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Show OC.DEX HOUSE, a'a Street, Ogden, Utah. rflr"'i fivorito Hoiie, having been recently rono-a-d furni-hod throughout with patent J . p" re !. the proprietor feels confident la being j enti-.e satislactiou to Day Biianlora. k an 1 ttw traveling comnnmil.t , at a rea p-..e. The table i supiiliod froltl both the itJ i D' '' ' kwt marke ts. A hack will run to . ' ": t'upiti carry pas-engcrs to the house iZ tllt; kttiihxl to tlie house is a fine bar JOHN JIAHON, WATfTED. ot more ihn ftjar Un, i'lFTX CEiTS each insert in-sert ion. WANTED Work, fcy a stlT, actiTc y,uiig man. RKlraii gardening. Apply Ap-ply at tb Herald fBc. TO R.ENTA ta-rooDid aom-e. on tae bide el ttit Sth Ward are. Can bo let partly fs; nibhed. Apply te JuM. Robbias.en the premises. liUSTZVESS CARD8. DR3.J,M.F.D.8NDSCT AND PR ACT IS I -N" G P H Y S I CIANS. Office at the Co-operative Drugstore. MI OGLE Y & EVANS, Ilouse and Sign Painters and Grainers. Second South Street. FIRST NATIONAL HANK OF UTVII. Salt Lake City, Utah Tor. AV. F. Anderson M. D., Surgeon and Physinian. Office at Residence., in tha Thirteenth Ward. Z. SNOW. E. D. HOGE. SNOW &. HOGE, Attorneys and Counselors at Law Salt Lake City, Utah. Office at Snow's corner, 1 st East St. GRASS CANON COAL CO. We are now prepared to furnish Better foal at Cheaper Rates Than any other mines in the country. For sale at the U. C. R. R. depot, in this city, for cash or grain. Apply to ST. DAVIS, at the defot. JOSEPH A. VODNG. DINWOODEY'S UPHOLSTERY AND FURNITURE MANUFACT'Y, 1st Strati Street, Salt Lake City. SAIxE ROOMS, EAST TEMPLE STREET A Large Assortment of HOME-MADE and IMPORTED FtTKNITURE Constantly on hand. COFFINS, PLAIN and ORNAMENTAL Always in Stock. jInwSeu Manufacturer and General Dealer in PUKE VIXEGAK, Fine and Coarse Salt, POTTERY, WILLOW-WARE, MOLASSES, Etc., Etc. Idaho Store, R.r.r. Hon" Corner. 50.000 Shinnies. 30,000 l.nth. 8,000 It I.nmher. 200 Cedar Posta, WOOD D COAL FOB SALK. Will take anythinc in exchanre t,ia 1 t.ir.a rercentateonn be realty o. on. uch . Second hand Waeos. I nam, o ..... . Hovohcrs. ana product.- o. t.': t";vrra and tactonts- Also for sale, Three Winona. S0 NVv A .'Mratie.-.:. Five Acres band, m brisnton Half City Lot, in Twentieth " a J- w . 100 Mod - Lot, in A.... " half planted with aborted trui.. c Small House and piece c! ci. Ward. . , - t- r--he 23 Acres Grass Land, in I rar.. -. '-L- iiVa"y- JOHN IV. SSF.I.I.. Address JOH- ",iBlloSlore. IHore of tlio "War ! PftR I PEACE PKEPAHE FOH M AR! r,.t r-ttr r,,n.. r:--.'. T-.""-' 'V. F ..-ir.s ..-ir.s T.-.-k.c. !. -;! f- rt' -T i-r "" '!-""-,r' r"' r ' i A ' - - . s, ; I;-. Wbiv. A-- , : r .1.1.- ' r r. J.:.-. :r a. ! JAM E II At. I E, Salt Lake House. V. LIT! Ml. 1 .. i :.:r: " n k- ( n m 'i n a t i o s It:.. Ti .lew vl CwChi Slalt Diosma Crenata Baehn lave. Mxmcai. Propbetiis Psi Ftia liv,v ate ffpntlr sliirmWit. witii a pswwNw lsniAj tw the 15rit)ftrT OrraTis. Tbey ar gircu in complaint e U. Urinar)- OrgaM, such aa Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Di--a of the Prostate Gland, and Reten ticn or Imxjutineiice of Vrine. from a Ions of ton in the riru concerned ia its eraenalion. The rem. edy ha also Wn recommended in rj-.-psia, CTironic Hheumatwun, CnlaDeoue Affectioert and Dropsy. HELMBOUi'a Kxtract Bcchv i vvA by pen.en from the as"' of 18 to 2. aiid from 35 to M, or the decline or change of life; after Confinement Labor Paiiu; Eed-Wetliug in children. In affection peculiar to fviaalee, the Extract Bu- I cha if nueualed by any other remedy, as iu Chlorosis, Chloro-sis, or Retention, Irn-fc-iilajity, rinfulne or Suppression Sup-pression of ou'teniary eTacnalionu, rioerated Schii-ruust:iteof the utt'rn. U-ncorrha-aor While... DI3EASF.S o the Bla.Ulex, Ki-lueyB, Orayel Drop-ica! Swelling. Thie uiedirine inerae power of Digestion, and excites the alorbeut healthy action, by which th walery or calcare d.riUM t.aaaa miaarrj lJriurlj ! duced, ai w ell a pain or iaflaainiatioii. TIf.lmboI-D's Extr.ct Brenr haj urd erery of DiaUtes in wliicli it h.u b.-en giren. In-itatio. of the Neck of Blad.ler, and Inflammation of the Kidneys, Ulceration of the Kidneys Bladder, Retention of Urine, lJieeaf of the Prostate Pros-tate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Cl ulu", avtl Bri.-k-Diwt Im-i it.ai.J Ma.-tw or DiilVy di. hai if", and f.r enfeebled and dt-liiaie con'tinili.n", of iKjth sexes, attended wuh the folloaing symptoms: j Indisposition to nnrtion. Lo- of Power, Us of Memory. Inih. uliy cf Dre-iluntt. Weak Kerres, Trembling. Horn of Bieeaee, Wakefidnws, Utm-M Utm-M of Tu-ioa, 1'a.n m the Pk, Jl' t Ilauda, Flushing of B.sJy, I'ryiie-n of u.a akin, Eruption Erup-tion oa the Palhd Csnntenan..., Cnir.rsal Lasitude of the u.- ular sT.im, . IIlLMUOLi s KITUCT III c u L i. biaretH and Wood piu;f ing, and our. aJl di'i ansir.ir fr..ui hal.ju of dissi.tiolj. rjl.-"ul. S J.IT1A I UllbC II a B'r.ie rii ' n.e dy f.r ti, l..)t.t.g tt'.-n th u.e of A.(.l w..ter h. h v -o v , d i. ''-1 i'. tbs a st ixT.nJr.g a!n,os! e.ers j.ri ui t f. i r p n to its t-a-of-ll ..''-a S ,1 t j k ; dru..' at 1 (' .'.'" 11.. r-. ! f lb a- T. k. J-. .. j. -:. 1-' . ' " i - r' - 1 l" ' a : : :.i : ::; v . : s i N .'. t . : . l.t. - . : - i.; 1. t J t. l-:.i. : ; -, 'i. - .. '. ' .' : ' ' ' ' W.-.i . a:. 1 . :.-A U T. l.'KI-V!! ! MuseuM ! MENAGERIE. Half Block At of Trest. Yonuj'i rt'sitlt iter. JOll.N AT. YOUMG, Ksq., Prop. Interest irg collcoticMt of IXDIAIY K VA ICS 5 IV ATI YE TCF.ASTS. 1HUDS AM) ItEPTlLKS, Wolverines, Hears, Foxes, Mountain Deer, l.yn. Wild Cats, A.C., Panorama! Of the principal cities of the world. Tha ilamraotbj Skeleton! And other'Fosiul. Hiappy Family, Important collection, ot ZVsilivo Uliiioral Open every day, except Sunday, from 9 a. 111. to I. ii Admission RO rt. Children, H Families and Schools half the usual price on Saturdays, or by'privatc arrangement. Feeding Time, Hp. KeMr, - - ?;tfllorG O R Stni.'ssimi. Artist, - Mobj. J. A. Uikenou. h de la Hal J.L.. Tl A R FOOT, Manager. Wm. II. Hooper, 11. S. Kldredge, L. S. Hills. Iloopr, Eldretlge Co., BANKERS. Past Tfmi'I.b St., Salt I.akk Citv, D IWai.,rs in Gold Dust, Coin, Ktchanoft, ,nd Warrants, Ktc. Collections made nnd i.romi'lly ro-aiitlcd- CORUESPONDENTS: Rigcs .1 Co., New Vert. Rank fitTulif'Tiiia, San J'rnciw'O, First National Rank, )ii'-nK', Kxclinnge Rank, St. Imi.i, Firt National Hunk, Omaha. J. S. Morgan A Co., ndin. Dr.AV. II. (aHOVI'S, MECHANICAL DENTIST. T--tb fill'! W'tl wrrriitkJ ivrt hm IliTt'-fl "n ljfftt-nt .rr..u IT-'-.", ft '"i M,(ir Wlb to a full -t, yrumm r'E t't O -'O v40TO$200 Pw f.,l eat. f aOV lion jarianll i II s OFFICE On C'd South Urcl, ' do'irn ,-t of r.ov.re Jl'iu1-'.. Suit Ikk) C ty. TO THE WOOL GROWERS OK UTAH. I will r'f-.re WOOL in !",: f r ' t.'i'1 y-'i. at tl',- I)-rt 'tiln lill', ! K.ir.t'.ri I't. ii. .-.,:t nil im; o voni wool. .J, W. ( "11 in in in-. |