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Show WESTERN NEWS ITEMS. Air. Cushing, of Dalles, Oregon, recently exhibited a lot of apples raised fourteen miles below the Dalles which measured twenty-four to the bushel. In Los Angeles M. F. Corance presents pre-sents a bill to the common council to recover $5,000 for damages to the premises owned by him, sacked by the rioters. Specimens of cinnabar recently discovered dis-covered in Lower California, near the . San Rafael mines, have the appearance appear-ance of being very rich iu quicksilver, and arc said to come from quite an extensive ex-tensive lead. S. Luce, a farmer on the east side of Kussiau river, beyond Fitch mountain, moun-tain, Sonoma, California, had eleven and a half acres of corn, from which ho gathered f Jl bushels, or eighty-one bushels to the acre. Who can show a better corn crop ? Mr. Kd wards of Santa Clara, California, Cali-fornia, in 1S70 from soven cows got J.OfilU poundsof butter, which sold for )i) 22, bred five heifers, worth $250, sold tivo calves for $5u, and fed milk worth $50 lo hogs and poultry, making mak-ing a total of&M'J 22. At San Diego, November ISth, in the artesian well, at a depth of 250., feet, a cavity of Hi feet in diameter was struck, from which the water rose in the well to a bight of JS0 feet. The prospects of getting good artesian'wa-ter artesian'wa-ter jrow better every day. Work has been resumed on the Sil- vcr Chief mine with excellent pros- ; peels. Tho Silrer Monarch mine is also being worked, chlorides having been found at a depth of seven leet. All the mills at Meadow Valley are working night and day to their fullest capacity. JCty A'ccon. The Vallejo Chronicle fays a gentleman gentle-man named 11. W. Ciabb, in Nana Valley, realized S00 per acre from a vineyard of three year old vines this year. Mr. Fisher, oi'St. Helena, realized real-ized from two and a quarter acres, seven tons and one hundred pounds of grapes. The Segriest brothers, near Napa City, will make 50,000 gallons of wine from their vineyard this year; the yield has averaged six tons of grapes per acre. The new mining discoveries iu the vicinity of Prescolt, Arizona, are now exciting the public mind. According to a Prescolt paper, the ledges arc small, varying from 12 to IS inches in thickness, but almost incredibly rich, "Wo do not exaggerate when wc say that the average rock, taken from the surface, will yield- upward of 41,500 to-the ton; no piece of rock, from either the Cornucopia or tho Jiismarck lodes, which has yet been tested has yielded less than $1,000 to the ton, while selected specimens have yielded as high as $;;,500." |