE, At Udiod Fort, Little Cottonwood. ucS NOTICE! 3Jo ok.e. If any Gentleman who is bald headed will deposit Fifty Dollars and conic punctually every day to our shop, wc will dress his head with tho Great Unknown Hair Restorer; furnish the preparation, and guarantee him a reasonable crowth of New Hair in three months, or Forfeit the Deposit. De-posit. IIENNEFER & BURNS, BARBERS, Salt Lake Oily, November 2nd, 1S71. All doubts removed by reading the above proposition. C. W. STAYNER, Agent fur Utah. UHUe nl CALDEK UltO'S BIuslc .Si ore. WATCnEMJEraRY! O. L. ELIASON, 1)EGS to inform the residents of Salt Lnko City nnd vicinity, that ho not only (taarnntocs to properly llepitir, Clean anil Ailjuwt WatclieH ami Clirono nic tcrs, but ho will mnke tbom or any part of them, to order, and warrant tho work. A new fiui'i'i.Y of ELGIN and SWISS WATUJJ15S just rot-nivod which ho will Riiftranteo iw rolinblo Limo-keejiors. Prices tudolycompotition Rpmoinber tho nd.lrc!, Two iloori eaat ot tlie Uc.crcl Bank. Ladies Buy your Furs at Wo havo tho largest and best slock of L ABIES' FUES Kver ojS'evcd for sale ill litis ctli. Wc have Mink, Seal, Filch, Squirrel, Alaska Miuk, American Salic, Canaila Sable, French and Black Coney, Mvk, Etc., Hie. GfVUiX. jfV3srr look themi ALSO Gents' Beaver Collars and Gloves! In great variety. DUISFOKI) & SOIVS. WALEEE" BEO'S. Vo invite cttcntion (o our nvcA.cisrincEisrT stock op DRESS GOODS, TRIMMINGS, RIBBONS, NOTIONS, ETC., ETC., Which wc :ir; Selling at Prices that will compete with any City . , in the Union. WOOLEH AND C0TT0H DOMESTICS At a Slight Advnuce on Cost. WALKER BRO'S. BENEDICT, HILL & CO., MANUFAC1UKEKS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Boots and Shoes, IVoa. 134 sisil 136 GBAKB STREET, One Boo'krEillCoi'Sr'odwy, f NEW Y0EK. The Mutual Life- INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ITBW YORE. ASSETS, January 1,1871, - $44,G09,15G CASH. Now, Oct. 1st, over Fifty Millions. P. S. 1VINSTON, Pi-csttlem. UIC1IARD A. McCUilDY, Vice Pri. Total Cash Dividends Paid to Policy Holders, $15461,086 Cash Dividends paid in 18fif, eleven months, to Dec. 31, - . - SSi'JSjSSO.OO The Largest Company in the World. Its l'OLlCIKS in furco number ton thousand six hundred and furty-two JlOKK than thoso of any other company. Tho AMOUJNT INSUKED is sixty million seven hundred and fifty-two tliousand nine hundred and ninety-two dollars MOKE than nny other company. Its TOTAL ASSETS aro thirteen million six hundred and ninety-throe thousand onu hundred and ninety-nine dollars LAKUEli than those of any other com puny. Its I'liKMlUM INCOME is four million three hundred and twenty-live thousand nino hundred and sevonteon dollars UliEATEit than that of any other company. Its INCOME Fit Oil INTEREST is six hundred and eighty-eight thousand ono hundred and threo dollars MOKE than that of any other company. Its TOTAL 1NCOA1E is live million sixteen thousand nnd twouty dollars G11EATEK than that of any other company. Its CASH DIVIDENDS in 1870 wore one hundred and forty-ono thousand six hundred and four do! lars MOKE than thoso of any other company. Its TOTAL DIVIDENDS from its coiumcucoiuonl have boon eight million ninety-fivo thousand nine hundred and fourteen dollars MOKE than thoso of any other company. Its EXPENSES in the year 1870 wcro only 0.23 per cent, being LOWER than those of any company. Its TOTAL EXPENSES and losses were 2.32 percent. LOWEK than those of any other company. flho RESULT of its policies have NEVEK BEEN EQUALLED hy any other company. There aro other good life insurance- companies, but none can adduco such wonderful figures as TOE MutdalLike in proof of its unquestionable claim to bo the Leading Lifo Insurance Company of the Continent, and tho model ono of tho world." RICHARD GODDHIND, SOLE AGENT FOR UTAH TERRITORY. Opposite Weill, Fargo dli, Co., Sail take City. MR. GOODIIIXD has engaged Mr. JAM EH LAXDI-UiS, of Sa,i Francisco, a gentleman well versed in the science of Life and J-'ire Insurance, who will be glad to impart any information topartics desirous of insuring. RIGGS, LETENBERG"&"ca, WHOLESALE AND MSTAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, WINES, lAt nor, Tobacco, Scgai's, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. MINERS' OUTFITTING GOODS! l'artic-a desiring to riurohase will do well to inspect our btock, which is complete in every department. ONE DOOR SOUTH OF SAVAGE & OTTINGER'S. BAILOR !3&II'S Have on band the Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OF WAGON TIMBER AND IRON OF ALL SIZES, Which they offer j A. T VERY LOW 3? ZR. ICES. U'lHST EAST STREET, IlAl.K-A-llLOCK SOUTH OK THEATRB |