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Show PACIFIC COAST AEWS. FU1ST DISPATCH. CAMKOUSJA. Han I'rauei.-co, 22. The' Overman mini tig company levied an assc.-sment of four dollars a share yesterday. In the Kehoe ea.-e the coroner's jury at last rendered a verdict of death by accidental shooting. Oen. Ord has been notified that he will be tiausfcrred from the department depart-ment of California to the department of the Platte. Jlis .successor here has not yet been named. The projected running race for $2,-5ihj $2,-5ihj a side at Sacramento, between "Nell Flaherty" and "Atchison" is probably off", Woodruff of Napa, the backer of the mare having failed to I come up with the required cash. The I mare is believed to be a match for the I horse in a long ra-re, and the failure of j the match will greatly disappoint many who had calculated on an exciting . race. I Los Angeles, 20. Passengers by stage from Wickenburg report the pursuit pur-suit of tho Indians who attacked the mail stage near that place, killing the passengers, has been abandoned. The Indians escaped unharmed. Fifty-five I names are enrolled for a military company com-pany in this city. A heavy sand storm raged yesterday and to-day. j Mok Hill, 21. A workman at I Owinn'smino named Alpherso Collet, 1 fell from a laddor a distance of twelve feet hut night, striking two others in ; full. Collet was fatally injured, and ; the two others seriously hurt, I Grasn Valley, 21. A cache of stolen i goods wan discovered near the Badgor j miue, containing over $2,000 worth. : The place of deposit was under ground 1 and perfectly dry. A party of China-I China-I men committed tho robbery. Some j arrests have been made and others will bo captured to-day, Mrs. Roberta, propric tress of tho i Brighton house, sixty-five years ol' I age, fell dead this morning in an apoplectic lit. OHEtiOK. . Jacksonville, 21. This morning two young womcu named Fanny and Hannah Han-nah Fiolls walked into tho dining room of the LJ. S. hotol, nrmcd with cow-I cow-I hides, and inflicted - an unmorciful i castigation upon a man named George 'dibble, lately arrived from Crescent eity. Tho girls accused him of testifying testi-fying falsely before" the grand jury, and wore, applauded by every ono present. SFCOND DISPATCH. CALIPOKNIA, San Francisco, 22. The board of education last night passed a resolution forbidding the toaohers of public schools from hereafter carrying deadly weapons into the schoolhouses, upon tho forfeiture of their positions. Governor Safford, of Arizona, publishes pub-lishes a very lengthy and exhaustive review of tho Apache question in tho Alia this morning. He condemns Colyer's pretended peace policy as a ! murderous fraud, placing the wbko settlers wholly at the mercy of the savages, who merely resort to the reservations to escape punishment and use them to carry on their' raids with impuuity. ' He gives a long list of murders and robbciies committed by the Apaches since their pretended peace convention which Colycr participated parti-cipated in, citing instances where tho plunder of murdered citizens was found in possession of the Apaches on the reservations, and gives his opinion that there will be no peace until general Crook's policy has been" fully carried out, the friendly tribes united against the hostile Apaches armed, and enabled to protcot thomselvos,and the Apaches reduced to submission, placed on reservations re-servations and kept there all the time. He thinks it would be cheaper for tho government to board the Apaches at first-class hotels than to follow the line of policy marked out by Colyer. All the lottery cases were to-day continued in the municipal court for the term. The prosecution appears to have mado a complete failure. The Alta editorially endorses governor gover-nor Salford's letter, and says he can not bo accused of ignorance of the subject nor his facts controverted, and the responsibility of the recent butcheries butch-eries by the Apaches rests directly on Collyer and his associates. The founderies of San Francisco are at present unusually busy, turning out mining and milling machinery, gas and water pipo, railroad wheels, aud castings cast-ings for sugar plantaions. The miner's foundry is making, among other things, machinery for Utah mines. Mining Stocks, San Francisco, 5 p. ni: 3,060 Jackson, Jack-son, 1.?, 1, 1, 1, s. 30, i. it. HOPioche, Sk 35 II. & N.( 13, 15, b. 30. 900 Phoenix, 3. s. 30, 3J. 1,760 Eureka Con., 21, 2H, 21t', 22, b. aO, 21, a. 3,211. 1,055 Raymond & Ely, 65, GO, G7, 0S,l, b. 30, 69, b. 30, 68, 60, b. 30, G8f , 70, b. 30, 68$, GS, 60, b. 3. 445 Treasure, 71. 7, s. 3, 7, 7i, b. 30. 60 Chollar, 31, 32, 31 J. 100 Meadow Valley, 31, 30, 331, e. 3. - . , . ,. . .47 Gould & Curry, 300, b. 30. 225 Buckeye, 3j-, s. 30, 3, 3f. 125 Belcher, 355, 352, b. 30, 350, s. 30, 343, s. 90. J 00 Crown Point, 33. 25 Caledonia, 11, Hi, b. 30. 40 Seg. Belcher, 22. 10 Savage, 4k. 100 Succor, 4t, 4'i, 4:i, 41, b. 30. 355 Ophir, 2ZL 24. b. 30, 25, b. GO, 24, b. 30. 20 St. Patrick; 30." " : iDj-W. U. Telcgmi.il. STKAMBK BURNED. New London, Conn., 22. The freight and passenger steamer City of iVeto London-, which left New York last evoning with freight for Norwich, was burned this morning in the Thames river. Some of the crewwero lost, but tho number is not yet known. Later. Further particulars of the burning of the steamer City of London, state that tho spread of the flames having rendered the boats and life preservers useless, the passengers threw themselves into the water, cling- i ing to portions of the cargo which had I been thrown overboard. Those who 1 were able to swim escaped to the shore; some were picked up exhausted, but some half dozen of the crew and passengers pas-sengers are still missing and it is feared are lost, among whom is C. B. Itogcr, ol' this city. The boat and cargo will be an entire loss. Thcro is much ox- j eilcment here as to the fate of the passengers pas-sengers and crew. |