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Show Terrible Stoum in California. We thought that wo had bad more than our sharo of winter in tho Kooky mountains this soason, and, that as to severe storms the U. 1 It. K. could j tako the palm, but it appears that California lias been ablo to get up a special storm that altogether surpasses anything tho Rocky mountains and great plains have yet exhibited. Our dispatched from San FrancUeo say that thero has been no storm of such severity in that State for many years, and it has caused great damage to property, especially to railroads and shipping. Tha C. 1'. railroad track between Sacramento and Oaklaud was so badly oveiilowed and destroyed that the company havo been obliged lo resume re-sume travel by daily steamer between Sau l'ranciiCo and Sacramento, leaving the former city at So0 a.m., to connect con-nect with the overland train. For several d:iys no vessels arrived in port or sailed, ou acouut of the high seas. A dispatch from Virginia city, I'.ith, states tTiat the Virginia and Truckco it. 11. was overflowed. At San Jose all the streams had overflowed, over-flowed, and tho western part of that city was under water. Eight houses had been washed away, leaving their inhabitants in great distress. But with all this destruction of property, the farmers got their much coveted and greatly nocded supply of water, which will abundantly repay the State for tho losses experienced by the storm and flood. It will be recollected that x . this storm was predicted from Washington Wash-ington by tho storm signal service, and was published in tho press of the country in advance. |