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Show GENERAL. j Fire. Port Wayne, Ind.; 22. A tire this a. m. destroyed Boaver, Miller & Co'a. planing mill, Crase & Co's. chair factory, fac-tory, and soveral dwellings. Loss $H0.-000. $H0.-000. Judge Bedford. New York. 22. The charge against judge Bedford of receiving fej.000 extra compensation from tho city while ho was assistant district attorney has boon dismissed. Tlie Apitchei Peaceful. "Washington, 22. Late advices from tho oflicers in charge of tho A ouches say that over half of those Indiana havo come into tho di'leront oamps and are peaceful. Snow. Chicago, 22. It has been snow ing here since early this morning, but not heavily. Washington, 22. Ilea vy snow storm this morning. Gen- SickteK, New York, 22. (Jen. Sickles expects to return to Spain in a month or six weeks. Ha brought an important mat-tar mat-tar to tbe State department relativo to Cuba. Though he advised the foreign stockholders of Erie to make a united fltfort for justice, he will not t.nl.-r n j prominent pan memin. The Whai-lon Case. Annapolis, 22. The Wharton ease has adjourned to Tuesday on account of tho absence of witnesses. Tho case lor the Stato is closed except as to a few witnesses, who will be hero after thoy are examined. Fearful Rail toad Accident. Indianapolis, 22. A terrible accident occurred on the Cincinnati and Indianapolis Indian-apolis junction railroad to-day, near ilorristown. It is said that u train which loll Cincinnati this morning was thrown off tho track by n broken rail. Tho conductor and engineer woro instantly in-stantly killed, and tho li reman and twelve or lifteen passengers aro reported seriously injured. Monetary and Slocks. New York, 22. Gold weak; sterling (U. Stocks tirm; "W. U., qfta; Ouicknil, ver, 'Jiiii W. P., 50'; Pacilio mail, 6DJ, |