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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Deak, the eminent Austrian slates-man, slates-man, is dangerously sick. Cabinet changes in Spain are expected ex-pected after the elections, -.- The revolution ill Mexico' is becoming becom-ing general, and a battle is imminent at Saltiilo. Juarez demands extraordinary powers pow-ers from the Mcx'tcin Congress to put down tho revolution. Alexis has gone to Washingtou, attended at-tended by several genUemcu whoso names terminate in " hoff." Reports of disasters in the Fnglish waters, by the recent storm, are reaching reach-ing London from all quarters. Lieut, governor Dunn, of Louisiana, died yesterday morning of congestion of the brain, after three days sickness, nged fifty-one. ''. : ; - The racing match for the championship champion-ship of tho Thames waa won by the Taylor crew, beating the Kcuforth j crew by three lengths. ; . c y , . . Sir Charles W. Dilku's recent address ad-dress in Newcastle, England, has created crea-ted great excitement. Ho will address ad-dress a mass meeting next week.' ' " ' -A consistory will be held a Koine, on Friday, for the prosecution of certain cer-tain bishops, when tho Pope is expected ex-pected to pronounce, an allocution, i Tho nccounfs of the U. S. Pay mas- j ter are many years behind, and auditor : French lets off a growl at the adminis- I tration for its parsimony in limiting 1 the clerical force to tho minimum number. num-ber. i Hodge, the defaulting paymaster, disbursed altogether during his official career SU, 050, ?Sl St); and his actual defalcation is $4-15,020 0o a. nice little sum lo begin a penitentiary career with. |