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Show SAM FRANCISCO TRADE. WILMERDING II KELLOGG, Importer anil Jutjliri of Wines and Liquors, 214 ic aii FRONT STl'.KKT, JT MAS nntciiro. JNO. G. HODGE & CO., IMl'OKTKUS Wholesale Stationers, Kc-f 11,4 'urt ''f Ittllnntry, lllank Honk. Mrheol Uovki, l'laliK ( anlt, Wrp- Tu;!irgt Puvk't C"frryt dc.t if , On (). :f! O I." h tfmy ( f, rH t, itl.ar U.t ij-a.l -t t.nr.n' at L,n. M u.t w,il .,rT..r tn'luratn-ia ( f Lurais ai.;!.nri wl f tin aVw ay U-.uaiIjuJ. 3-7, 2-j i j;;t SANsOMK STREET, ft. 11 fcu If raw :co. Win. T. U3 noMs V Co., 7A'; W1XES ,1.7; LlqUORS, A g nt for l(ornltum n d O. I. Ill tiers. i-A A 4.. lUiiet y .-A , f-u tiu. . r-tj rul af-f)(i. n 4 l-, Cl. '-!- iAa i Ml"-aJ a4.4 ru.n u.. Bill E. MARTIN & Co., M in ;inl I,iiuoi tin Vl'.O.V T bTKLKT, NAM HIA.NCM O. h. hi:k f. a,5 MURPHY.GRANT & G0. Iinpurtrri of American and Kuropeaa Fa lie j' and Staple DRY GOODS, H.YIN ritANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, nc to f nil ths ftttentlnn of ih Trade to their Urge in I ar ir.i ii..-k. cmnp ruiUK cutnplot IkitM ol the tulli.wiii Kuuild : SILKS 9 lilack, Colored and Kaneyi VELVETS, DRESS GO0DS,K".".rr.,r HOSIERY, KID GLOVES, GENTS' FURNISH'G GOODS, CORSETS, WHITE GOODS, o,.v.ryk.d. QUILTS, HANDKERCHIEFS, K.ukacL't":S: SHIRTING & HOUSEKEEPING HOUSEKEEP-ING LINEN. SHAWLS LCC' Uro1'' t"aiilii"er, LU I UN J, all kind. COTTONADES. O JEANS, CASSIMERES. FLANNELS,"" co'or:u.",,,a""- BLANKETS, Which tluy offer on- Liberal Terms. ) ARMES & DALLAM, Importers, Jobbers anil HAM FACTIUK.HS OF WoodsWillowWare iuxms, rAit s.Trits. rnvKX-5. imrsH KS IIASKKIS. TW'INV'S COHPACE. MAT! llt-S. sr.VTIONI-'.KY 1'Al'l.K uai;s. I'umus vkini;iks, x'r'ATH H 1USTKKS Klsll-1MI Klsll-1MI T.U'Kl.l-'.Tl S V1NS AM) HALLS. I 'IV., AND lit.MXlL House Furnishins Goods. PlnFCTIVPOKTVKS OF PAfKFTS FROM LKAIHMS UKKMAN AMI FUK-NCU AGENTS FOE THK 8AL OF P. F. Fereu"ion Mutch Company' Matches, American Net and t wine Couipy'sTwines, llwlon Fl.x Milis. Twines, J. C Conn-y A Com.iuy'j Ki?h ini Tekl , H eliiowcrth A N nimey's I'.per Bag?, Sherman's Improved Clothe S rtuger?. C. K. vinsiwoUl 4 CoiupAny's Feather. Dusters F, McLaughlin', bruhe?. Our stock is the largest on the Pacific Coajt, and our facilities tor manufacturing and iuiiHuir.f enable us 10 sell at lowost market price. VUSKSD FOR CATALOGUE. 2I5&2I7 Sacramento St, San Fran. all Ml STARRS CAMPBELL BISCUIT BAKERS, ! And manufacturers of Sxta, Boitnn, Butler, Pic lc. Sugar, Jltlk. Rud L.a Grande Jetirtv Lind t'skos. Ginger Snapp?, , Pilot Isroftd, Saloon Pilot Bread, i.:c. j Th N?Tt? CtTivker? ar KkiJ frwh Ja:1t, cd of the Try Ive-t uwn'ni'lvu. Ail in:ei".ls useU id thur niAxm ac tur rv ol Llio Nrl uaIi'.v. j Bakery " ! 0 ami Mission St., and 403 mc rnrnto Mm I SAX FRANCISCO Jam SproaiK-, Joh Spmanoa, C.C. Oilman.; J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importers acd Wbcle: IWe in WINES ANQ LIQUORS,! H -LIS FRONT STRKKT. BRITTAN, HOLBROOK & CO Importers ni Dealers in Stoves & Ranges, SHEETIRCN &T1M PLATE, Copper, Zinc, Sheet Lead. Wire, PCMTS, Isead axicl Iron Iir. TIX.EKS' GOODS, TckjIs and Machinery and General HOUSE FURNISHINC HARDWARE, Embracing Plain, Jaranned. Planished and Scamped Ware, Vo. Ill 113 Cailformla and oa. 17 A- 19 Davis Streets. GRAND HOTEL On Market. Jw Montgomery aad Second SLreeti, BAW niAMClSCO, Cf T. JOKN'SOX & Co., Pbopmetobs. a THE BANK of -CALIFORNIA SA.V FRA-SC1SCO. D. 0. MILLS. PRESIDENT. W. 0. RALSIOX. - CAsHZR. Capital Paid lp, - 53,000,000. DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS of Credit on all the .principal cities of the j LUMBER YARD. ; SALT LAKE i i And Truckee LUMBERYARD GREAT ! I liijiJuuiiuii A Larre Stoclc of" Windows, 12, 8 and -t Lighta. SashandSashDoors I'RLMED AND GLAZED. VENETIAN BLINDS. i Oreijon, Sugar ine and Jiedicood TLOOHIiXG, CEILING, SIDLVG, KU8TIC. Redwood Ornamental and Svgur Fine i PICKETS Pressed, Gear, Seasoned. litdicood and Sugar Pine j i Architrave, Base, j Crown, Bed, ! Panel, j Walnscott-Capj MOULDINGS. i j I i Sugar Fine . j ! Jj J. T jEIJ smvKES. i i Sugar Hne and Rtdicood SHINGLES I Coufcraets mada for ! BATTERY aD MINING TIMBERS AT Keduced Rates. D W P Z. C. M. I. COLUMN. ' Z.C.I.I. Wholesale DRY GOODS DEPT f p St iii t'tnprt'un Butilin-ji, A full. firt-eiaa '.i-it STAPLE DRY GOODS, AOTIOAS, BOOTS and SHOES, AT LOW PRICES. Wholesale buyers and Co operaiiv Dealeni tleae inspect. Retail Departm'nt, EMPORIUM BUILDINGS, ; THE FINEST DISPLAY AND ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, WE CUT IN ANY LENGTHS AT A SMALL ADVANCE ON WHOLESALE. This is the Department. for Families. ! CLOTHING DEP'T. 1 HOME-MADE AND I IIP OETED MANUFACTURED FBOil HO.ME-.MADK, FREXCH, ; GERMA.N, j ENGLISH and AMERICAN FABRICS Fine Cassimeres, and Cloths Trimmings On hand, for .Gentlemen ordering their own. 49- FIRST-CLASS FITTERS AND WORKMEN TO FILL ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY. I, GROCERY! HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, ; CONSTITUTION BUILDINGS, ' Purchasers ean here find ! I An Immense Stock, AND IN EACH BRANCH A GREAT VARIETY . j IMPLEMENTS, TOOLS AND; MACHINERY ALL OX THE PREMISES. ' Miners Supplies a Specialty i i DRUG DEP'T. : Fancy and Staple Drags. PATT MEDICINES, ; LIQUORS IN GREAT VARIETY ; : ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER, AVEHILL PAIST . WHITE LEAD, OILS, COLORS! , GLASS, ETC. , t Praicripticnis from Physicians will hare tpta'al attention. D. C. BUTTERFIELD ! MINERS' Outfitting Goods, ' blMSSED INDUCEMENTS Examine the Stock and Judge for yourselves. jstore in Groesbeck's Block, Opposite the Elephant Store. I mylT (FIRE-PROOF ! AND BURGLAR ISAPES. 1 FAIRBANKS' : Scales for Weighing Ore, : from 500 to 2,500 lbs., scon, mm l co s, Main Street, West side, ' Next door to White House, LOW FOIl CASH. ALL KINDS OF ASSAYER'STOOLS At CALL ULO'S. LUMBER YARDS, LUMBERYARD I have opened a new Lumber Yard in the U. C. DEPOT BLOCK, North si-le the Pafiecsr Der or, ini-ie the1 enclosure for the present. ALL ELYDS of LOEBEE TEOS, R. JONES. Barron & Co.'s LUMBER YARD Corner of First South, and Third est Streets, one Block. South, of Railroad Depot, at the end of Track Lake City, Have eonsraEt'y cn l all decr:ptioni o: Uio. iraciee and Ci'liomia Kedwood LUMBER. SHINGLES, LATH AND PICKETS. A 10 A FULL AiSOSTiajT OF DOORS, SASH, BLLS'DS AXD MOULBISGS. Special Orders from Lumber Dealers and Bnllden filled on short notice The p'j'ollc are invited to call; and & fair portion oipauonaee reapecuoiiy solicited, Harrow fc co. CHICAGO TRADE. m'dT WELLS L CO., " Roots and Shoes, lift . 1 16 Vabah Arc, Chicago. M t ; H J. V-frlLi. - ' " - ' V .-Ir -.v--. VAN SCHAACK, ; STEVENSON &. REID VIIOLlALK .DRUGGISTS Dealer In PAINTS, VAPS1SHES, OILS, DYE STIFFS, Br.USHES, Window Glass, Glassware Patent Medicine, too. ( 9 a, Jt 04 Lake St-, cor. Dearborn tz: 3 a : m.cc V;.:h a larce eiperienoe in the Territorial '.ra tf. we Uc jre of iiviu Alb:oUon id FIRE BRICK, I KNOLISII AND AMERICAN. ROBINSON & SON, , 215 East Madison Street, Chicago, III. HKHUiS IIOLSll B- II. Skinner, Proprietor. Corner AVelU and pTT f p p f llandulph MrtfU, j 11 I j A U J . : This Uou?e is centrallv located, well fur-ai.-bed. an i contains -V' Konma. d".y DIEBOLD &. KIEN2LE, I Succeeworu to Diebold, Bahnuuin & Co., CELEBRATED CINCINNATI FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES, And Sargent's Magnetic and Automatio Bank Hl, 2 JEk &tfm PKATT & COVERT. General Agents So Washington St., Chicago. II. B. CLAWSOS, Sunt. Z. C. M. I., Agent for t'tn Territory. KEITH BROTHERS, Manufacturers and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND FURS Millinery and Straw Goods, 68 i 50 w.bmii a., PTJTPSPn 3 . 4 Dearborn Place, UHlOllU U Jl CHASE, HANFORD & CO., 51 South Water St., CHICAGO, Headquarters for Oils, Paints, Glass, &c, Manufacturers of the celebrated W ILIS X OIL TANK. .t!3 iae, itno.v co., Importers and De&lera in 'LEATHER AND FINDINGS 50 Lake Street, 1 CHICAGO, 1 1 o26 , Lake Shore Oil Works. MAXWELL, WHEELER &. CO., Manufacturers of ' Engine, Signal, Tallow, Lard and WOOL, OILS. Dealers in Headlight Carbon, "Whale I Elephant, Seal and Sperm Oils, Agents for the sale of PRATT'S ASTRAL OIL. Agents of the Weat Virginia Oil and Oil Land MASTJTACTTTEIBa 07 EXCELSIOR CAR, ROOF AN 3 IRON PAINT For Tin and Shingle Roofs, Bridge Timbers, Ac. 1 Factory. CHICAGO. Office, 393 & 3V9 Illinois Su, 108 S. "Water Street, J di4 NEW YORK TRADE. Pool, NazrOj Kimball & Co., WHOLESALE GROCERS 35 'Warren St., cor Church, J. H. BULGER. New York (a News to Housekeepers ! A barrel of Flour makea forty pounds more of Bread with SEA FOAM POflTDEE. Ne time required for dough to raise, butbake in a hot oven as soon as mixed. SEA FOAM save? Fg?s, Shortening. Milk, Etc., and is a wonderful economy. THK SEA FOAM IS AN ENTIRELY EW l.WEXTlOV, WITHOUT a.vy op i he bad qualities of yeast or baklgpov- LEKS, SODA uK SALE RAT Us. GEO. F.(iA2sTZ & Co., Manufacturers, m26 1.6 Duane Street, N. Y. C. A. Longstxeet. John Sedgwick.- LONSSTREET & SEDGWICK Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in MEN'S & SOYS' CLOTHING, 466 fc 468 Broadway, 5ew York. oil FELIX CAMPBELL, 79 John St, New York, Manufacturer of and Dealer in "Wrought, Cast and Galvanized And e:ery variety of jit tings for the same. mlT HENDERSOUUSTICE&Co Successor! to GriSen, Henderson k Co m?0STEH3 AXD JOBBEHS OF F1CY GOODS, XOTIOM ' i FURNISHING GOODS. ETC.. 49S &. 500 BROADWAY, Opposite 8t, icholas Hotel, New York. I MENAGERIE. One block west of President Youngs Kediience. IjOHX W. YOVXG, - Prop. SaUvt Beasti, Blrdj and Reptile! j TTolTeTinea Bearsu Fores, ilouataia Deer, L.TLX, Li Cits, &4- ' iaiporxart collection cf Satire Hineral j Admission. oO eta. Cliildreu, lO 4" Open every day except Sunday, from ; S ajn. lo 5 p.m Feedin; Time, 3 p. in. Animals purchased for Pood for the Wild Bias's of the Alcnagerie. Prof. J. L BARFOOT, Manager " BUILDERS. 1 1 Utah Fire Stone!' SILICIOUS QUARTZITE. MOREIS & EVAXS, BUILDERS, EAST TEMPLK STRKKT, SALT LAKE CIIV. 1 I FURXACLS, Cl'POLAS AXD' ROASTERS ERECTED OX THE SII0R1EST X0T1CE. Adire.-a AS above. P. 0. Fox 31. nsyU j : SHELDON & CO., ( Architects and Builders,' rlliST EAST STKKF.T, One and a-half block, .outh of tlie Ibr.lre, ala R. R. MELROSE & CO., Carpenters 1 and Builders, Frame iluildiugs delivered and put up iu auy of tlie Mini ni; Camps adjacent to Salt Lake City. Shops in Commercial Street. m-l w" SB B ! in I 1 pes fsi ?3 3 C3 g fed " if b3 ! " 3 & i J CONFECTIONERY. Just Kcceivcd, H. WALLACE'S, A choice lot of HAM AXD EGGS IN CANS, CONDENSED MILK, ENGLISH PICKLES, OYSTERS, PIGS, DATES, LAYER RAISINS, MAPLE SUGAR, ORANGES AND LEMONS, ALSO CUTTING'S CELEBRATED PIE FRUITS AND JELLIES. c20 WAGON AND GA-RR1AGE. RAILROAD SHOPS. : ft HflPPFR J? CO Ml I Ivl Lb I I UV UWI Second South Street, Half Block East Revere House, SALT LAKE CITY. WAG N CARRIAGE AVORK, Of all Descriptions. HARNESS Made and Repaired. BLAGKSMITHINC j or all Kinds. CARRIAGE PAINTINE A.D IRIfflKC, A. HOPPER. E. B. ZABSISKTE. f3 DJewMusic Store! DAYNES & CO., violins, ji-Li!iiij accordeons, GUITARS - -St- CONCERTINAS, BANJOS, J : j 1 BANDONIONS, STRINGS, z?iifiJi- FLUTES. In-itriK-iion Hooks for all ins!ni'.uoiu Al.-o a lari;e akvt of the new AMKUK'AX ORGAN, urououiu-cJ ly all whj havo tried it tar suerior to mi cheaper than auy other. , iliefervaires : Siguor A. Farini, Trof. 0. Pratt, aud others. Gv.H'.d PIANOS, from upwards. A full suvk of SHKET MUSIC on hand, which the luitvha.-cr c:vi have tried hy a nnisieian on the promises. TWO IXiiJiiS I.AST OV T1IK VOST Ol Tit K. mil Z. C. M. I. BOOT AND SHOE Dopnrtmenl, itt tlt wynol Every style and qualiu-of Boots and Shoes MA DM TO ORDER, eatisfae. tion guaranteed. ALWAYS ON HAND A I.AlUiF. AND CHOICK STOCK OK IIOIE-MADE,.,,,Slir,l!00TSAXI)SlIOES A FULL ASSOKTMKNT OF Shoe Findings, Horse Collars and all kinds of leather HIDES W A N T lu I) . n. 11. CI.AWSON. Sl'l'KHl STFKHRNT, i: HO TEL, IiOAUDING AND PRIVATE HOUSE-: HOUSE-: "ViV f ' S KEEPERS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR W m INTEREST TO CaLL AT fSSptS Furniture Rooms 'Mr'iii 1 KA Sr TEMPLE STREET, j - v-'jry M'hore can be parchaed SOLID WALNUT SOLID WALNVT Fine Se(8 of Bedroom Fine Parlor Se. 8100 to aOO Fn.nlnirc, Irom SOO to 8 1 00 D'l.lc ll. llea.U, " H lo 80 F. L. Tables, b to 0 Bleat hale. - - 914acn. Cane Seat ninlnff Room Chnlr.. Wood Seat, - 8 1 B 0 l.ncl li ..th Oak aud W alnut, 81a to uer et Do. Do. - S1J .nj 18 peraot Knock down and boxed, Spri7ig, Wool and Straw Mattrasscs, all prices, according to quality. Walnut Lumber lor .ale, from 1 8 to 20ct. per foot, at H D' Furnituro Faetorj N.B.-FLANING DONK WITH DISPATCH. .1 - HARDWARE. HARDWARE. , C. H. BASSETT, a 1 i HARDWARE STORE 1 I M S Al.kiod.of ' - i 5 HEAVY HARDWARE, " - a Iron aud Nteel, I 5 S Stoves and Tin Ware Pfft ,-2 BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implementi 1 itSiL And Mining Tool, m-m O At Loweit Ratei. lEEa OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOCB 1 ' n!6 THE CELEBRATED Farmers and Teamsters THERE ABE NINE REASONS Why You Should Buy the above Wagon FIRST, They are made of the best selected Isdlan'A Tlmbeb, thorough seasoned under cover. SKCO D, They are made by experienced free labor. THIRD, The lightest running and most durable agon in the .Marnei. F U KT II, Their Thimble Skeins never break, while all others do. FIFTH, Most uniform and best proportioned Wagon in Market; any pan of ODe will fit another, while other "makes" will not. ..,. SIXTH, The only Wagon in which the SLOPE SHOLLDER SPKA" used ; hence they have the best Wheel, which U actually the foundation 01 m Waeon. and should be carefully examined by persons buying. u-.n SEV TH, They are sold only by responsible parties ; and every 8U , is warranted to give entire satisfaction. r , 1 EIGHTH, Because Teamsters will tfU you they are the best Wagon, ) all purposes, on the road. . . . TN TH, Last but not least : Studebaker Brothers are practical men, tend to their business personally, and do not entrust it entirely to forem.en' er is generally the case in large factories; hence the superiority of their vforK all others. Sold by JNO. T. CAINE, al "HERALD" OFFICE, Salt Lake City- 'BENEDICT, HALL & CO., JUXCTACTUIIEKS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN . Boots and Shoes, HAVE REMOVED TO Vos. 134 and 13G GRASP STBEE1 Corner Cresbv, TFW YORK. One Block East of .Broadway, J ii II XV |