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Show A CHANGE. We take pleasure in announcing that from this date John T. Caine, Esq., will be interested in and associated with the Salt Lake Herald. Mr. Caine will assume the position of Managing Editor ; Mr. Sloan will continue General Gen-eral Editor ; and Mr. Dunbar will be General Agent. The Herald will, as heretofore, be an independent paper, not the organ of any person or party, but the defender of the civil, religious and political rights of the whole people, with whom its proprietors have been identified by the warmest associations of life for long years past, and whose interests are identical with their own. It will speak frankly, honestly and fearlessly. ,It has no contest . with anything except corruption and wrong, and these it will combat wherever found. Its creed is : Equal rights to all. Its policy : The Constitution is supreme. We wish it distinctly understood that the Herald is not published in opposition oppo-sition or rivalry to any of its contemporaries. contempo-raries. Those who advocate the principles prin-ciples of liberty, justice, truth and right will find its conductors shoulder to shoulder with them. But there is work for it to do. " The field of labor is large, and there is ample room for all. Its proprietors believe they cannot successfully suc-cessfully buiid themselves up by pulling others down, and they design to pursue pur-sue a straightforward business course, with the motto "Live and let live!" Without making further specific promises, it may be stated that no effort ef-fort will be spared to make the paper one that will be useful and valuable to the public, commercially, secularly and politically. |