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Show PACIFIC COAST AEWS. FIKSTUISPATCU. CALIFORNIA. San 1'Yancifcco, 'Jl. The barumrler is now rising and thfie are indications of the storm clearing up, though it rained heavily up to 1U p.m. Last night will long be remembered as one of the wildiv-f ever experienced in San I'laneiseo. The rain poured down in torrents nearly all night, and the wind at times blew a hurricane, prostrating prostrat-ing feua's, sdn:ds and lree-i, and doing heavy damage to many line residences resi-dences by bursting in large plate glasn windows and flooding the premises with water. It is feared that the ship Dominiuii, which was blown away from the wharf, has gone ashore north of Verba Island. The IruoptJ on board for Colorado I returned unable to face the storm. The Ori-ALa for San Diego and (he Oritlomme for Portland both laid over until to-morrow. The wind is now falling rapidly. For twenty-four hours ending at S a.m. to-day, the rain fall was 4 17-luO inches, being one of the heaviest ever known. Since 6' p.ni., Sunday, the rain full amounts to o 52-lUO inches, making the total for the season to date S) tVJ-JOO inches, bcins much beyond tho average of t he rainy seasons. The ferry steamers fo Oakland, Alameda and Saucelita, havo resumed their trips. It will he somo hours before the extent of tho damages are known, to shipping etc. George Goin, a California pioneer, and formerly partner with John Kllis, recently engaged at Pooa migar making mak-ing railroad building, died there of brights disease. He has left a large estate. Steamer Salinas sprung a leak in a gale while endeavoring to enter port and was beached at Point Pedro and probably lost. SLCOND DISPATCH. j CALIFORNIA. fcittn Francisco, 10. The resolution offered by Sherodor in the board of supervisor, asking that a number of prominent citizenB act as a committee to report upon tha advisability of granting $3,000,000 subsidy to the proposed railroad bridge across the bay, was votod down in tho board of supervisors last night. Tho board is pledged against the project. Hannah Collins has sued tha Craftsman's Crafts-man's life insurance company for $100,000 damages, for alleged libel in filing answer to her complaint on a policy of insurance on her husband's hus-band's life in which it was alleged that she was not the wife of tho deceased de-ceased but only his mistress, and ob- ; tained the policy for tho purpose of causing his death aud recovering the money. The indictment against colonel John Taima, late county clerk, charging him with malfeasance in office, was dismissed dismiss-ed to-day, it being shown that he had paid on demand and there was never any intenlion lo defraud tho city and county. The Ophir mining company to-day elected a new board of trustees as follows fol-lows : Michael Castle, Judah llaker, junior, Gcorgo Schullz, Georgo V. Stewart, F. Loean, L. L. Robinson, and 11. llockofler; Joseph Marks was elected as secretary. The Empire mill ami mining company com-pany elected A. K. Phormon, J. D. Fry, J. II. Kobinson, II. C. Kibbe, and James Freeborn as trustees, and George A. Spinner as secretary, i James Lies has been appointed re-: re-: ceiver in the Lick House, for the benefit bene-fit of the creditors and the business goes on as usual. Less business has been done in San Francisco, so far, this week than for the same number of days at any time for years. AH quotations are nominal and change is mere empty formality. The stock exchange alone shows some signs of activity. The investigation into the nllogcd piracy case ot Dan Manuel Cobros, from Magdalena bay, is going on today to-day and shows a curious state of affairs af-fairs thero. The evidence, thus far, sustains Cobros fully and does not warrant war-rant the charge of piracy in any manner. man-ner. San Francisco, 20. The jury, in the case of Win. Donovan, indicted for the murder of his employer Minchel in San IgnatiOj Nov. Sth, 1870, returned a verdict ot guilty of murder in the first degree. Sentence will be pronounced pro-nounced Saturday. The Meadow Valley company yesterday yes-terday presented its superintendent, Chas. Forman, with a dinner set of ninety pieces of solid silver. No trains havo arrived here from ' any direction within the past twenty-four twenty-four hours. San Francisco, 22. A. A. Sargent was on Thursday elected U. S. senator by the legislature, receiving seventy-two seventy-two votes, and W. T. Wallace, Democrat, Demo-crat, forty-six votes. Mr. Sargent leaves for Washington to-morrow. ! The inauguration ball came off on i : the evening of the 20th and was a ' brilliant affair. I Fred. Miller, who shot Keller and wife, and took Bulphuric acid, is just alive.' Keller and wife aro out of i danger. James Newman, 1st officer of the 1 schooner Hutchison, has been arrested for cruelty to Richard Briant, seaman. The Sacramento river reached the highest point yesterday, nineteen feet above low water. Roth branches of the legislature have adjourned until Thursday, January -1th. San Francisco, 22. The Revenue silver mining company, to operate in llualap district, Arizona, with a cap- i ital of Si ,000,000. was incorporated to- ! day. ! The Central Pacitic railroad set fifty i hands to work to-day at the deep cut . on the Palareo, at Junction station, grading for a track and dumping earth into the bay towards their future fu-ture bridge, at the mouth of Mission creek. Owing to the detention of trains of the U. P. It. R. many dealers deal-ers in fiiucy goods and articles for Christmas trade aro almost wholly without stocks, and the market is haro of many articles in general demand. Nevada City, 21. On Tuesday the dam of the North Dloomficld mining company broke and tho immense body of water drowned four persons, employes em-ployes of the company, and destroyed much valuable properly. Milling Stotlls. San Franoieco, 5 p.m. 1-iOo South Chariot, Ot, b. 30, l, b. 30, 115 160 Pioche, y'., 91, b. o. -IGOEllmorc, 12, 12, b. 10, 12. b. JO, m, a. 30. 445 Raymond & Ely, 72, 714, 71', I b. 3, 71 b. 30, 7U, 71-, b. 30." 1 23 Chollar, 33f. I 130 Con. Virginia, 16, 10, s. 30. ' 129 j Eureka Con,, 221, 22, 23, b. 30, 22'., b. 30, 22 b. 30. , 20 Rclchcr, -130, s. 30, 430. j i3 Kentucky, 160, lol, 105, b. 30, I 155, 10O. ! lsl Mahogany, IS, IS, lSj, Is, a. t 30. I 205 Meadow Valley, 2S, s. GO, 2$A, i b. 30, luO Keystone, 75. ISO Bellovue, 15g, b. 5, 10', 15", lGii, b. 30. 60 Jacket, 62A, 02, b. 30, 00. 50 Hale & NorcTOSS, 135, 133, 134. 150 Washington & Creole, 41, 4J, b. SO Overman, i;8, s. 30, 2S, 29. 110 Golden Chariot, 241, 23, b. 30. j 10 Savage, 4'.'. I 120 Ophir, 34, 35, b. 30, 3 i1.. I 00 EurekaGr. V., 24'.. 30 Succor, 40. |