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Show OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. UMTliDTAT!Wymc:R9 V0RUTA1I: OoTornor-Cwgc L. VTh, Org?-bcrelary-Ueorge A. Blivck, Uleh. Cl.iefJwUce-J. M. Mi Kcn, New Wk. Associate Justices-O. F. Strickland, JHeb., and 0. M. MrfcM-M.T. Patrick, Nebraska. U. 8. Attornor Uoo. C. liftte, 111. SiirrBvor-aeuenU 0. C. QlomeaU, I-td. RvcUror of PuMIc )IoDr J. B- Overton, Vn. BejUlcr of Lvd 0(uc George R. Max wall HUh. U. B. AivMor Cjer, of California. U. 8. Collector 0. J. Uilllter, Cal. TKRI1IT0HIAL 0FFICBK8 I Weenie to Congees Win. II. noopcr. At turn) -General Zurobbsbel Snow. Man hoi J. D. T. MrAillilcr. Auditor Wm. Clayton. Treasurer Jamea Jack. Superintendent of Common School-Robert L. Camp Will. SALT LAKH COUNTY OVylCKBS : Probate Judge, Klisa Smith. Beletlmen. Ite-iUo Miller, Ie M. Stewart W 0 Seal Coroner, II. S. lfoatle. Sheriff, S. T. Burton. Prosecuting Attorney, Z. Buow. Aueeaor and Collector, K. J. Qolding. Treasurer, Theodoro Mc&ean. Oonutr Clerk, 8. W. Knit. County Rscordsr, Edwin D. Woolley. Bcboot Superintendent, Robert L. Oanipboll. CITY OFFICBR8 : MaTOB. Daniel II. Wells. AiOWHIS. lit Municipal Ward, Isaac Oroo. 2nd " " Samuel W . Richards. Jrd " " A. II. Raleigh. Itn " " Joter Clinton. Dta " " A. 0. Pyper. COUSCILOIJ.' R. T. Barton, Theodore McKoan, Thomas Jen-Jul, Jen-Jul, Hober P. Kimball, Henry Grow, John Clark, Thomas Mc Loll and, John R. Winder, Lewis B. Ollli. Recorder Robert Campbell. Tnwnrar Paul A. ScUettler. Maralial John D. T. McAllUter. Auditor of Public Accounts Robert Campbell. Assessor and Collector John R. Winder. SupurTUwr of Stroota Isaac Qroo. Snrteyor Jbmo W. Fox.' Hoard of School Inspectors Professor J. R Park. Robert L. Campbell, Ilonry I. Doremui. goalor of Woiglits and Measure Nat hfin Oavls Captain of Police Andrew Burt. Water Master Iftaac Qroo. Inspector of Buildings A. II. Raleigh. " " Wood and Lumber II. Diuwuoduy " " Llqnc-rs Robert Campbell. "" " ProvUiona-lMM 0. Llltlo. Quarantine Pliyaiclau Jotor Clinton. Climf Kiigiuoor Yiro Department John D. T ilcAUUtor. Board of Kxamlniin; Physicians Doctors r7. F Anderson, J. S. Orumby, Jotor Clinton. City Market Master Andrew Burt. " goitou Joseph E. Taylor. " Block Inspector II. J. Fauat. Suporluteudcnt Insane Asylum and Hospital Theodore Mcliean. Physician Insano Asylum and UwndUl Jotor Clinton. ri.ICa VISITM. 1st Muuidpal Ward Lot I Rller. 2nd " " Samuel Turnbow, Brd " " OideonH. C. OibbB. 4th " " Mi Men At wood, btli " ' W. C. A. Smoot. |