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Show A 1'iONKEit Lady Goni. Under the proper heading will be found the announcement of the death of Mra. I Lorenzo D. Young, a lady well-known and highly esteemed by the old residents resi-dents of our city. It will be remembered that Mrs. Young was one of the three ladies who entered thU valley with the pioneers on the 24th of July, 1847. She has lived to see the barren desert turned to a fruitful field, and where she first saw nothing but sage bruih, sun flowers and worthless weeds now stands a queen city embowered em-bowered in orchards of choicest fruits and gardens of sweetest flowers. Her pioneer toils are past, her Bufferings are over, her pilgrimage is ended. She is gone to her reward. Peace to her ashes. ! NIGHT REPORT. ! ! fok Eiay. The l'rlucc hoi to Well. London, 2i A bulletin fr.-in Sand-rimjbam Sand-rimjbam repurts the prince ol" Wale- a little les quiet la-t niht, but bis condition condi-tion is unchanged. A special from W indsor reports the accounts received at the ca-tle from Sandringhain les favorable. The-fever of tho prince is higher, and that there is considerable anxiety at Llie castle. Edward Law, Karl of Edinburg and Viscount Sou l ham. formerly governor general of India, died la-t night. From Spain. Madrid, 22. Sagota has succeeded in completing his cabinet, which is as follows. Sagosta, president of tho council coun-cil and minister of the interior; ilal-conipA, ilal-conipA, marine; Dehlos, foreign all'airs; Condan, public work; Aug, linancc: Ciamindies, war, (Jul. Cenmge, juttice. It is rumored that the government will r.ot oppose the election of Kuisc Znril'a to tbo presidency of the corte. The "Florida." St. Thorns, 2(1. The American steamer Florhln, after detaching )ut screw, started for New fork under Fail on tho 14th inst The Spanish man-of-war immediately followed. Tho Florida Flor-ida 11 red a blank cartride, overhauled her and examined her papers und found them correct and then proceeded on her voyage. The U. K. steamer with Aguiz on board arrived at Jaoinet on the Mth. Tho Uornel caso ia considered settled. Tha Spanish consul has been allowed to resume his quarters at l'ort au Prince, but the Spanish ves-ul will remain nt Port au Prince until the negotiations in tbo Horn ft matter is arranged at Madrid and Washington. Appointed. London, 22 Ilcar-admiral Edward A. Inglc-iield has been nppointed naval attache of the British legation to Washington. Wash-ington. The American legation here has issued a notice to the eU'uct that it is deiirable that all U. S. citizens intending intend-ing to travel on tho continent provide themselves with passports. From Holland. Hague, 22. The Catholic bishops of tho country have united in a memorial to tho King against discontinuing tho Dutch legation at tho Vatican.' The Grand Duke. Viagra Palls, '22. Alexis arrived at Clifton, Ontario, this afternoonj and was 1 received by tho civil and military authorities. au-thorities. Tho duko remains there till I morning, views the American side and goes to Buffalo. |