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Show , j pFFKlAI. DIRECTORY. ! rr.i'f J- Sltr-s Office's for Ftuh. j. TTil'fn yhafler. Til. A. Mann, Xevada. iLf K Patrick. Nebraska, "'-'ion w-C. II. Hempstead. Cl. ' "' i-iin ifturs J. B. Tourtellolte, Minn. r: ,!r.General C. C. Clemenls, Ind. f pat.lic Slonevs J. B. Overton, Pa. 0f Land Office Gorge R. Maxwell (. ,r-Tihn P. Taztrart, in. ' - r - if. ior 0. J- Holliiter, Cal. L j'.lire-C. C. Wilaon. 111. ..... Justices 0. F. Strickland, llieh., and ll '" IU- Territorial Officers. v,n' v- Contrreis Win. IT. Hooper. - v-Gonenil ZerubbaW Snow. V -i'-J- D- T. McAllister. lT:,TlS'ra. Clayton. v James Jack. ',--t;dent of Common Schools Rolert L. ctr- Salt Lake Connty Officer. , Judtie, Elius Smith. Lyraien, Ib.uben Miller, Isaac M. Stewart, ' Pavid Criuton. t-3UT.ll- S. Beattie. (i-riff, R. T- Burton. Prtcuting Attorney, Z. Snow, iiertsor aud Collector, R. J. Gcdding. Tourer, Theodore McKean. fcucty Clerk, K. W. Eat. Csritv Recorder. Edwin D. TToolley. (rtool Superintendent, Robert L. Campbell. City Officer. MiTOS. PMiel II. Wells. Aldeb&tey. In Municipal Ward, Isaac Oroo. 'ad " ' Samuel T. Richard. W " " A. II. Raleigh. " " Jeter Clinton. M " " A. C. Pyper. COC-CILORS. k T. Barton, Theodore McKean, Thomas Jen-bm Jen-bm Helwr P. Kimball, Henry Orow, John Clark, Bran McLelland, John R. Winder, Lowil 3. EJi. aworder Robert Campbell. insurer Paul A. Schettler. Marshal John D. T. McAllister. Acditor of Public Accounu Robert Canintell. JLessor and Collector John R. Winder. hperTisor of Streets Lsaac Groo. eVrpyor Jesse W. Fox. ksrd of School Inspectors Professor J. R. fk, Robert L. Campbell, Henry I. Doremiw. (ealer of Weights and Measures Xathan Davia. Captain of Police Andrew Burt. Water Master Isaac Groo. Iekpector of Buildings A. H. Raleigh. " u Wood and Lumbor 11. Dinwoodey. " Liquors Robert Campbell. " " Prorisious Jesse C. Little. Quarantine Pbysiciun Jeter Clinton. Chief Engineer Eire Department John D. T. McAllister. Board of Examining Physicians Doctors fT. F. Anderson, J. 8. Ormsby, Jeter Clinton. City Market Master Andrew Burt. " Sexton Joseph E. Taylor. " Stock Inspector U. J. Paost. Pnperintendent Insane ABylutn ajid II Ita leodore McKean. fhyiiciau Insane Asylnm and Iloepite -Jeter Clinton. FXXCE TIEWBRi. In Municipal Ward Lc-ri Riter. 2nd ' " Stunnol Turnbow. 3r4 " " Gideon II. C. Gibb. 4th " " ' Millen Atwood. ili " " W. C. A. Bmoot. |