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Show LAST NIGHT'S FLASHES. The German sanitary fair at Chicago is a big affair. Henry Wallack, actor, and father of J. W. Wallack, died on 'luesday. The New York Democratic State Convention meets at Rochester on the 21st. The Fall Biver manufacturers will employ Chinese, if necessary, to defeat the strike rs. Negotiations for the settlement of the late Chinese attaik ou foreigners are progressing. A fire on State street, Chicago, on Tuesday, destroyed eight houses, with a loss of $ 15,000. The German Bishops are meeting in Council oh the ratification of the decree de-cree of the Ecumenical Council. A. P. J. Buchanan, of California, was found dead in his bed in French's hotel, New York, on Tuesday morning. morn-ing. Bismarck is reported near Berlin; Napoleon is reported in a number of places at once. Paris says Bazaine is in con-tant communication with McMahon; Brussels Brus-sels says he isn't. The German army has hern ordered to camp as far as possible from the last battle-field, owing to the sickly exhalation-1. A case of Prussian uniforms has been found in the hou-c of u suspected person in Paris. Bismarck's nephew, who proposed to raise a llanovarian body of sharpshooters sharp-shooters to assist France, has been arrested ar-rested by the French as a spy. . Daily conferences arc reported in London Lon-don between the representatives of Russia, Austria and England. The Republicans of the third Congressional Con-gressional district of Illinois have renominated re-nominated H. C. Murchard to Congress Con-gress by acclamation. The London G'lulif .ays if the French don't achieve something immediately, there will be a million German soldiers in France in a fortnight. Antwerp deplores the bitterness with which the war is conducted on both sides, for it postpones the holies of peace, and the depres-ion of tiade and commerce continues. A coroner's jury on the late accident on the Camden and Amhoy railroad, censures the company for swift running run-ning and using frogs in their switches that do not admit of safe passage for the Pennsylvania cars. The excursion party to Denver left St. Louis on Tuesday evening. It numlers a hundred and twenty-five persons, including representatives ol the leading eastern newspapers and several members of Congress. It is said the North German envoy to St. Peter-burg has been instructed to a-k what is meant by the movement of Russian troops on the Pulish frontier. fron-tier. The new Democratic organ at Washington, Wash-ington, is to be published on this 1 4 ill of November, ami to be called the I'ntriut. James E. Harvey will be editor-in chief, and O. K. Harris managing man-aging editor. Persons arrived from Paris via London, express astonishment at the enterprise of prominent American newspapers news-papers with regard to the war news, and tay they publish more concerning the movements of the armies than the combined newspapers of those capitals. |