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Show Tiireats. For years this community commu-nity have borne slanders of the vilest character heaped upon them, and have said comparatively nothing. They bore it quietly, patiently, until their maligners have come to consider they could outrage decency without stint or limit and pass unquestioned. Yet mark how it works, when the truth is told in a limited degree concerning the public and private enemies of the community. com-munity. Twice within a week have members of the editorial staff of this paper been threatened with, personal violence for commenting upon matters for which reporters and editors elsewhere else-where would laugh at being made the objects of such attacks. Twice have they been stopped on the public streets and have been personally abused, those who did so seeking to piovoke retaliation retalia-tion as an excuse to use deadly weapons. weap-ons. We wish to tell these belligerent individuals, and others who may feel similarly disposed, that we have no intention in-tention of engaging in any breach of the peace. If we offend any law, we will try and meet it ; and they will just as surely find that no personal threats will have the slightest influence in deterring us from performing a public duty. If there are any more repetitions repeti-tions of such outrages upon any person connected with this paper, those guilty will find that law reigns in Salt Lake City, and that they will have to meet its requirements. , |