OCR Text |
Show Commeroinl, Salt Lake City, Pec. 22. Gold. Buying IOC!; jo"". iU'J- fcr fh. BiU" ,"'.L- Colis'n California Moro. the ttttoiition of the ltiiei. Holiday Books and CUILUKKN'S TO BOOKS in groat "lv,(;M for the HOLIDAYS, at lW1JiKb UOOK STOKE. J- Miw M. Kiei.d, the Ciilii'orma IV ,nalo orator, will lecture to-morrow oveninz, at tbo "Liberal Institute, on tlic Life and Writings of Charles Pick-on?, Pick-on?, Tiia public are invited. TilK t;'ni'"0 "Tnio i'it" Ch'1 Shirt, at IX-rby's, -VJ Main St. For YOi.'R Christmas purchases aaJ holiday presents read the advertisement advertise-ment in the Herald and support the live men ayo and women too who advertise their business. Go to lir.o. Chandler s stall and eo the Mammoth OX, raised by beorjrfi L. Myrick, weighing 1,224 lbs. All kinds of Meat and Game on hand and for sale at the lowest rate?. di (Jo early to Davis' to avoid the crowd. " Fashiosabi.k Hats and Cap. dirt Dunkoed & bos. Call nt tho CKYSTAL P ALACK, 78 Main street, and sea the SILTKH-AVAKE, SILTKH-AVAKE, CHINA, 1'lCTUItKS and ' U K N ITU K K . d2i To be opened in a fuw days on 2d South stroet, a SKATING IttNK.TIm f ' " VLIMTTUH DAAT-fciS to be used on tho host kind or a floor. I Fhkd. Wkldon. I.Ju'st Akrivko, two more car loruls of plain .FD'KNITUliK at li. Diu-woodoy's. Diu-woodoy's. Tlisso who did not gel served last timo will now have a chance. d22 I For White Shirts.call on Derby'?, 42 iluin street. d22 The Mormon Trials. We have received a neat pamphlet bearing the above title, published by tho American Ncivs company, Tho subject matter being tho able letters of Mr.Gco. Alfred Townsend to the Cincinnati Commercial, Com-mercial, written from this city during his late visit hero, several of which we have already published in the Herald. Persons wishing to preserve these letters, let-ters, or to fiend them to their friends, giving as they do an exposition of the prcaont judicial crusade against the pe:plo of Utah, by an outside party, would do well to secure a copy of this pamphlet. They are ibr salo at JJwyer's. I Christmas. Ladies' PUJIS at Cost, dill DUX FORD & SONH. ' I' Cutting & Co's California Canned Fruits and Jellies aro tho best in tho I imirkot. Ask your grocer for them. I For line Ayhito and Woolen ShirU go to Siegol ifro'B. o0 A eew mork Hoarders can be accommodated accom-modated nt IIAMMAH'S, adjoining City Hull. dl'l I Fashionable HaU at Siegel liro'a. olU ITnie liunr and Handsomest lot of FUiST-CLASS TOTS in tbo city. FOR SALE CilJOAF at DWVKR'S. d'J2 Tiik Fruits arc all Cleaned at Davis', uiul tho K-t iu town. &'22 1 HKiis roR mit Children's iiiAND Kali, ami Christmas Tree at tin.- lu-;iMii on Tuesday next, can now W I; lid ai Kimbitil Lawrence's, Mr, Manuing's and al the Tarn I'SB Ofkick: l'ricei!-j cents each. dl Thk i'i.ate to buy your Hoots and Shoes. DuNvoitn & Sons. dt'.i JSxamixe the new Btyle Prince Alexis Al-exis Hat, just received by L. Cojin at the Cai.ii--or.nia Store. dlfl Largest slnrlc nf clothing at Siege-l tiro's. olfl New Books. Arrived to-day 200 volumes of tho standard poets handsomely hand-somely hound, just tbe thiDg for the holidays. Call and boo thorn at DwYKii'a Bookstore. dlj Gents' Gloves and Gents' Furnisu-INCih, Furnisu-INCih, Very (Jhoap, at dlU Dun ford & Sons. A sklendid lino ot Underwoar at reduced prices, at Derby's, 42 Main st. day Tub Kkmtirandt Portraits taken at CARTER'S GALLEKY aro appreciated appre-ciated by overy person. Call and sec thorn. , N.li. Tho only gallery where they aro taken iu Salt LaKo City. dl.i Our llidlers Dunforii oc Boss. dl'J ' Pino Furnishing Goods at Siegcl Bro's Down. "i per cent oil' furniture, silver, china, triads, crockery and holiday holi-day goods attlio Crystal Palace, i Main street. 117 Barratt & Co. For Sale-.25 bbis. EGOS; 10.000 lit OAT'S; Brover, Douiis & Co's Ale, Boor and POHTJ-Ht, aud Booth's Baltimore Balti-more OYSTERS, For Salo at Wholesale Whole-sale by Jirowor is Lapham, Goddurd s Building, in Basement, Main St., Salt Lake City, U tub. a ' L irg-' -lock of tine and heavy boots at Si.'g'el Bro's- . -' Gents Attention. Ed. Harris, at tho LiTTi.B Cioar Stork "round tho corner." keens the best imported Havana Hav-ana and Dm.i.vue Oscars, IVibaeco mid Notions. Coma and judiro tor yourselves your-selves Three door oast of Post Olliee. t'20 A Great Tonic. HFGEMAN'S COKUIAL ELIXIR OF CALISAYA BAKK. A pleasant cordial which strengthens and improves Digestion, an excellent preventive of Fevers, Fever andAgue.etc.andagreat Renovator and Tonic for invalids and debilitated per-dons. per-dons. 11 eg km an & Co., ew York. Sole Manufacturers. riold by all Druggists. " a2ii For Hoots and Shoes go to the Mammoth Mam-moth Boot, Shoe and Hat Storo. dU' Dun ford iSc Sonb. I Overcoats, a flno assortment, nt Siegel i Bro's. olO j Hare Business Chancb. For 'ale, j tho California Store, Main street, with lot twenty-live front, a hundred and sixty-live foot deep. Apply to E. B. Shoebridge, oa the premises, or at the I Herald ouico. a21 OGDEN DIRECTORY. Fu-Ht-cluss Business Houses. MERCHANTS. Wnllcer Bi-olliera, Zlonit Co-op. mercantile lusl I lutlon, James Hoirocktt, C Woodmansee, j P. Aiicrbtftlt Ili-Q, 1 HOTEL, Ogtltu House, John MaIiod, rtoprietor. j LIVERY STABLE,, j D. G. N els uu, Proprietor. 1)10 FI1STE HOLIDAY MEATS. Jennings & Paul, STALL NO. 7, city meat market, Have a Inrjje display of choice nieaU, consisting qf BEEF, MUTTON & PORK, j In the greatest variety the market affords, af-fords, which they offer O DEE 33 I , WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Call and examine their S? HQGS, Bred and fed by Mr. Sharp "Walkick, ! and Mr. V. Jennings. di'-i C il O ICS 'Shrifes Meats! GARRETT & WOOD HAVE ths Finest Display of Meats in the city. BEEP, Ml'TTOS, LAMB, roRic. "(ho public iire invited to call and (laming IV thomielrec. I Stall No.l, CityKeat Market. 1 dii Monitor and Magnet Consoli- dated Silver-Lead Mining Company. LOCATION of Work:,. Liltlo Cottonwood, Salt Lalio ConntV, V tab Turritory. Notlco is hereby (tivon, tlmt a meclinuor the Board o! Trustees of mi id Company, held on tho Jth Joy of December, A. D., IsTl, nn assessment (no. 1.) of twenty-lire (2.") ocnti per share was levied upon tho carntnl stock of said Company, payable, i m od intoly , in Uoilol Slates nld join, to the Koomtary, at tho oflieo of tho Company, itonms 2ii nnd '7, Moroh finis Eiotinnse, California Street, San Francisco, California. Any htook' upon' Which sniil nK.-ivsinent FhnlP remain 'unpaid 'oir tli'o TU'ICNTY-THIltl) TU'ICNTY-THIltl) DAY OK JANl'AltV IS72 will bo deemed delinquent, nod will bo duly iidvoi- j tised for alent public miotion, and unices . payment clinll bo made before, will bo sold on SATURDAY tbo scvontcrnth Uy of February, 172. 1 l'"r doiinrjtient hfsosn-itiunt. hfsosn-itiunt. toftother willi costs ofadvciLisiDK and expenses of sale. By order of ike Board of Trustees. LOUIS KAPLAN, eorolary. Office. Rooms '26 and 27 Merchants Exchange, California street, ban Francisco, Cai: I in ROOM TO HKNT. UTAHCENTRAL RAILROAD NOTICE. ' FTElt January 1st, 1S72, iho Coupons of A the Utah Central Railroad Loads will be paid at tho Bank of Decrct. UK0RGE SWAN,, Secretary. SaltLakeCity. U. X.. December 11th, 1871, Jit) Attention Miners I WAATEI) GOOD AKUKAT1KKROVJS GALKti A OHUS at SCHEMER'S SMELTING FMACE, At Union Fort, Little Cottonwood. j COLLEGE SCRiP! PREEMPTORS will save $16 on each quarter section ty buying Agricultural College Scrip. ' Apply to THK BASK OP DKSKRET, j lit 6aoofll toHcofW. Kldredi A Oft I MISCELLANEOUS. THE WEED SEWING MACHINES i For Family and Manufacturing j Purposes, Embody all thai is new and novel in Sewing ' Mm-hinc?. They are tho latest improved anl I)hi-trunainir ehuitlo machines in the world. Beautiful anil compact in model and unexcelled m uialtn.il aod linit-h. They sew crcrj Liiin- from l.iec to beaver cloth ia the moat perfect manner. I fcvery variety of Hemming, Fell tuff, Q (tilling, Cording, Rufltlng, Piping, T Hill up. Fringing, II tin St I telling etc., eftklly pet formed. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels, IVO VIBRATING SPRINGS. livery Much i no Warranted as Represented. Salesroom oil First South Street Suit Lake City, opposite tlie New Olcnt Blarket. IRA PFOUTZ, juyH Ag ent. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO,, Importers and Jobbers of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LIQU0ES, 311 Clay Street, San Fraoiclaco. $25 SAVED SSy Kuying- THE WILSON Lock Stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINE AT J. Daynes & Co.'s Two (toors ,nit of Po.t Office,. SALT LAKE CITY. Warranted for Five Years ! CALL AND SHE THEM. mi INSURANCE. Si Merchant' JJxohanKO Building, Fire and Marine Insurance. CAPITAL, - - 8050,000. JOUN II. REDDINOTON. Pasndent. CHAKLKS It. STOUY, - - - Secretary. GEO. H. HOWAIiD, - - Vice-President. N. B. EDDY. - - - Marino Secretary. H.II. BIOKLOW. - Uoneral Manager. H. R. MANN, Agent fur Utah Territory, Office, under the Reading Roouit, ju24 SeltLikoeity SALT LAKE BR AN CHI OF TEE Great Western FIRE INSURANCE COT, OIF CHICAGO. TlliO. h 'I RACY, President C. II. II S'lvTT, ) HKNRY W.LA WHENCE Directors CHAS. L. DAULKH, j MARSHALL . CARTER, Attorneys. H. R- MAS N, Manager. OFFICE. ; Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. A Branch of this SOUND and RELIABLE RELI-ABLE $5,000,000 C03IPAXY Having been organized ia our city, we axe bow ready for business and earnestly earn-estly solicit public patronage, gBaran-tceine gBaran-tceine that all fire- rnVs will be carried at a lair rate. H. R. MANN, Manager. MISCELLANEOUS. j arrived! -A.t Last, j i JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS- ! A FINE STOCK Of DEESS FLANNELS, j LINSEVS, . ! waterproof cloth, ! delaines, ginghams, ; cotton batting, ' SHEETING, j BLEACHED, 1 KENTUCKY JEANS, LOW IFOIR. CASH AT TAYLOR & CUTLER'S EAST TEMPLE ST. 500,000 ? THE SOUTH CAROLINA Lanri and IiumiEration Associatioii ron tub PROMOTION OF IMMIGRATION TO TUB SOOTH. BUTLER. CHA-DWICK, GARY St CO. Agents, CHARLESTON ,8. C. A series of Concerts will be given under the auspices of the SOUTH CAKOL1NA STATE AGRICULTURAL and MECHANICAL MECHAN-ICAL SOCIETY at tho ACADEMY OF MUSIC. Charleston. S. C. commencing January 8to, ISTii, at which drawings will tuko place aud distributions bo made to ticket holders. 1st Gift ACADEMY of MUSIC, Charleston. S.V., coH to build $iu,000, bavins nn annual reatal of about SiO.O. 0, from Ojiera House. Stores and Halls; tie building being about x&l foet by 60 feel, and situated situat-ed corner of King and Market streets, in the centre of th" ciiy. and well known to bo tbo finest building and niont valuable valua-ble property in Charles ton, valued at - SjO.OOO 2d Gift Caab. - - 100, ono 3d Gift Cash. - - - a,-,000 I'.h Gift Cn?h - 10,000 5th Gifc-Cuib. - - - 3,0(10 25Ui&s-CH3U. eu?h 8IO0O, - :S-,0 00 2i Gift Cnsh. onoh few), - ia,r,oo 350 Gir-s. each &HH), - - 3.r.,ooo 2,000 other Gifts amounting to ;i7 ,soo 2,405 GiHs, amount to - S300.000 160,000 SEASON TICKETS OF ADMISSION, AT 1VK DOLLARS EACH. ALL ORDERS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. CONFI-DENTIAL. FOR FULL PARTICULARS BEND FOR CIRCULARS. CIR-CULARS. References in Now York City. AUGUST BELMONT & CO.. Bankers: Hou. CHA.. O'CUNOH, Counselior-nt-law, Hon. RUUUt A, PKYOK, Counsellor-at-lnw; T. A. iiOYl1, Kaq., Uresident Go:d Room; ANDERSON. STARR ,t CO., Merchanu; Hon. JOUN E WARD, Counllor-a'-law; Colonel 1UCU-Alll 1UCU-Alll LATUUKS; UUST THOMPSON Jc Cu.. Factors: PETTUS .fc CO., Morohants: F. ZOGHAUM i FAIRCHILD, Meruhanta. lloforonces in South Carolina. General WAl)E HAMPTON. Hon. B. F. PJiKKY, Governor M. L. BoNflAM. General JOHNSON JOHN-SON HAGOOD, Hon. ARMlSTEu B I' It T, Hon.JAMEs CUESNUT, GcneralJOHN S. PRESTON. Hon. W. I. SIAll'sON, ANDREW AN-DREW SIMUND3, Esq.. Hon. G. A. TUKN-HOLM, TUKN-HOLM, Governor J. L. MANNING, Hou. J. B. CAMPBELL. To Ahsiii- TpuraclvtM that our Kilter Kil-ter prl ue Is Honornblv, let Your Ranker write to any Bank. Caxliler In Cliai-teatou, S.C., before Ordering Tickets. Commissi oners and Supervisors of Drawing Draw-ing Geuurul A. R- WRIGHT, of Geortfin: General BRADLEY' T. J OllNSuN, of Virginia; Vir-ginia; Colonel B. II RUTLEUOE. of South Carolina; Hon. ROGER A. PRY OR, Now York, tt3-Tho Drawing will positively tako place January Sth, 1872. INDUCEMENT. TO OLU 11?. 11 Tlikcta Tor - $IQ) 23 Tiokels for - 100 I United Slates Cur-50 Cur-50 Tiottota for - ' 20u f reney. Wj Tickets for - 3& J Special rates will bo rmcii for 5C0 or 1001) tickets if niilicJ for iminodiatcl v, Remittances can bo made m us, and tho tioKcts will ho sent by ruium mail by BUTLER. CHADWICK, GARY & CO., Charleston. S. 0. General M. C. Butler. John Chadwiok. General M. IV. Gary. n29 Ay er's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of tlio Throat and Lungs, such nn Conglm, Coldn, Wlioopliig-CouKh, BronchIll, Asthinn and Constiiiiitlon. )';,N Among tho groat r i' discoveries of mod-jii mod-jii ", ern science, few nro fwM of I110 ronl vhIuo to mankind than dy for all diseases of the Throat and Lungs. A v net trial of its virtues, throughout this and other countries, has shovm that it does surely and, effectually control them. Tho testimony of our best eltiteni, of all olaesos, .establishes the fact, that Chrbrt Pkctoral will and does relieve and euro tho aftliatlng disorders of tbe Throat nnd Lungn beyond any other medicine. The most ilanseroui affection! of the Pulmonary OrgnnH yirld to !ts power; and cases of Comumptloii, cured by this preparation, are publicly known, bo rerjarkblo a9 hardly to bo bo-liored, bo-liored, were they not proven beyond dispute. dis-pute. ' As a remedy It is ndciuate, on whirh the public may iely for full protection. By curing Coughp, t.ho forerunners of more serious disease, it raves unnumbered livy and an amount of suffering not toueeoin-pnted. toueeoin-pnted. It challenges trial, j,nu convinces the moRt sceptical. livery family should keep it on hand a,; a nrotoction against tlie : early and uniiorccived attok ol Pulmonary Affections, which are easily mot at fifst. but which become incurable, and too often fatal, if neglected. TenderlungP need this deloncc; and it is unwise to be without it. Ax a safeguard safe-guard to children, amid tbe distressing diseases dis-eases which bbset ;t)Q Throat and Chest of ohildhood, CnKiiRY Pectoral is invaluabla; for. by its timely use. multitudes are reseurj from premature gravos nuduMvod to tho love and a fleet ion oeiilereu on tbem. It Beta speedily and surely againxt ordinary colda, securing sound and bpjilth-resioring ulitup. No one will euffcr troublesome lnflucnra and pain ful Broncliitlit, whoa thoy know how easily they can be ourcd. Originally tho product of long, laburicjus. and auccoEpfal chemical invcoti.-aii' a, no cost or toil is aparod in unking every holt I e in tho utmost possible eroctlon. It mny bo confidently relied upon as posswelni; all tbe virtues it has ever exhibited, and citpuble o! producinucurc M loeicerableaa the srcitcsL it b&i aver til oc led. Prepared by Dr.l.C. AYER & Co., Lowell, Mass. Practical fc Analytical ClleutUti, Sodlbyall DRUGGISTS EVEKYWHEKE. Sold S ZIdh's Co-op sralivB. 02'i im HILL TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY. r-pHK STOCK BOOKS of tbo K:nuia 11 .11 X Tunnel And Mining Cotuiiany are n o:eu in l'.cid't Build nnd a i i railed number num-ber of unassessable shares lor sale. The Emma Rill Tnnnel Mininc C"es-pany C"es-pany wm l-.r-ntoi April ISTii, iTji'Ti-irst "d August . and fctb nt flnTtrmg prfp'prcl of ar,y itiine in Lit'.ic C'iU''ii 1. For particulars inquire of W. S. WOODUULL. '- r Pi::-:... . Koio-i. Uuii'iiLg. Or JAS. A. MURPHY. i(.KTkr. aufil Keid's Building, a. o 9 o o o Singer Seuina: Machines wtrc Sold within Ihc past year. Scientific Aierican, June Kth, THE- STW CER' 31auufact tiring Company, AJJJ THE! WOLID'S F-AJCK, Cms titu'ed by the iomes of thepeoplc Received the Great Award of the Highest Sales And hire left all rira.li fax behind them, FOR TIEY Sold in 1870 127,833 Machines ! Sewing Machine Sales for (870. "The ran-nitude towhich the manufacture ofsewing machine" has attnine.l i shown l"-the l"-the "ni-u" n-iurnf Mo whieS u.:y niectn U kccj.-i ot Pie aiaiu-acturore lor tneycarl6.U lo tho owners o! the leading jiieaij. on wni-h ther (. rlir. Ac-corJiLg Ac-corJiLg to ihcsc return- ihe nuaibur ul ma- chmca suld by cjou iiinui'o:arcr iu IsTO is The SliiKtr - - iai,S33 FJorenee ... - IT 'rti Hhevleri Wilson - S.i.i.-i Gnd Medal - - s :y H-wo - - .k u - - - -' ,,s I (trover Jt Uaker - K y re - - - - M !l-l7J t " ' " i"le A Lyon - 2,Vo Hops A l.ibV Purnina AmericanUutionhoIe A Ovcrrenaiing H.7J iljon .... And several other eomianies who sold a few machine.". It will lie scon by this table that the popularicy of the Singer machine far ei ceedK Dtnt of all olhti-, their sale being one-half grcnlcr thsn evon that of tho famous "Wheeler A Wilson" machine. This is owing to the fact that the Singer CompHny have lately commenced making, besides their old nnd well-ctalihd -f manufacturing niacl.inc, what is known as their "Ntw Family nuclitiu," which In telling at the rote or nine to one belter Hinn their old style, iln ir total to-tal sal os for lv wore S6.7S1 .aaehinos against the UT.S.S oflS7t showing an Increase " of onc-lmlf In the latter year." "Sew York Sun." One-Half of our Gigantic Sales, THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION Iolxixies Sold, Wcrr iiuilr within the it Miree years. Tint te CJrentest lucreaae of our !-nlf over all IMhcr .llachlnc, lU-nig W lltiln tlie l'nt ear. Thu la IncontcHCltile Proof thm Oar Mdchines Are ine Hot m the orlrt. I'HK KKW FAMILY SEW1AG MACHINE With attachments for all kinds of woj-at, Is last Mnning .-ui-remo favor in the household, as showo. by Ihe rapidly itorts,in sales, over 11 hi-r nuiflii'ic. family Mttciilne is now capable of a range nnd variotv . f wrk uch at was only rceemly ihous a t I w .r..-.ihlw to perforin by m .ehi .-ry Woh.o Hn.icirj show th-tt it is tbo clic.ipo.-t. most beautiful, duiicniuly a rancvd. nic-l- aiju ted e-iuy opfr;iti.d..-iicidy. nt mqo .t hly running of all the F.nuily Sowing .M :c:iiiie- 1 i? remark -:ih! c u"t itnly fT'bo r:ir.-e nd variety of its sewmn, bui n -.Horilio i.mM y :and dif frrcnt Kinds of tcxluro which it will sow with final facility a d p-r:cc i n uin silk twist, linen or co:tn lbre:ii, li no or cn-rso, making thu tnierlockcil-eltt.ilo- tllch, uliko on both ti les Ot tbo l.btic down; the only smicIi w K'b is uuiveis.liy approved, or is at all adapted t- r ilr.t-clnnn work. I bus, beater cloiti or lutlier may bo sown with gr-st striiiitth and uuilotmuy ml niitcn. an.i. in n mm-ut tins willing and novcr-wcurying tn-truinent may bo mijtstid 1t tiac wnrk on gsiuiis or gossamer gossa-mer tiuo, or tho tuk-king of larliitan, or rullimg or aluioH auv oilier ork evi-n oy a rhlhl which dilicalc titipcr-' havo ln-i'i, known to prr orm. fccu the caielt-CK and thou(ilitlib luivt little r uutrouble uiillili uincliiiio. Snul for Descriptive nnd JVt'cc Gtraif-in. Wemnnnfao'ureour own njedles. silk and twist; furnish linoa and ootun thread nnd ' oil all of superior o.ualitv Out which can bu rcliud oj on:y watn obiumo.l turougb. our Principal or Brunch Ollioes, or Agjnoios. OTHER StWINO MASHINSS REPAIRED ON SEASO.M.'.B.E TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DELIVERED F1U0H THKOUGUOUT TUB COT. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. ; Wo extend a sordnl invilntion to all lo ronie nnd see the Machines, whether thpy ' wish to buy or n-l. See all othfrs, hut do not buy without ou uiamtue the Singer. Visitor- always poltte'y nt ton tied by eomp'-li'tit. altcndnils. Initti-uuttirn free u AH Machine, icifcctlj- adjusted befui e ilfllvc y at t . SDJGEB SEWINB MACHINE DEFT, Z. C. M, I. i GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of Eagle Emporium, fult Lnlin Olty, XJali. ' H- B. CLWVt'OS. iii.frirHcndrDI. SAM FBftNGiSCO TRADE. J. V lO., cofl;ss!05 meschasts . 4B Clay St., San Francisco, DKAI.KKS IN OHKUON PltOUUCK. Arc constantly In rcmt ot Ori-pju Biinn, Uacon, ljir.1, -ril:n..u. Ac-.. Starch, of our own n-.A K.ini-m maoufuctnre ' U)- mi tianil. WEIL & CO. IMPORTERS or Cigar3 and Tobacco Proprktori of tho LI A VAN A CIOAlt MANUFACTORY J-41, i.fJ and i'4 Front St., Southwest corner Kront A Sacramento Sts., o5 THE BANK of CALIFORNIA s,x FUASCisro. D. 0. MILLS. PUHSIMINT. W, 0. RALSTON, f) ASH L Lit. Cftpltnl Paid I'p, $.1, ODD, 000, 884W DIRECT ARO ISSUE LETTERS of Urodiliin nil iho . iiu.ii-iil oilloa of tho IS V.-..rl.3. COMMISSION MEfiGiliNTS 30 nudaoe Oritfos-m hi., San FraiicKjcch - tJaUroruis.. l'artloular nttoriti.m paid to tbe Blling of orders tor evory description ol uteruhandiae, bM Sills of Orca, Ac, o, A. J. i EE 2 i-'FITII, Deal or In f,--'.te " kinJsof 8ALiV(jN AND ElEPilliHGi. Ws'.iiuRUin Street. All hi tut ot lir.ori. (ni'jknl nu I'ltklcl V- oonstnntlyon baud. Ji SAN FRAnCISCO TRADE. E. MARTIN & CO. fliolesalc Liquor Dealers, tl Front Street, nn FrnnctMco. I 1'roprioUirs of . WILLEU'S KXTHA UI.U IIUUKUUN r And sole RRentu for ' . F. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BJUKIOW WHISKIES Conftantly on hand, n full assortment of all the taltilhi-tl 11 r nnd of Whlahlrs, I.'liie Brumdle, Foreign itud Domrallii Wlnen, ID 5 Iliitcra, CoidialH, Olc. , Miciiarl Kask. T, N. Ward. WAND, KANE & CO., SucceBHora to Hunter, V and A Co.) Imporlors and Wholesale Dealers in VLES AND LIQUORS. Proprict'i.nif Hunter's California Also Agontd for .liumpli S. '(-'inch's uclobraiod I' -iiiih.vI vhiu:i r RYE WHISKEY. UOT nnd 000 Front Ht., nemr Jachaon, SAN Fit A N CISCO. uy81 LAZARO FKERES, luiiortcrs und Julit'orji .if Kurrinii mill Do- uiuotic riiuijj 'Uidolrtjoo DltY aOODS. Depot of Owls Hfunumrtvrrd at ihe . Misnvm and 1'or.ijic Mvts, (,sntdntft. r'3 A. r'Z1 tlni krt St., Snu Ki an. J'ljlU 1'u.ris: ah Kuo He L'hcbuiuler. BENEDICT, HALL & CO., MANUFACTUHEK8 AND WHOLESALE DEALEE8 IN Boots and Shoes,. lVos. VS and 13G iKAJJ STJtKKX, Ore Block KilsI o( Jiroa-lwj, ' NEW YORK. Z.C. ri !. BOOT A!!D SHOE DopHrtmuut, tit tbo nXtmi THE "lOXCSr- BOOT." ! : 1 - : - ! - . - - . ' ' i -. v'ilf!,ir-Va--.iV i -yitA,iill.l(; Kvt'O' "llc and quu.iU ol it.jla a;il bll'JM j A 'J I U UlU'K -tl.la. tifD uan.!;!c.(l. :.WAT8 OS HAND A IROK AND CUOTrjr nrx ivr I II0ME-aIAPFt:.:w.:"B00TS SHOES ' A 1U1.L, A: ' ORTMll.VT fjY . Shoe Findings, Ho.se Collars and all kinds cl Leathei! ; UIDBB WANTED. |