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Show I LEGAL. ' Win. IIAVDON, (Ute Judgoofith District Court, Netada,) lATTORN J3 Y - A T-L AW, I Koom No-l.TrowbriiljeRuilJint:, EaitTem-; EaitTem-; pie btreet, oppusko the Salt Lake iioujt. I nl ! A. II UGGAN, Attoritry ami Counsellor-nt-La W, j Otl'u'O, abovo Dafl'j oKl store, I Opposite Wells, Fnrgn i Qo.'l, Salt I.ako City. Utah. rl 17 ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, Oftice, Kimball's Blook, S, L. City. Special attention given to Title?, Negotiation!. Negotia-tion!. Saks or Litigations in Mining Claim.1 and Heii Estate Collections made or business done in nny part of the United Slatci by Association of reliable Attorneys dl7 SET11 M. BLAIR, Attornry-at-Laio and Mining Agent t office: At resideneo of Col. llosoa Stout, dlu 3. II. Hempstead, M. JCirkpatriok HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Attorueya-at-Law, Main Street, opposite Weils. Fargo & Co:, SALT LAKE CITY, T22 Z. SNOW. K. D. HOOE, SNOW & HOGE, Bottom eya and Counselor at Law Suit iAk City, Utali. OOlceat Snow's cornor, 1st Eat Street. Ju5 Wm. Y. LOVELL, ATTORNEY - A T - L VW, Will practice in tho Courta of Utah. OFFICE-- Ktmlmll'a Block, opposite Townacnd Homae. dti JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office Godbo Building, 2d Floor. Re.ii-donco Re.ii-donco on 3d East street, oetweit South and 1st South strooU. B'20 8. P. McCurd7. 0. H. Morgw BlcCUKDYA MORGAN, Attornoys-at-Law, Office Hooui 5 up stain, oyer Taylor 3: Cutler's Store. t29 SALT LAKE CITY. K ITCH & MANN, Attorneys-at-Law, Office, First South St., Fourth door east of Hooper, Eldrodia Jfc Co's Bank. Su.lt Lake City. a26 C. D. UAKDY. C. K. 01I.CI1B1I9T. HANDY &l fcrlLCHRlST, ATTORN EYS-AT-L AW, And Solicltoia In Clmncery, Offifo-Main Street, Salt Lako Citj, U, T. n!5 , Waraor Earll, F. M. Smith. EAULL & SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LAKS CITY. Host Temple Street, ono door south f aaj Godbo's Slor U . C O O F E 11 , ATTOUNEY AND COUNSELLOR, Otlice Exchange anil Reading iiooma, up-stair. ju28 SALT LAKK CITY. ' BANKERS. Thos. K. Jones. A. Vf. W hit BANKING KOIISK OF A. W. WIIlTlii dt CO., EAST TEMPLE STUEET. aau fcialt Lake City. limffliEMflf mi, (Succciaora to Ilusiey, Dahler Co.) Wakken II ess by, C. L. Dahlbr, President. Vico Preet. Anthony Godbk, Cashior. Salt Lake City, Utah ; Also connecting offices at Ottden andCorinno, Utah, and Virginia and ilelona, Montana. DeaJors in Gold Dust, Coin awl Currency, Draw Exchange on Now York, Chicago, St- Louis, Omaha. Denver, S;tn tfranciaoo, and all parts of Europe. Collection! Promptly Attended To. Dili Bank of Deseret, Successor to - HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Cu., i Corner Bast Temple anil First Bouth Streets, j SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH. PA1P UP CAPITAL, - $100,000. BRIOHAM YOUNG, President, 1 H, 8 ELDItHUaB, ViooPres. WM.H. llOOI'lilt, Ti. WM. JENNINGS. . Directors. JOHN SHAKP, FEItAMOUZ LITTLE, L. B. HILLS, Cashier. J Doal In GOLD DUST, COIN, BXCIIANGK, JLAND W ARRANT 8, COL-LBOE COL-LBOE SCRIP, C. Collcotioiia made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. WELLS, FARGO & CO., Kxircss Forwarders, Bankers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Europe, aiul all the principal prin-cipal citiet of the linked States. EUROPEAN UOLLECTIO N3 Promptly allandod to. Unit Temple St., Sail Lake City. TUEO. F. THAUY. Afc-.nU mil NOTARIES PUBLIC. A. S. GOULD & SON, CONVEYANCERS, M- Mioin DocJs. Asr.omonM nd Bii &?. cVoVrac'is'and other io-trum. t writiuK drawn with accuracy nd distatoh. BUnliiK Cwmpanlee Incoi iora- tcd.uuilcr the Lmvi of Utnli. A. S. GOULD, NOTAIIY PUBLIC and COMMISSlONEIi. 01f DEEDS for Now York, MassaohvisatUi, Pcnoa'lva-nia.Oliio, Pcnoa'lva-nia.Oliio, Illiuois, Iowa, Nebraska, WyomiuSi Montana, Nevada, Caiifbruia, and other Stales and Tor-litohca. Tor-litohca. East Temple St., near WclU,. I'argo it- Co., Hall Lake City. mil Wm. Ci. iTTiy, S. J. Joy.vsiov. Notary i'ublic. Conveyancer. CLAYTON TjONftSSON 1)A strict nttonlion to tho collection of wilier in 1,11 p" of the world. They a'so draw or a.'knowlcdi;o all kinds I of icjtrumcma in writmn. Spri-lnl nttentton fivon to tho drawinit of AVillB and Tcataincntory Uocu-ntciita. Uocu-ntciita. Loans ncffoti.ited. Mine. Houses and I'.i'aI F.-tato ot all kiaiia bought, tuld or Incorporation ind Part nc re hip Pnpera of every description drawn in strict accordance witlt the laws ol' Utah. OFFICIO-Fourth door south of Godbe'a Corner. c2a HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SAI.T LAKE CITY. THE LEADING 1I0TEL OP U T A II . JAMES TOWN6END PROPRIETOR. TLU House is oentr&lly and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodation! accommoda-tion! for 150 guests. THE PROPRIETOR la now preparlnn to build largo additions to hi Hotel, whieh when finished, will render it the Most Complete Establishment in the ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OKK BLOCK BAST OF THEATRE, SALT LAKE CITY. TermiS3.00 per day. Board without with-out rooms tl.00 per week. Hatha free to guests. J. C. LITTLK, jun24 Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, OS THR EUROPEAN PLAN, EAST TEMPLE STREET,, West Elde. Rooms with or without board by the day or week. Restaurant Open at all hours. TAYLOR & CUTLKK, Proprietors. n23 New Coimercial Lofc House, Near foot of Commeroial Street, Hnlt J' - OPEN" ALL NIGHT. 0. W. TAPPAN. Proprietor, gprtiig Deilg, SO cts. per Night, or $'J.jO per Wctlq single rooms, 73a n1S CENTRAL HOUSE, LITTLE COTTONWOOD, T. F. Fuller, Proprietor. To llio Pullio Tnis house is now reQ tied and open for travclors.it reduced rates. Xi Board and Lndginir. by week. 81:1.00. Meals, 00o. DeJ?. 753. Meals at all hours, n30 UTAH HOTEL., MAliV ST., ()(iDEN. The only fist-class Huiise in the Oily. (Formerly known as tho While House,), It Is greatly cnlnrfred, thoroughly renovated, refill ittsiieil ana provl-ilecl provl-ilecl with Uar Room, Unrucr Shop and Dath Itooms. Omnibus to aiul r.oui all truius. PasKonKera going Kast from Suit Lnko Cily may now avoid llio unploasant link of an early niarn-InS niarn-InS rhle on the Ulali Central Itiillrotul ly coming to OgJon the previous eveninir. EUDEY & VILL1AMS, oIO I'ruprlolora. Phil. Margetts Has closed his place of business bus-iness on SoooxLd. Sotitli (St'i and forlbofuturo will attend to tho wants of his friends at bin NEW ESTABLISHMENT, 89 IJMx-fc-t SoutH St-i Whcro bo will keep constantly on band the boat of ALE, PORTER, STOUT, JOULE'S STONE ALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. "Dicks" Celebrated Alo and Porter, Wagner's Lager Iteer, C1I0IC13 TOBACCO AND CIGAHS. dij CHOP HOUSE AND OYSTSE SALOON, BERNARDIS & STEVENS, Prop'ri, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Throe door. belowSocond South St., SALT LAKE OITT. OJPEN DAY AND NIGHT. CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keep constantly on hand. Wholesale ami Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowost Rates. QHOUSBECK'S BUILDINGS, nI7 Katit TsmpU Striat A Deslviihlc Iltss There is tho Lisa of ridioulo. tho hiss ol" scorn, tho hiss of snakes in tho gTats, but the most delightful hifS is that of Tnrrnnt's EiTervescciit Sellxer Aperient In tho simrkting (roblot. Riving; assurance to . tho invalid tout his ihirit will be dclimous- ly afsuiiRod; thut his stomach will bo ro-! ro-! freshed and mtrilicd; that if he is feverish his body will bo cooled by healthful evaporation, evapora-tion, that if ho is constipated tho diflioulty will pass away without a pang: and that it thooonditiou of his general health is impaired im-paired it will bcspcedily rumored. Ofcoiiro ho will tako care to procure none hut the genuine. Sold uy all Druggists. hilrl-J NEW MEDICAL WORK Tt fHiL0S3PHY OF MARRIAGE." For the Debilitated Nervous System. nn.JuUDAN.of the Aniitoii-.tca! MiiPinn. :S .Miuitou'.cry Ft reel (near California!. Califor-nia!. t:in Fr.mi'ifco, Calilnrma, ha pub-libod pub-libod four of his most important an i instructive in-structive Le.'tnre.' in a nent volume for thtuo who cannot attend the Lwjlurc? at thoMu-?eum. thoMu-?eum. Kvery I'nm irried and Married raaa should read and stmly these important Lecture for the good of himself and ofi- SIpy ad.'rc-'-'ntf !he Pfcrrfary "f the Ana tomira! Mucuiu.n Frkni-ico. and onrlos-ins onrlos-ins Twooty-r ive Cents in PoM.ieo r-tanips to ray post.igo, the Ujok will be forwarded to any part o." the Stales or Territories. Dr. Jordan can be consulted by letter. d'i LUMBER YARDS. LUMBmYARD. DOOKS, WLNDOWS, BLINDS, MOULDINGS ALL KINDS "fJF LUMBER. T. 11. JOXES & CO., TJalf-a-hlook sonth of U. C. Depot. my3 KDBINGTON'S a7 Two Blocks south of the V. C. R..R. Depot, and next to Wm. Jennings1 Jen-nings1 Tannery. i The yard is kept constantly supplied by several saw-mills with I A Ful! Assortment of I Native Lumber. W. E. solicits the patronage of his old . friends, and by punctuality and diligence in i business hopes to merit a share sfpublio i support. FOR SALE In tho 15th Ward, one block and a half west of the U. C. R. R., a small houso and half lot, with fins orchard. For particulars enquire of ana-25 Ti'M. EDDINOTON. UTAIIAND CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMP'Y, 1 Incorporated July IT, 1871. CAPITAL STOCK, - - $75,000. j ' Dealers in all kinds of BuildingMaterial LUMBER, DOOKS, WINDOWS, VENETIAN ULlNUd, Al-li KINDS MOULDINGS, CI11CO SUGAR. PINK, CEILING, DING FLOORING. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD, RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, ETC. ETC., ETC. Orders lor Mill Timbers promptly filled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Main St., five doord south of Walker's All business done thxouch tho President of tho Company. OffioeB Lumber Yard, one block south of Railroad Depot. E. II. BAIllt ON, President. D. W. PAUKHUItST, Sncretnry. CHARLES DAI1L.KR, juy21 Treasurer. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. .Opposite the entrance to the Tabernacle, JOHN W.YOUNG, - Prop. Admission, 6 C's. Cliiltlren, 10 " Open from 9 a.m. to G p.qu Native Minerals, Petrifactions, Concretions Con-cretions and Crystallxatlons, Uome Products, Xatlve and Foreiyn C'ii-i C'ii-i rioaities, Jtr. j Oomiiouutl KleoLro-Magnelic Appa-I Appa-I ratus, &o. ! Prof. J. I- UARKOOT, Dlauager. - Schools and Fauiilios by private arrangement ar-rangement aduiittod at roduced rates. A Complete Plctorlnl History of I he Times.' The best, chenjwit and most siic-ucSHful siic-ucSHful Family Paper In the Union.' Harper's Weekly. SI'LKNDIDLV ILLUSTItATKD.', Notices of the Press i The Modf.l NEWtAi'FR of our country. Complete in all tlio departments of an American Family Paper. Uakpeu's Wkkki.y ha earned for itself a right to Its title, "'A Jol-bsal of CiviLtZAiios. "New York EvcnitiK Post." , The boat publication of its ol;iss in America, Ame-rica, and so far ahead of all other wookly journals as not to permit of any comparison between it and any of thoir number. Its columns contain toe lioudt collections of reading matter that aro rrinted, 1 Its illustrations aroiiumeruus und beautiful, being furnished by the chief ani. la of tbe oo un try." Bos ton Traveler." IliBPbU'a w elkly is the best and most interesting illustrated new-paper. Nor does its valuo depend oa iU illuiratioDS alone. Its reading mutter is of a high order of 1 literary merit varied, instructive, enter-j enter-j taimnt and uaoiccptionablo. "Jt. Y. Sun." SlIWCRIPTIti.-.Ili7. Terms i UARPEH'3 WEEKLY, one ycar.'.SI.W, Aneitracopy of cither tho MAQAZIVE. "WEEKLY or B AX All will be suppled ; pratis for every Club of Five Subscribers at $4 iju each, in ono remittance; or, bn Copies tor Si).iW. without extra copy. Sub,criptions toHARPEH'S MAGAZINE. WEEKLY and JJA,Alt,to ono address for ono yc.ir, Skt.mt; or. two of liarper'.-i Periodicals, Periodi-cals, to ono addreis ir one year, $7.0. Back numbers can bo supplied at any time. The Annual Volumes of HARPER'S WtEKLY.in neat cloth binding, will be sent by oxrro.;s. free ol csj(enc, for ST.OU each. A complete set, comprising- Fifteen Volumes. ?ent on receipt ol ca-h hi tho rate of s.- per volume, ireight at expense of purchaser. The pcftnire on HARPER'S WEEKLY is 2li cents a ycr. which mti3t be paid at the subferiber'a post'ulhce. I Address: HARPER & BROTHERS, ' nlT w York. Emerald Hill IViining Company, I OCATIOMof Work?. Salt Lake county, Li Uuh Territory. No r ice Th .ro are delinquent upon the follnwiim described Stock on ace iunt of As scsiinuiit lovio j on tho 3rd dny of Novombor. 1ST, tho sowrul iiniouots set opposite ilia names of t li o reflective Shareholders, as f I- Niiiin-v. N.. Curtiflrjito. No. Sharon. Amounl. M . (;.tui'Lti 1."7 S 15 70 H. U. Hawkins bi isr,7 Ho 70 And in nccn-dnnOG with law, and an orJor of tbo Bimrd ni Trustees, luaili! on tho ;!rd day of November, 1871. so many shares of cue!) parcel of ?n:d stock as may be noctssiry will be fold at public auction by John Mid' dlelon ii Sun, at No. 310 Montftomory street, San Francieo, California, on too 2nd day of January, ISiH, at tbo hour of 1 o'clock, p.m. of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment assess-ment thereon, tflffother with costs of advor-lisine; advor-lisine; autl expenses of sale. V. MADGE, Secretary. Oflice, No. ill Merchants' Exchange, California street, Sau Francisco. Oil. dl7 CHRISMS, 1871. G. W. DAVIS Una a full stock ot Ouxrants. Picl, Spice, fig-, Soulless Ratelna, Choice GUNPOWDER TEAS, HIO AND niO C II A COFFEE. Our fruit bninir cloinod, purchasers will save money and time in buying. EXAMINE THE WINDOW -FOR S A. M V Ju E . G. W. DAVIS, Too Doors from Kimball & Lawrence a ds LADIES. SPECIAL NOTICE. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Mrs. Colebrook lIIL Oi'fc-S IN 1U.K NEW STORE, ON" SATURDAY 'JiXT, Kith an entire nc slook of L.ABIKS HATS AND 13 onnets, The choicest iroeds ever brought into this city; also a very fine assortment of Feathers, Flowers, Ilibbons, 3IoncIs, Collars, Ani FANCY NOTIONS for lis 5 doors south of her Old Stand. I Z. C. IvI. I. 'groceries & provisions. GLOBE BAKERY, ! East Temple Street, flret door north of Co-operatl-v Grocery Department. GOLIGIITLY&H ARSIS j Keep oonitantly on hand GOOD FRESH BREAD Buns, Cukes, Pies, 1 Crackers, Etc. Fine TariotT of CONFECTIONERY, Wholesale and Retail. Groceries, Flour, i3 Feed, &c. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Rye, - - ), Graham, - - Loose, ,, Allen'sXXX - Corn Meul, Bran unci Shorts, Chopped Feed, And all kinds of e ax. ja. is an On Salo at LOWER RATES! In Quantity or Retail, at CEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, Main Street. oc t6 AND OATS FOR SALE by the CAR LOAD OR RETAIL. THOS. R. JONES & CO, U.ir-a-bloulc South of U. G. Depot. (uri New Store ! New Goods ! II. WALLACE Has opened hia new store, on FIRST SOUTH STREET, Next door to Jllri. S tenHoute't, With a choice stock of Pure Home-made CONFECTIONERY, Also Figs, Nuts, llai.sius, Apples, Sardines, Salmon, Staple and Fancy Groceries. Will also comlnne bualneaa at lite n4 DAY & CULMER, IHrORTKBS AND DBA LKRS tlf GENERAL iTOCUlDISE, CONSIST INO OF DRY GOODS, GUOCKIllES, hardware, boots, shoes, hats, crockery, Lamps, glassware, ac. cordage twines, wooden ware, CAni'.KTS, CRACKERS A. BISCUITS, TOBACCO, A.C., AC, dtC. Which they offer at prioos that guarantee satisfaction and defy competition. The ohoioest M? US j3L SJ . oonstanlly on hand of the following- kinds Gunpowder - - 91.70 to 9.45 Young 11 y son - 1. 00 to 1.50 Tycoon - - - 1.30 to 1.09 Fooplng ... 1.15 to 1.35 Pekoe .... 1.-5 to 1.40 Sonchons ... 00 to 1.00 Diamond L.. 1.00 Natural Leaf - SO to 1.00 And the famous English JUlxedTea - 1.75 Dealers in Teas will find It to their advantage ad-vantage to irivo us a call, before purchasing purchas-ing their Teas, as our facilities in this branch of our business cannot bo exoolled in the I oitv. 1pt0 ! TO Y S ! TQYS 1 :for Fcp Girls and B:js! CHEAP ANT) - O-OOID Arc now open and AT DANIEL GRENIG'S BAKERY WEST SIDE COMMERCIAL STREET, J Wear Second South Street, I mill 8 AIT LAKK CITY ! HARDWARE. NOW IS YOUR CHANGE FOR ;STVES! SOW IS VOI R CHANCE i FOll STOVES Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to Select from, i ' lnclndingtlie;01d F.vorlUi, I j Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire i S Superior, Etc., These as well as othor varieties will bo SOLD CHEAPER AT T11& Hardware Dep'nt OF z. c. nvc. i. THAN IN ANY OT1IKR .HOUSE IN THIS TE1UUTORY. II. U. CLAWSON, .17 Superintendent. on nnn pouoe ZU.UUUiaOH AND STEEL At C. IS. Bjussrlt's. Opposite Halt Lake Houa. j "16 IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., Muuurncluu-r- vC PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, BLOWEKS, And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces Contracts made fcr building Furnaces Furna-ces of Utah Fire Stone. Including Machinery, &a, Bet up in complete running order. Reference Eureka Mining Company, Com-pany, Salt Lakn Cllyi Utah Smelting Smelt-ing Company, Tlntlo. Addrew J. C. Richard, Chicago. 1 C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kind, of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron mid Nteel, Stovas inJ Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implements And Mining Toole, AtLowiit Ratal. OPPOSITE SALT ;LAKflJ HOUSE nl6 COALKOAL! Having purchased the Spriggs Coal Mine "We are preprtretl to supply thli Justly celebrated WEBER COAL by rnr loud or rrtoll. Oepot at l. C. It. It. Ynrtl. UIHtu Exchange and ! Reading Uoomi. I BATEMAN&BUEL. lilt W. H. RiRO, AgaKt TRAVEL. GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES THROUGH Utah, South -fast Nevada & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Salt Lake City Dally, ran-ii ran-ii lug south to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier, St. Gcorco, Utah ; and Tioche, Nevada ; Passing through Provo, Sprincville, Spanish Fork, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Ore.-k, Chicken Cnek, Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn Crock, leaver, Miners-viilo, Miners-viilo, and All the priict)xil towns and mininff camps in southern Utah and louth-eaM Netxida. Alao leave Corlnnn, Utah, dally,, running north to Virginia City, Helena, Fort Benton, Deer Lodge, Cedar Creek mines, and passing through all the principal towns and ii in-ing in-ing oamps in Montana. Mon-tana. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building jun Salt Lake City. UTAH CENTRAL IMlLtlOAU. I S'TTRV" PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. On and after Monday, July IT, I8T1. Daily Train Loato Suit Lake City atdn-ui nui i45 VMi-Arrive VMi-Arrive at Ogdon 7 a. in. rtmi ji. m. Loavo Ok don mSn. ni. anti.VJo p. in. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 .m. and 7:80 p.m kin addition to the above Will run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leavini Salt Luke Ci I r t 5.30 p.m., and Ogrdun at 5 a.m. Passengers will pleas Purchase thtlr Tlcketa at the Onlcea. Filly Genu additional will be i-hsrd whet the fare iscollooted n the train. For all information oonoernini frets hi oi passage, apply to D. (. C A I' UK II. General Freight and Tlokot A't JOHN SHABP, KUPKRI NTENDttMT Lon Wines. H. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express RUNNING DAI L V KllOflt SALT LAKE CITY, via LAKE TOWS, TOOELE CITY, STOCKTON AND OPHIR TO TINTIC. Tho route has boon re-ntockod wilh splendid splen-did Concord Conohw-. fine Stoelt, cmeful Dd attentive Drirer. and every attention i paid to the oomfort nn 1 convenience of paeien-gors. paeien-gors. Good accommodations on the road, TIIKOUGU J1Y DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. OOlee at Welle, Fargo . Co.'e, Salt Lake Cl(y. WINES & K1MBA1L, al4 I'roprleUrs. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. MIXED TRAINS ID J ILY. Leaving tho Uuh Central Depot, Salt Lake City, ai7.JUa.m.; Draper 5.40 p.m., and Snudy Sfauun, (nearest point to JiUle Cultouwood Cauun,) at 0.1U p.m. Salt Lake to Bis r-jtnwtod Station, Mi-hf ' "" Kittle " " cia Y.;,nlr " turn Irairr " .2b Tenty-flve ccnt n-Mlti-miil will be nharged when the tare is oollvoLwd on the train. KKHAMOKZ LITTLE 6UPKRJNTKNMIKT. D. O. C ALDER, i6 Geo. Freight aa4 Ziktt AgeaU |