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Show liniBTUL ISffiffl Ul Importers ac J Jobbers of FOREIGN ASB B03IESTIC DROSS & CHEMICALS Fine CdKential OHt, -G-mns, Root, Seeds, Flowers, Sjiongca, iLk-iru, Pomud &c, all ier Ptaples cntecte 1 rith the Wholesale anil Ketuil b'lvg business. .'onsu,nity in receipt hy dtrset Importation, Exclusive .Agents fur Quicksilver. JDrakeV, 'IrVintntinn Bitt tt-o, WiLr' -ch'-uJain --ckftpp?, c w e 11 Vnluiry ayrup. And .all the!!ad Proprietary Medicines, both AcstMiAn and )ur'f?n, Or-Ura Promptly Lnd Carefully Ex-ocuttxl. 3Hf. and 331 Market Si'.ccct, Zietweea First and Second, SAN FRANCI800, CALIFORNIA. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO, Importers ziA Jobbtni f t,r7 Ttuitty of WJNESS. LIQUORS 311 Clay st.. Sum. Xraneico, Cal. tA i'-nti of gnfiV)ri 'Odw Run" tr.i Mooro'a "C. k H," part-. IVmritva Yi hiki. Goneraf DJfrs in bll the vanoiu hrmi'lm of JLy bd bourbon Wtmikiea, Ntf.jr tV ni suj4 Urari'li', Alcohol, io Woo'l or ttm. Hy Hum in nirti'i or p-Im.a. particular ttntia .a tl U, nilmr Oru.xcuV order for m0ii;ijil pur. U. ROSS, III sip I'll hlisfici, WlioNiml tin' K'l.i:! tr.-r 0''l, Hn ti"lii'il Cu.ry I'Y" til '" , I'l'i-V'RVIU"-. l.',TH.-f , I'l'oto-fr-.l ,li-, ( ,l;r,,rm,H, A I-biMilh. I-biMilh. I',flet ,. t Hti'l No. Z: I.wwd Sirrtt Sf.. A'.f, Mf in" ripiilH-'l f Hi I'iW'I r'.n. tv4 U'f 'I' ' tt' i .' n. I lion's Cooperative Mercantile Institution TO CITY AND COUNTRY CO OPERATIVE ST0R18 And ISic Trade ( norall.y. Wholesale Dry Goods ! EAGLE EMPORIUM, (Up Stairs.) In this Department will always be found the choicest brands of American and English Prints, Lawns, Organdies, Percales and Press Goods, Ginghams, Cnamhays, Brilliantes, &c, Sheetings, bleached and brown, of the most approved makes. Hosiery, Notions, &c, &c. Also, a heavy stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Leather, home made and imported. Shoe Findings complete. Retail DRY GOODS Department. Easjle Emporium, (Ground Floor.) This Department is constantly receiving, by express and regular freight, such additions to its already large and varied stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Notions, Trimmings, Ribbons, ic, foreiga and domestic, as to have to make this branch a public necessity. Much of our stock is purchased exclusively for this room, and is offered at prices uniformly low. YYe would call the especial attention of the Ladies to our varied and seasonable sea-sonable varieties of Shawls, Sacques, Perfumed Ilatnlle Parasols, Skeleton Corsets, Kid Gloves, Hosiery, Laoes, Flowers, &c We have just rweived a fine addition of Carpets, Crumb Cloths, Mats, Matting, Window and Table Damasks, Nottingham Lace Curtains. Our especial feature The Ladies and Misses Shoes, which cannot be excelled for variety and price. Just ArriYeil Window Cornices, new and uniijue, CLOTMIIG, Tliree doors South of EaIc Emporium, SPRING CLEANING AND FURNISHING. This Department has a fine assortment of CARPETS, OILCLOTHS, DOOH MATS, AND WALL PAPER, including Low, Medium and High grades, with Bordera to match. A first-class paper-hanger always on haud. Just introduced a great variety of Home-made Trunks, to which public attention is invited. Also just arrived, a lull stock of GentV, Hoyft' and Youth's Summer Clotliing, From fine French Cassimere to Linen, at low prices. H. B. Clawson, Supt. ETJUIBEK roil THE MIEEIOA T Utah Lumber better and cheaper than any imported. 1 J. WIOLILIIAMS & CO., Are prepared to furnish the inhabitants of Salt Lake City and vicinity with a first class article of Lumber, cheaper than ever before offered to the public. Having a large supply of every kind on hand, and our mill running in the best grove of timber in Utah, we will furnish Lumber, at the following rates at the U. C. 15. It. Depot: All kinds of Plank, Scantling, Joist, Flooring, Beams, Rafters, Inch Lumber and Sheeting, at $37 00 per thou.-and. First class Flooring, Finishing Lumber and Picketing, at $ 12 50 per thousand. Parties requiring a bill for building will do well to give us a call, as wo will furnish a general bill of lumber cheaper than any other house in tho line. ALL KINDS OF PAY TAKEN AT MARKET It AT EN, (Eggs, Butter, Ffaur, or other productions of tho farm. Also, Stock of any kind, fShcofi, Cows, Work Cattle, Wagons, oto. Store pay at cash rates, or even cash itself not refused. ttuS SJIIIVGEES CIIEAl'EIt Til AIVJ EVER. 'On good security we will also givo time on part payment for large orders. Wo shall Ofon a lumber yard in alt Lako City in a lew days. AH comriiunicaXi)ns to bo addressed fsc tho present to". Jo!iiia William V Co. Weber Station, U-P. R. R. SHAKERS ! SHAKERS ! SHAKERS ! H. C. M. I. RETAIL DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, i:.:i,:: i:nroi:iru. We arc selling S U A K E R S ! Al ;r; VnH Earh. II. IS. CliAWNOft, Supl. D. 0. CI LB KB, VM. 0AUHEK, QBOIWfC OALSIIt Culdcr Brothers, Salt Lake City, Booksellers, Stationers, And Dealers in Musical Merchandise and Fancy Goods. Iirrnanenn9 Unok, fnr Public, PrWnta and Sunday Schooi Librarios ; S hoo) Itooks, Maps, Globen, Chart, and all othr artirlt-n nwl ir nrhools. A compU'to awortrapnt of Kiank Hook., Writing Papfr, Pockt Cntltry, and Stntionnv. Albnms, Pocket Books, Engraving and Cromos. A full stock of Mitaioai lnst-ruinents and Murucni Mcrohandi. Geieral Ajntf for all f ri h"St piinio and rgan DianulSctnrar.a, and 8t the ptitli.-hr? f (tnhscription book. A Large Aworbmtnt Pi SUNDAY SCHOOl PRIZES ? f f q q f hP IMPORTANT LOVER eF NATURE ! THE CELEBRATED PATENT CRAIG MICROSCOPE. During the past Six Years its worth has been testified to by tliousands of Scientific Men, Sdxool Teachers, Stv. dents, Physicians and others. Simplified ami Adapted to Popular as icell as Scientific use it is an Optical Wonder, fis AJagn ifying power is TEX THOUSAND TIMES ! Conibin'mg endlcst instruction wiih amusement; A Beautiful Gift, and one that never loses iti interest, reveals the unseen wonders of creation, Eels in Vinegar Animals in vxiter, Cheese Mites, Sugar and Itch Insects, Milk Globulus, Adulterations in Food and Drugs. Also the Trichina Spiralis or Pork worm. A very beautiful and ornamental Instrument, should be on the table of erery Family, Physician, Scientific Man, Student and School. An Unseen Kingdom is pencd to the eye by this Instrument .No lover of the beautiful should be without it Every Instrument is pat up in a neat box, with full directions for using it, carefully pasted on the cover, Thousands have been sent by mail, and the proprietor guarantees a tafe transit to each instrument. We are bending them eveiy day. Trice by mail, postage prepaid, $2.75, or with two Mounted Objects, $3.00. AdJress, K. H. ROS, 31 J Loou.st street St. Louis, Mo. IRVING IIOUS E.. KurvptMi Plan. A First Clas Hotel. I.nrirSi'H nn.urpaj'. Wine nnar ITnion .inr IU. l, . thi-atra. nj A T Mmrl'i nw np lown low. llroulwiij 1)J Iwolflh u, htw lock. G. P. HARLOW, Prop. ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Cor. TWrd nd Miirk.t Slrr.n. ?T. LOCIS, MO TERMS 2 PER DAY. Iohc ftiriii.licd with thf UmI spring bJ. Ilutiw opntrnltv locl.. Bum for nil trains, (ianorml U. K. ami SloaiuUut ticket ofllc in Iht Otl.. J. CUES LEY, Propr. T;ftptMt nirtt and Coniurtd. Pain 1m use, ll (niliAiM th at of dlanwi And it nadir. na-dir. If th loctthtT, pronrcw and inUuinitj of pi!ordr wr not niaailitrd by th torturn It oo-Cftiion. oo-Cftiion. tli vii tim woald b aurprlhrd by dwith I fore hn wna runnriotii of dni;r. Th indcrib-ahl indcrib-ahl torturon wliirh arconipanv Pypopia, pn-chnU pn-chnU all doubt iw to th character of tti nialiwiy. Onibnl onmy promptly with TaAHT'i KrrRaTKriLHNT pri.Tiia AnmiM. Thi plonAan. prtfio niniili th d"nuin at all point in Iho wonknnd mm arh, tb torpid livor, lh cvniU-pivtH cvniU-pivtH bowfli.t h huttnr.d nrvoi nd by r- tot i up; H tlntv )i o tlndr natiuiU romliUou aflccl vll.U ui Sold Ly all Prnists. How to Ma-ko Good IStron Vinegar ! IN ONE DAY, Kroui riiln-, 4orlni". I1 1 1 r , Kiifrnr, Uhtr or iUr Jnlrr of any Fruit. Direction lmlr utnl rn), Coal otH -li it 1 1' (lint of tUr tl proccH of nllon li'H to r In ln rrr ! Any nr run iimi U i- ltt full tltrro" tnwriit 01. irft-ljit of l'lt'(y i iil. AuMrrtf! Si. I.ouis, Mii Utah Central E.EI Pioneer Line of Utah. - v ' ' ' " ' :.--- 'r:':ir:-ri ' Trains leave Salt Luke City daily at o a. ni. and 2,45 p. E arrive at Ogdeu 7 a m. and 4:40 p.m.; leave Ogden city at ' S a. rn. and 5:. 10 p. m.; arrivu at Salt Lake city 10 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. i ! In addition to the at-ove, an ACGOMIODATIOH TRAIL WILL RUN, Wednesdays & Saturday Leaving Ogden city 5 am, and Salt Lake city 4:40 p m, on whid full fare will entitle the purchaser of a ticket to return on the day and train free, and will stop by arranging with the conduce at any point on the line to take on or let off passengers: Passengers will p.ease purchase their tickets at the offices. Fifty cerji-ditional cerji-ditional will be charged when the fare is collected on the train. For all information concerning Freight or Passage, apply to D. O. CALDEE, Ticket and Freight Agent. J os. A. Young, SuDt, READ ! READ ! READ; Zion's Co-op er ati ve Mercantile Insft ELDREDGE & CLAASO' HIIILDIZYGS. Groceries, Hardware &c. AT IRETlAIIL ! This Department is supplied with an immense Stock of Staple & Fancy Groceries, Hardware Tools, Agricultural Impltmcnts, Queenware, Glassicare, Tintcc't, Stmvs, Reapers, Mowers, Horse and Sulky Hakes, And Oihor 31'acliiiicry. Our assortment includes a lariro Tariety of rtic!es not generally feuiij-stores, feuiij-stores, henco wo are induced to offer them at retail to meet a public ae:t; which has been heretofore unfilled. We shall continue to supply the wYfJ trade at our usual low prices, and an inspection of our stock cannot satisfy the closest wholesale or retail buyer that it will be to their interest mak their purchases at the Grocery Department, Z. C. M. I." II. JL CLAAVSOX, SwP THE AVERILL CHEMICAL PAINT COMPANY'S PAINTS KmbracinK over A 1IUNDUED PIFFEUKNT SnAPES, prvpJ immediate application and requiring no miiiiig, just rcveivod and for sale at the DRUG DEPARTM'NT I Z. G. Rl. I. The ingredients of those Faints nro simple and iiulesUuctiMe. .'l'l0''i;l tics with which they recommend themselves arc: Cheapness, durabt.'tv. ijK rio ity of wlor, an unusually smooth and i; lossy appearance, less labor inlaying, no trouble of mixing, will stand tiro or rain, and decs not er:u -i-peel oil' with ntmospherio changes, nor chalk off byj friction, 'l'hey are dost, cheapest, most durable and most popular Faints in use. , . The AYKKIIL WIUTK I'.MNT is a.lM' TAINT, wwwt 1 lead, and is of oiial supoiiority and popularity. hkinu ai.om; von; faint cans open anp pnuii1' HY THE CAl.l.ON. A full lino of rorrin, DoinosticaiHl Cnsv Iiiuu1' At the Prug Popavtiiient, '.. ( M. 1. SI. B:. CIiAVNO., MiP |