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Show Til K DOUNDAH Y L1XE B KTWEKN " KU5II VALLEY AND OPIIIK RUK-1M RUK-1M DISTRICT, Dry Canon, Tooele Co., ! : HCO. lilSt, 1&71. ! Editors Uvrald: By notice posted in Ophir mining I district, and which the recorder also sends to Salt Lake city for publication j in the Herald, aud probably in other papers, it seems that the miners of! Ophir, and the recorder have taken' a fireat fright over a friendly meeting of their neighbors down in Stockton. ; Tho holiday reason in this locality, generally dull, is likely to bo spiced this year with a paper bullet skirmish. The recorder of Ophir in his notice says that the mines of this district are I "changing the southern boundary line j of said Rush vallry milling district, and i intciicriu! with the northern boundary line of Ophir mining district." Now the fids are tiniply imt the dividing j line bet wet u t lie two districts has never i been mn and mnrkod, until done by the recorder of lui-h valley at tho re- i ijuest of miners in this canon, nnd they happen to bo the only men directly ! and nirt interested in finding out I where the line actually would run. : Oplii'. district was termed out of a ; p;rt ul Huh Vailey di-trietiu August, j iS, and ti'y iiA on a place known . ;i- lljd l.iuii's, at tho loot of the West ' .'lount.ii.i tor a .Urtitig point, then to 1 run exue.ly e:t." lo the ctiuimit of the nni'Jiiuiiis. This lino was never run wii'i correct surveying instruments , until this week, and it is found, just what we have always claimed, that it nuts acro.vi Dry uaiion, and throws ! all the luiues in the north part of this canon into Kuh Valley district. And so up comcj tho Ophir recorder and iays Lhat the line is being changed -md i t(.rj rid itith. If he had taken a little ! time to find out the true ttate of tiiiuja ho might have been saved a , tide liom Ophir to Dry canon, with a cor.-iil'le, to py out the size of a , lueuing acd ;tj if could Le broken up. i A:l v, o tha miner of Liy canon care ::'luui this lnauu' is to be permitted to ic.'ulate our o'.vu aii'jirs. if wc sec lit to orraaize a new dU- , t:ict. we think the right belong to uv, 1 aad if we want a ulc correctly survey sur-vey tJ. Uiarked and ctablLhcd so thii the wylUric man though a fool em t-.;l it, we think it is ftpitdiy our right, ( -pcially when the line pa-sc- tHrccrly 1 through our mi-ie-. 1 The minors of this canon have set a ,-ood example in their resolution to frown down ail jumpings and all litipa- : tiou in tho camp. They determined to change the came of the hill, which , has borne the ugly one of Shoo-Fly ; 11:11, and the recorder of Ophir says we han't chanve our Ely, aud he won't havo the Ely taken oil his books for no Dry canon miner. When the miners of Ophir who iirive bv.-cn induced tosin that protest, have become ooiuainted with tho llicts. ;,iid know that this action is one o.' "O. I'ur. Kecon.h'r ii;-.iti.-t Dry Canon Ii'.ys," they ;dl withdraw their prou.-t and :ii!plc justice and miners' rights have their course. A Dry Canonekh, |